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  • in reply to: Peripheral Neuropathy #68110

    I wish someone had said that in 2011….. Mine is still in the toes but much better! I just wear heavy socks almost all the time!

    in reply to: Getting ready for another ct scan #68089

    Btw, letting everyone know I won’t have results until Monday. It’s inhumane…..

    And thanks for all the well wishes!

    in reply to: Getting ready for another ct scan #68086

    Pam: I just saw Lauren’s post and will be praying extra hard for BOTH of us tomorrow. I agree that ct scans are much easier. I keep my eyes closed in the MRI and pretend I’m on a very noisy beach with some jack hammering idiot close by! And no, hijack away! I’ve done it, too.
    Nancy: I would love to meet you! Yes i will be at Basking Ridge. If you want to “hang out” at the clinic I will be there at 11 to drink the kool aid. If not, I should be done by 12:30-1 and will be REALLY hungry! We could meet for a late lunch, too. Btw I will be the tallest woman and probably the tallest person in the room! Ha!
    I am praying that I can post the “all calm” post again so people can have more faith in the stereotactic radiation. It would give so much more hope!! I believe it was a shot in the dark whether it would work.

    in reply to: Can’t Operate – Too Close to Blood Vessel?? #67954

    According to my surgeon, Dr. Fong, at Sloan Kettering, the tumor in my liver has obliterated 2 of the 3 hepatic arteries and is wrapped at least partially around my vena cava. He says he would have to cut it off and do an oblation to burn the cells that he can’t cut off. The same for the lymph nods that have “wrapped around” parts of my pancreas, duodenum and small intestines.I would be very interested to hear from a surgeon that tumors, etc don’t actually adhere to veins, etc. It would probably cause me to get another opinion.

    in reply to: 3-year scan results!! #67829

    Randi: what fantastic news, and what better time to get it? I am so happy for you. Stories like yours give us hope so keep the good news coming for years and years!

    in reply to: Update on Jeff’s surgery – sad news #67852

    Percy: thanks for posting this. I will define lay keep this in mind and pass it on to some of our members that may not be reading this link…

    in reply to: Clinical Trial at National Institute of Health #63489

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is another ray of hope for us. God willing the cancer cells in my body stay quiet, but I will definitely keep this in mind should I need. I don’t tolerate chemo for long so this might be an option in the future if needed. I hope I don’t but its good to know. Have a great holiday and celebrate!!

    in reply to: Update on Jeff’s surgery – sad news #67846

    I am so sorry to hear about Jeffs aborted surgery. It’s so frustrating! I hope you can all enjoy the holidays and start a new treatment plan in 2013.


    I meet with my oncologist in Jan and I will be happy to find out any info I can from my biopsy of the liver tumor. The lymph nodes have not and may never be biopsied.
    And I never saw “trying to help’s” post. But I was on sporadically for a while.

    in reply to: 5th reoccurrence #67815

    Lisa: I, too, was hoping your rising numbers were a glitch. I am so sorry that you had to get this news at all, but especially before Christmas. I just thank God you caught it early. You are in my daily prayers and I will continue to pray that the doctors come up with a plan for you soon.


    Wow! This must have taken quite a lot of time. To make it easier you might have started a thread asking… But I know we don’t always respond. Your spreadsheet could get very involved with treatment courses and success/failure rates. The biggest problem I see is that there are an unknown amount of mutations of cc. Personally there are currently 2 different cc mutations in my body: 1 in the liver tumor and another in the lymph nodes. They do not respond to all chemos the same.

    in reply to: Hello #67336

    Clarem: love love this news! My fingers toes and everything else will be crossed and prayers sent for a successful resection on Monday.

    in reply to: We saw the Oncologist today…. #67577

    What good news especially at this time of the year! I am so happy for your family!!

    in reply to: need help for my dad #67151

    I’m so sorry to hear this news. I was hoping you would be able to transfer to Sloan or NY Pres for better treatments.
    You and your family are in my prayers for strength and healing.

    in reply to: CA 19-9 Numbers Increase #67571

    My prayers are always with you. And Lisa: your numbers are still lower than mine and the cancer in my body is showing few signs of activity right now. Please remember that it’s ony a number and stay strong!

Viewing 15 posts - 691 through 705 (of 1,167 total)