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  • in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33627

    Dear Gavin and to your mum also. It is with a heavy heart I read your post.
    You and your dad together fought a mighty battle and in a way you did win in the end as dad passed with Peace and Dignity. Your hearts are sad but your dad will still bring you great comfort as he walks beside you and he will love you for eternity. Teddy and I send our loving thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

    in reply to: Decision Made FINALLY! #33600

    Good decision and with no doubts after receiving Mayo report. Now you can get on with it. Diagnosis, research and attack. Go for it and good luck. We are thankful when there is another chapter to follow!

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33295

    Gavin, that is just beautiful. My mother who is 93 is full of dementia now but talk about something from the past and she is full of details. The past is a good, cozy place to be and sure beats talking about the future, sometimes. I so look forward to each and every post of yours, then I feel with our wonderful CC “family” you are really not waling this path alone. Take care and I hope for another good report tomorrow!

    in reply to: Latest scan results #33497

    Hi Kris, so sorry for the news but who know what lies around the corner. I know that you will come up with something if they don’t! Could be a good time to visit that godson! You go think, you have earned it.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33049

    That’s all good news, Tom. Sounds like you have it all going like a well oiled machine. Keep up the good work and enjoy the cake!

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33289

    Gavin, its just all so strange to me. How “our people” suffer and suffer and then at the end hopefully they can go quietly and with dignity and calling their own time. I guess God pretty much has his plan. All along I don’t think there is really anything we can do to change destiny.
    Teddy has been getting so very tired. I think maybe its his body fighting what’s come back. We have not heard anything yet, I will call in the morning. I wanted to give them a decent amount of time to do their deed. Buts its starting to wear on me like an old house dress!
    This time for you is so very precious now and your dad knows you have been at his side through this whole horrible nightmare. I am so glad everyone is coming to see him and he sounds like he has accepted everything as well as can be expected. Thinking of you and hoping his pain stays low if at all.

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33427

    I graduated with an A+ from Nagging 101.
    Kris wouldn’t that be something and such an easy and inexpensive way teach people who we are???? I don’t even know if its been tried before. I would buzz my head, I might look younger then!!!


    Darla, talk about chills! On our news this morning Milwaukee really got some but Wed. is supposed to be really ugly, did you get any?


    Hi Michael. Oh, do we know chills but not why! Teddy has been cold for 4 years now since his Whipple and I who was always extremely warm, am now cold all the time since my surgery October 1st. If they get real bad how about a heating pad. Don’t laugh but Teddy sits around in sweat shirts and a knit cap on his head to keep the heat in, and we are in Phoenix!

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33424

    P.S. Could even put us in the Guiness World Book of Records!

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33423

    You go girl! You always see the brighter side. I just had the craziest thought. What if we ALL did the buzz. All of us from all over the world on the same day and call it A Buzz for CC! Wouldn’t that draw some attention to our cause?????

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33282

    Oh, that all sounds so good, Gavin. Enjoy it and I hope you can take that walk with your dad tomorrow. Maybe some time alone with her sister is what mum needs. We all need some diversion or it can get to be too much. You made me very happy today!

    in reply to: Mom had unsuccessful surgery yesterday #33562

    Welcome Dawna to our wonderful “family”. I am sorry about your mother’s canceled surgery and I agree about gathering her paperwork for a second opinion. Don’t forget that we have also had many turn around and good things have happened. From what I understand is that Mayo in Rochester MN is the best of the Mayo’s otherwise MD Anderson in Houston is good. I believe you can also call and fax the paperwork to them to see what advise they give you. As time goes by you will not feel helpless at all but will gather strength through knowledge and become a great advocate for your mother. Please keep us posted, we care.

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33519

    Hello Sharon, sending just a little more courage your way. You have made the right decisions all along and you will make the right decision now, don’t second guess yourself. You sound not only like a wonderful daughter but a most wonderful person.

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33271

    Dear Gavin, as much as this news saddens us, I have felt dad had reached this point. You have already been one of the best son’s in the world and I am proud to call you a friend. Now you have to be one of the strongest as your mum will be more in need of you. Your parents did not beget a son, they have an angel. Maybe I should not call a grown man an angel but there it is! We are sending prayers and thoughts to you and to dad that he has a more peaceful journey now than he has these last few months.

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