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  • in reply to: Does anyone have teeth problems? #59682

    I have strong teeth, also, but I have had my share of cavities. I had a molar break in half while eating popcorn at the movies a few years ago. I went to the dentist and got fitted for a crown. The next week I had ANOTHER molar break in half while eating popcorn at the movies. So I had ANOTHER crown! What are the odds? It was a really expensive couple of movies. Now I eat much more carefully and make sure I don’t eat anything really hard or overly chewy.
    As for the chemo, If Lauren was or is on Xeloda, they told me it might cause teeth problems along with the mouth sores. So that might be a factor?
    And I also agree with LeeAnn: I find myself gritting my teeth a lot this past year.

    in reply to: Back again… #59663

    First off, congratulations on weathering so many Gem/Ox treatments. My experience with Oxy, although only 6 cycles, was that it is cumulative so any side effects I had increased per cycle. I started with nausea after the 2nd or 3rd cycle and it progressively got worse.
    I would definitely call my onc TODAY to see what they can do: either pills or suggestions on what to eat. Chicken broth worked great for me, but it doesn’t have a lot of nutrients. So I supplemented with nutritional drinks.
    Good luck, and call TODAY!!!

    in reply to: starting chemo again #59553

    I saw that. I’m mostly afraid of getting sick because I live alone. I’m not so much afraid of much else (ok, a little afraid of dying) but I don’t have anyone here to care for me if I get really sick and that scares the heck out of me.
    I’ll be on 2150 daily dose of Xeloda. That’s 8 big and 2 little ones a day. Hopefully I weather it as well as you did. I joked with the nurse about how I was supposed to feel my feet hurt and crack when I have neuropathy from the oxy?? I guess I’ll have to do a visual every day. She said at least I can laugh. What choice do I have?
    And believe me I’m having a few pity cries lately. I was SO CLOSE to resection! It was scheduled for this Wed. (the 4th).

    in reply to: starting chemo again #59551

    Hey, Pam:
    He has to be stupid! He decided I wasn’t important enough in his life!! How stupid can that be??
    I knew it wasn’t forever, but I don’t want to be alone. It’s scary to think about. Don’t worry: I’ll get thru it. I always do.

    in reply to: Starting new treatment soon #59634

    I’ll be a day or two ahead of you. I don’t even want to tell you what my copay is for the drug! If it wasn’t so much I would have laughed! Well, you can’t get blood out of a stone. $350 for 2 cycles and we’re shooting for 4 cycles. Yours will be less, because I’m sure you aren’t 6’1″ with a corresponding weight.
    I’m sure you’ll do fine with the Xeloda. I’m trying to think positive for me, too, with the side effects being minimal or non-existent. You’ve weathered so much. Do you want me to give you a day by day or do you want to find out for yourself whether you get the side effects? I can tell you what they said MIGHT happen, but I’m sure your onc will go over all that with you.

    in reply to: starting chemo again #59548

    Lainy no brains for there to be muscles! :)
    I’m sitting around now. The CT scan showed the fluid is way down so we are going for chemo. Pulmonary specialists have been cancelled. Doing the systemic because of the really really big lymph node. And since I still have neuropathy we can’t do oxaliplatin (I know, I could have lied). So the new plan of action is Gemzar/Xeloda. Getting Gemzar sometime today before I leave here. Getting the script for Xeloda filled here and I start the pills tomorrow. I’m pretty nervous about the side effects. Hopefully I don’t get the bad ones. I’m wondering how I’ll feel my feet hurt and crack when they always tingle and burn???? A question for the ages.

    in reply to: starting chemo again #59546

    This is the most frustrating experience of my life! I am now waiting for a chest CT scan so I can MAYBE get chemo and MAYBE see a pulmonary specialist on Thursday up here because the 11th is so far away. I have an appt. on the 11th by my house with a pulmonary specialist. Of course, the meeting on Thurs. is just a preliminary meeting so who knows how long it will take and how many trips up and back before I actually start getting chemo again?? Meanwhile, I saw the pics of the lymph nodes and the one is scary big!
    And yes, Lainy & Pam: the ex boyfriend isn’t worth it, but he has strong arms for when I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. I’ll miss that…

    in reply to: Experience #59502

    I hope they send the disk to NYP for a skilled radiologist to read for you.


    Surgery is on hold. Read my posting in general discussion.

    in reply to: scan tomorrow, meet with surgeon #59315

    You’re right Lainy. All that stress about what????

    in reply to: scan tomorrow, meet with surgeon #59313

    New road block:
    A radiologist looked at the scan yesterday or this morning and said no to surgery. I still have too much fluid in my lungs from the pneumonia after embolization. So it’s back to my primary care dr. to get more meds and have tests done. Then I get to start waiting again. Surgeon says about 2 months.
    I might go back on chemo. Not sure. I’m waiting to hear from Dr. Kemeny about it.
    The good news is that the tumor hasn’t grown.

    in reply to: scan tomorrow, meet with surgeon #59310

    I guess I’ve been lucky so far: my throat hasn’t bothered me when I’ve finished all these surgeries and procedures.

    in reply to: scan tomorrow, meet with surgeon #59308

    The scan showed the liver has grown a bit, so my surgeon is happy. I still have some fluid in my right lung from the probable pneumonia after my embolization. So he says “COUGH!! COUGH!!”
    The tumor is still wrapped a bit around the vena cava which concerns me but he seems optimistic so… (biting nails) he also said if he can’t remove it he’ll do an oblation.
    But it seems I’m to have another huge scar. He previously told me he would follow the existing scar. But now he’s just gonna cut diagonally across my right abdomen so he can get to the liver better. I’m going to have one heck of a roadmap on my belly when this is thru. I’ll have to come up with an interesting tattoo!! :)
    I’ve signed up to let them use my cells and blood work for research when they are done with them. It just makes sense to me. The more cc tumors for research the better, right? Besides, they would just throw them away so they might as well use them for a good cause.
    They will strip the cells of any of my information so I will never know what research was done with them and what the outcome was. But if it helps someone else, I’m all for it.Surgery is still on for the 4th.

    in reply to: Light at the end of the tunnel so to speak… #59321

    I find it funny that some oncs never say anything bout drinking. They ask me EVERY time I go to the oncs to make sure I haven’t had a drink. I hope they tell me I can have a little something for my birthday, etc…..

    in reply to: Light at the end of the tunnel so to speak… #59317

    What great news! I’m so happy for you! Watch that alcohol, tho, buddy! :)
    I know how you feel about one drink tho: the other day I would have killed for a chocolate martini! I just order my Arnold Palmers and pretend.
    I hope this round went as well as all the others, so you can have a great time at the party and out fishing. What a powerhouse you are.

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