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  • in reply to: Grover’s updates #58299

    LOVE the news so far!!!

    in reply to: Off to Michigan we go. #58258

    Good luck! I hope Lauren’s numbers rise, also, so she can get chemo. And really good vibes being sent for the tests next week!


    in reply to: Less Than 48 hours #58214

    Gimme a G… Gimme an R!!! Here come the cheerleaders!!
    Go Grover! I can’t wait to hear your post in a few days.
    I will have to tell you it’s a bit of a shock when you first try to get up. So brace yourself. I’d never had surgery since I was a kid, and have been healthy most of my adult life, so the first surgery kinda shocked me. But I was walking 1/2 mile in a few days. Up to a mile by day 6 or 7.
    I’m also with you on the wait. I was told Jan 20 and have been trying to figure out what’s going on since then. Nothing much else to post until I get thru the embolization on Monday March 5…
    Grover, I am sending all kinds of positive vibes and prayers your way for Thursday and beyond.


    in reply to: Enlarged lymph node #57883

    Lisa: I’m praying it’s an enlarged lymph node. But Lainy is right: they are coming out with vaccine trials for many types of cancer. A good friend of mine was just admitted into the breast cancer vaccine trial.
    So I’m sending prayers and crossing fingers that it’s just a lymph node or something “easy” to fix!
    Good luck tomorrow!!

    in reply to: Ct scan #58185

    Prayers being sent. I hope you get GOOD results quickly so you don’t have too much scanxiety.

    in reply to: gemzar and cisplatin #56948

    Don’t stress because you are doing good on chemo! Celebrate that you are doing good on chemo!
    And I think you could ask 10 people how they did on this protocol and you will get 10 different answers.
    I just pray the chemo continues to go well until you get to go see Dr. Kato! I have a feeling you will hear from his office this week.


    in reply to: port for chemo #58166

    Good news LeeAnn!! I’m so glad. Let those antibiotics work and get some much needed sleep.

    in reply to: port for chemo #58160

    I kept forgetting to numb mine before using it. All I ever felt was the initial stick and then a little pressure while the port was accessed. So if you forget, it isn’t that bad.

    in reply to: Hey Percy, could you please give us your expertise? #58136

    I was on Gem/Ox and had to stop the oxaliplatin because of side effects. So I got Gemzar only the last few times. My onc says Gemzar is really hard on the blood counts especially the platelets. My numbers, although in the normal range, are still on the low side so until my surgery is completed she will not give me Gemzar. I don’t know about Cisplatin, but it might do the same thing.

    Thanks Percy for all the information. I will definitely be bringing a printout of this to my onc for after the resection. I don’t think she is willing to do FUDR thru my pump anymore since I kept getting sick during the time period we were actually using it. She isn’t willing to take the chance that it wasn’t the FUDR. And I don’t know if she will put anything else thru the pump. I still have to find out a lot about “after”. I might have to find another protocol. This will help me a lot.


    in reply to: End of our Story #58081

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds like your mom was an amazing woman. I hope you find comfort in the belief that she is still watching over you.
    I also hope that someday they find a cure for this horrible disease.


    in reply to: port for chemo #58156

    I love my port. I was getting gem/ox and it burned thru regular i.v. I also had about 10 i.v.s in the hospital. Averaged 1 a day. My veins kept collapsing, etc. Nothing but problems. So I got the port.
    It makes everything so much easier. It is a power port so I use it with CT scans, etc. So I only get stuck for blood tests. And if I’m at my one onc’s office, they access the port for the blood test, too. It’s made my arms and hands so much happier.
    I’m lucky, too. My port doesn’t really show so I haven’t had to hide it. Unless someone knows it’s there, no one seems to notice.
    You do have to have it flushed. My onc says every 6 weeks. I guess it depends on the brand of the port.
    And it will make you more prone to infections. I’ve had a couple of blood infections since this all started and my onc says it might be because of the port.
    But I still think it was worth having it put in. It hurt for a couple of days but more than anything, it is giving my veins a chance to heal.


    in reply to: Big day! #58103

    I love my surgeon. Dr. Fong. Although I have only 1 tumor. I don’t know how he would react to multiple tumors.
    I have a feeling Dr. Kato will help you. If not, you now have a couple of names from Sloan Kettering. Dr. Fong’s direct number is 212-639-2016. He has office hours on Mondays, surgeries on Tues. and Wed., and I believe Thurs. and Fri. are saved for emergencies and paperwork.
    I know he does a lot of travelling to speak to hospitals. Staff? Don’t know. And he was asked to consult in the building of Princeton NJ’s surgcal unit.
    AND he speaks English to me!! He throws out big words and when I look at him he rephrases it into less than 4 syllables!! He showed me how to look at my CT scan the first time I met him. Of course, I have a Mac so I can’t see them by myself anyway!
    And my oncologist, athough supposedly on the same page as my surgeon, still cautioned me about surgery. Oncologists and surgeons just don’t see things the same, I’ve come to believe.
    Good luck Tiff! I hope you hear back really soon.


    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #57993

    I can only comment on the Gemzar part. I received Gem/Ox. I had to stop the Oxaliplatin part because of side effects. They said I would feel like I had the flu after Gemzar but I never had any side effects. One I did have that I am unsure which chemo caused: that was a little thinning of my hair. Very little. I had a great head of hair before chemo. I still have more hair than the normal person. And my blood counts were low. But I never felt sick from Gemzar, just possibly a little more tired than usual.
    Hope you stay healthy! As has been already stated: everyone react differently to chemo. Maybe because you work out so much and are otherwise healthy you will NOT have side effects. I’m hoping for that for you!


    in reply to: First bit of good news #57506

    I wish your dad all the best with the procedure. Prayers being sent!!


    You can use my story any time you want. But you might want to wait until after April 4th. I’m finally having my resection and HOPE that will bring my journey to an end!!!
    My blog is

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