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  • in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33573

    Hello Doug and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to have to join. We are so very sorry about your mom. She was very lucky to have such a loving son help her on this nightmare journey. We certainly welcome all help we can can have for our awesome “family”. I always say mothers never really leave their children and I am sure yours is closer to you than you think. Our prayers go out to your family.

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33511

    Dear Sharon, we are so very sorry to hear about your moms turn. It sounds like everything is being done to keep her comfortable and yes, hang on to the better thoughts. Our prayers are coming your way.


    Hi and love your attitude. My GP just told me to get a book for me and Teddy called Anti Cancer. Then I came home and looked it up on our search site and apparently a lot of people have already read it and it is an excellent book. Talks about everything. Your dad’s getting chemo for Xmas and Teddy is getting a PET Scan and maybe a needle biopsy. Mmmm wonder how we wrap these things up! Let us know how your dad does.

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33418

    I knew it! I just knew it! You are not a woman to let a hair cut get the best of you. You are the best. Maybe you could just say you are giving your brains an airing out. I am in awe of you and your whole attitude. Love you , Lisa

    in reply to: Introduction #33487

    Talk about a roller coaster ride, bet you never bought a ticket to stand in line for this one. But, welcome to our world, sorry you had to come. We are in a similar situation right now waiting for an appeal for a PET. The only thing I can suggest is to call the doctors office again as I have discovered sometimes the hitch lies in his help. Good luck with the appeal and please keep us posted.


    Kimmie I am sure others will join me in saying thank-you for such a wonderful, hopeful and heartfelt post.
    While we are here to answer questions, advise, give hope and joyfully leap when we get good news, we cannot do what we do without at times saying things that may upset others. We try not too but sometimes it all gets a bit much for people to cope because they are scared or just too ill.
    I became addicted to this site when my husband was first diagnosed 4 years ago. We have the most caring, loving people from all over the world. This is our CC Family. What amazes me is how some of our dear family who are extremely ill still take the time to come here and help others. It is amazing and awesome! There is no other site like ours.
    Because we have to be frank at times, we always state that one should NOT listen to statistics! Statistics are not accurate. We also like to say that no one is born with an expiration date on the bottom of their feet. Each case is different and in many cases extremely surprising.
    New treatments are coming along all the time and the best way to beat it all is with a winning attitude and the love like your family shows. Please keep us posted on the progress of your mother, sounds like she is doing very good.

    in reply to: Mom Receiving Hospice Care #33475

    I cannot say anything that would be as comforting as what Pam wrote. I would just add that I believe your mom knows what is going on around her and she is thankful to have so much love seeing her through this terrible journey. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32922

    Thank-you for the update and we are glad to hear the news is better. We have some members who are just excellent with the nutrition thing. I am trying to get my husband to loose weight! Maybe you can pick out some of the success stories on our site and just print them out and let your brother read them. We do have some good stories. Slowly introduce him to us that way. One of the reasons we are here is so that our “family” does not feel alone and knows that we are here to help as much as we can by just even giving a Hello, we are thinking about you. That is great that you are going next week to MD Anderson, very good. Please keep us posted as to how your brother is doing.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31889

    Gavin, thanks for the update. It sounds like dad is in a wonderful hospital and that all the medical personal are quite good. This must give you some mental relief. If dad is having a kidney infection that can also cause confusion. Happens to my mom. Hope you get some better reports as to what is wrong so that they can begin the treatment needed. Take care.

    in reply to: Strange test results – good or bad? #33131

    Yeah, Rick what a wonderful early Christmas present!!! You are a survivor! We love news like that! Thank you so much for the good news.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31883

    Hello Gavin! We have something for your dad’s hiccups. Teddy had hiccups for 4 months and NO ONE could cure them. He was exhausted just from hiccuping. Then we talked about it to a Pharmacist we know but don’t see often and he said to T, “I can’t believe you are Italian and have not tried Brioschi!”. Went to the local RX and got some. Its in a dark blue plastic bottle. Looks like Alka Seltzer. After the first dose….the hiccups were gone and never came back. Now T just uses it when his stomach is crying because he ate the wrong foods. I have mentioned it before and it has helped others on the site.

    Glad dad had a fairly good day. Sorry mum is not doing well. Gavin, a son like you will certainly be blessed many times over. Wishing your parents a good day tomorrow!

    in reply to: new member ,just wanted to say hello #33468

    Welcome to our “family” and we would love to know more if you can. Congratulation on already being a “survivor”! Keep up the excellent work.
    Now that you found us don’t be a stranger, stay in touch.


    Hello to you, MVB and since you have been reading up on us I don’t have to tell you what a wonderful “family” you have now adopted.
    Sounds like your father’s doctors are spot on. I can’t help you with the chemo as my husband had radiation. When he had his endoscopy 4 years ago the dye leaked on his pancreas and literally destroyed it and he too had an infection and dined on chipped ice. He had a Whipple surgery, is now 77 and doing pretty well. The cancer returned last year where his duodenum used to be and we had it zapped with cyber knife. It has now returned again and we are just waiting for a date for a PET Scan but so far the radiologist feels we can again use the cyber knife.
    How wonderful a grandfather your dad must be to adore his munchkins so much and how lucky the grand kids are to have a Grandpa like that.
    You have every right to be scared as this is a real nightmare, but the better news is one just gets used to it, honestly. Glad you did a lot of reading and if you look at the top of the page there is a search button where you can just type in a word and get answers. Please keep us posted and wishing your dad well.
    P.S. We tell newbies not to think about what others have gone through, dates or times. Everyone is different and this is different with everyone!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31872

    Hi Gavin, sorry dad is not feeling much better. I know that for him NOT to eat at Day Care is like the world to stop spinning. We had a nice Thanksgiving, although Teddy spent the weekend in bed a lot (and we had 3 guests staying here) with some temperatures on and off. Fortunately the guests did all the decorating for Christmas so that is done. For me? I have realized I cannot have people overnight anymore and just picking my brain for a way to tell them that the Inn is closed from now on. Its just not like us to have people stay in hotels.
    Tomorrow I have to get on the Radman as nothing has been set up yet for December and T needs his PET Scan. I think rather quickly.
    Hope your dad gets the drain done as I am sure he will feel so much better then. Stay strong, give yourself a little entertainment like a good burger!

    in reply to: I’ve had a tough 6 weeks #33401

    Say, Hey, Louise. Good to see your smiling face again. Don’t forget we have a date in May!!! I feel so bad for all you went through. This healing thing is so slow! I had Thanksgiving here for 13 and did it all….my fault. Also had 3 guests for 4 nights and I am beat. Teddy didn’t feel good all weekend and keeps running temperatures. May have to see the ONC in a day or 2, we were hoping they would go away. He does not look so good. But you look good and glad to hear the healing is moving along. I had been wanting to loose weight but found out at my age when you loose, your face becomes a road map. Lots of detours! Keep up the good work and I know you will keep us posted!

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