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  • in reply to: Hospice and the end #92816

    Dear Jennifer, I am so very sorry to read about your Mom. I do have a list of 10 Signs the End is Near. If you email me I will send them to you. Just click on my name to the left of my post and it will take you to my email. My husband followed the list pretty closely. Sending Prayers and big hugs to you and your family.

    in reply to: Twin sister – CC #92477

    Cathie, prayers going out to Santa Clarita! I know full well what you all are going through as we get so many summer fires here in Arizona. Prayers too for the Firefighters.
    Cathie have you noticed her not eating like she used too? Just guessing but if that is the case perhaps a Nutritional drink would help the energy level. We tried many but Teddy really took to the Carnation Instant Breakfast the best. He loved the Vanilla and I would blend in a banana. This drink can take the place of a meal or be taken with each meal. Just a guess but the nutrition in it can perhaps help the energy level. Is there a reason you feel she does not get the sleep at home? You mentioned the first few items on the list of Signs. Please email me so we can “chat” about it if you have questions.

    in reply to: My mom’s case #92809

    Hello, Julie and welcome to our remarkable family. I am so sorry to read about your Mom. I just want to say congratulations on your hard work as a Medical Student and wish you much success. Honestly there is no way for you to have diagnosed the CC. Many medical people still find it a hard Cancer to diagnose. Part of the problem is there is nothing much to discover until CC has already been rearing it’s ugly head. I know that GEM/CIS is normally the first Chemo but hope others chime in on the ADIpeg20.
    You are so right about friends being here and will find a lot of support right here. Please do keep us updated about your Mom as we do truly care.

    in reply to: Twin sister – CC #92474

    Dear Cathie, is it not unfair to have CC then also have other krap along with it? If she had clogged stents which called for the stent change that could be a big reason why she feels so sick. Hopefully she will start feeling better in a day or 2 as after the stent change feeling better usually occurs within a few days. Sending and hoping for the very best.

    in reply to: Twin sister – CC #92471

    AW, wish I had know as perhaps we could have had a lunch together. I got your email and request is sent. I am here if you need me.

    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89910

    Tiah, HURRAH for the successes no matter how small they may be. I too am confused about the new little spot. Mmmmm…I do remember when Teddy had radiation and we had to wait 3 months for the next step while the radiation was working. I called it the Ever ready Bunny…….it kept on ticking. Wishing Mum the very best.

    in reply to: New Scan Results at 29 months post first surgery 2014 #92801

    Julie, you know how I feel about this. Words are not enough. With that said, I also know you quite well and I feel once you get over the bruise from being hit in the head and stomach, you will meet this head on and look over all the choices, you do have choices, and proceed to fix it all! I have read up on Keytruda and it sure seems to be a wonder treatment. Sure wish I could be by your side right now. I know I would get a freshly canned pickle! Glad though that you are home safe but maybe not so sound. You have beat this before and you WILL beat it again! That old CC does not know who it is dealing with. Love Me

    in reply to: Scan results from MD Anderson, Houston Texas #14134

    Dear Brigitte, YEAH! Shrinkage is one of our favorite words! That is just great news. From what I understand blood clots are not unusual with CC and it sounds like your DOC is right on it. I also feel some therapy is good and it certainly is no weakness to ask for some extra help. Stress needs to be relieved so all your energy can focus on kicking the CC. Great work!!!

    in reply to: Andy’s story – wife Sara, clinical trials and more #92792

    Marion, what a beautiful story and a beautiful family. G-d really does pick the very best.

    in reply to: Looking for honesty #92563

    Daisy, I am so very sorry to read this post about your loving Mum. What is happening now is what happened to Teddy and they are doing the same things that Hospice did here for Teddy. I just want to add that his Morphine was pumped up to 350 mg. He was also on Ativan for agitation. Daisy all you can do is be there, talk and touch. I so agree about the Birthday and I sincerely hope she meets her goal. I remember so well how once the passage started all pain and discomfort stopped and it became a day I will never forget as my old Sicilian turned in to a beautiful angel, peaceful and calm and I knew he was going to a much better place. We are all here if you need us. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!

    in reply to: An update and what’s next! #92313

    Oh, Patty, this is MUSIC to our ears! Fantastic! With hope you get miracles and you are a miracle! I am doing cart wheels and word cannot express how happy I am for you! You are leading the ways for others.

    in reply to: My mums journey #92764

    Dear Jan, sometimes a good cry really helps. I hate to say this but welcome to what we call our CC roller coaster ride. We are so sorry you had to get a ride on this coaster as it hardly compares to an amusement park! Sending good vibes across the water that Mum keeps on improving!


    Hi, Shellie, and it is so good to see you! I am thrilled you are looking in to BGJ398 in New York and hope it all gets approved! Great step to take. Got to have lots of HOPE and an abundance of strength. Miracles do happen here. Please keep us posted on the latest and I will pray for the greatest posts to come!

    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89907

    Dear Tiah, sending out prayers, good vibes and a ton of great juju for a better Scan. Not sure why different places show different results in scans but I do know first hand that it does happen. Like, everyone needs more worry and frustration, right? Fighting CC is not for sissies which is why I marvel at the strong members on this Board and you are definitely one of them.

    in reply to: FDA and Orphan Dugs #92754

    WOW! NICE!

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