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  • in reply to: John’s nephew is born #33250

    Sara, there is NOTHING like a newborn baby to put a ton of happiness in to a family. John is enjoying it also. He is just beaming and he will be there to help guide Owen Patrick through life. Congratulations to the whole family!

    in reply to: The journey starts #33032

    Hi Tom. Mylanta seems to work pretty good. Also we have a search engine at the top of the page and if you type in heartburn I am thinking a gazillion answers will come up! You seem to be doing quite well, keep it going, keep it going!

    in reply to: Good test results for Dad #33238

    Well, Marie, It is truly a Thanks & Giving Holiday for your family with that great news. What ever your dad decides to do will be the right decision for him regarding the chemo. Thank you so much for sharing your story of hope with all of us. We are sending good thoughts and prayers that your family make their trip to Ireland and that your dad continue his journey as a Cancer Survivor.

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21367

    Gerry, you already have a lot more going for you as you are 30 years younger than Teddy. Have lots of faith in your surgeon he sounds like he knows what he is doing. Isn’t it a nightmare? One month we were visiting San Francisco and 2 months later he was totally jaundiced. I told him he didn’t look good in yellow! Gee, you may be our first Irish family on here. Not quite sure but could be. We have wonderful family from all over the world. Please let us know when the deed is going to be done.

    in reply to: Our Sister #32660

    Hello Jim and so sorry about Kathy’s bumpy road. If you go to the search button at the op of the page here, and type in heart burn or etc, posts will come up I am sure that may have suggestions for you. I know I have seen many suggestions on our Board. Sure hope it eases up very soon. Sending good thoughts to Kathy.

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21365

    Hi, Gerry. I just wanted to reiterate from my post on Page 1 of this thread that Teddy at the age of 73 had an aborted Whipple then 3 weeks later had the real Whipple. He is a 4 year survivor and when people see him (ask Marion) he looks great. It is the biggest surgery to the body, not life threatening just huge. He was sitting up in a chair the next day. And walking very slowly. He had 1 complication at the resection but finally healed totally in 7 months. A year later after surgery he went back to work part time and hit golf balls. His cancer returned last year where the duodenum was and it was zapped by radiation then cyber knife. It has returned again but is so small they want to do a PET Scan in Dec. to make sure it is CC. His regime consists of going to the Oncologist every other month and having LABS every month. His team consists of the Oncologist, Surgeon, General P., and Gastrointest. guy. We were warned many times as people usually are, that the surgeon does not know what he will really find until he gets in there. By the way the Whipple took 8 hours.
    If there is anything you would like to know I will answer the best I can. Feel free to post on site or to e mail me. Your surgeon talks just like Teddy’s did and that is a good start!

    in reply to: We will not be overlooked at the medical conferences #33221

    Oh, Karen thank-you so very much. Our bare table will now be well dressed!

    in reply to: I think this is good news #33166

    Good News! A Monday that is busy but productive!

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32355

    Hi Carlos. Do not think so much as it will all be clear soon. One step at a time. First you get the test results and talk to the Oncologist and then everything will clear up. You will have your answers. There is no clear protocol when it comes to anything dealing with CC. Good luck today!!!

    in reply to: My wife #33196

    Dear Dave and Family, please accept our Prayers and thoughts to you and your family.

    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28645

    Dear Rachael & Family, We all miss your dad immensely. In fact the other day Marion & I were talking about him. I have been on this Board for 4 years and Jeff was a good mentor. We e mailed quite a bit including jokes and I told him I wanted to be like him when I grow up.
    Knowing even just a little about Jeff, he would want you to celebrate Thanksgiving joyfully as he will be looking at his family around the table and saying to himself, “Yes, I did good!”. Blessings to you and your family on Thanks & Giving Day.

    in reply to: Cancer Dance update by Lainy & Teddy #32904

    Hi Barb and we are so excited too. I “warned” my company about you and they are also excited. I will send you directions next week via e mail.
    You must have missed my post about T, the Radman and Insurance as I am sure you were under the RV trying to fix it! I got the denial on Friday and called the radiologist Monday and he had already got the OK!!! So we are good to go in December. No date yet but I know they will call. About the 3rd week as they won’t do anything else I am sure until January.
    Hope the traveling hotel is fixed and you have a glorious weekend!
    By the way, there is no jinx. I have always told my kids without the bad you would never know how to appreciate the good!

    in reply to: Back from Holidays #33231

    Welcome home Wendy, good to see your smiling face! Now don’t go getting me started on grandchildren. Can I give just 1 small brag? My 17 yr old Grand daughter in Phoenix near me, just found out that she is graduating in the top 15% of her class which awards her the Presidents Scholarship that means she has a full Scholarship to any college in the USA she wants. :):)
    Now to Wendy, Lucille and Kris. You ladies are amazing and I am so in awe of you! Keep up your awesome fight. What are numbers anyway? I flunked General Math twice. Never was good with numbers. Wow! Is this some kind of family or what?

    in reply to: I can hardly believe it myself! #33172

    Suzanne that is the most stupendous news! You have just given a whole planet full of hope to everyone! What a Holiday gift for yourself and others. Really, what else can one say. It’s just the best news in the world. Relax and enjoy! Did you hear that awful sound? It was me cheering;) :) :)

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32352

    Oh Carlos, here I go sticking my nose in! Just from your notes I thought something strange about the Oncologist. She is trying to hide behind what she does not know because if she knew she wouldn’t cop that attitude. I felt it from the beginning. Sounds like an ego problem. This cancer has no room for egos. Of course this cancer is rare in her hospital as it is rare all over, what makes her hospital so special? Again she wants you to think she knows everything. Are you able to just seek a second opinion from another Oncologist? If I am correct all you have to do is take copies of your moms records to whom ever you want to see them? I am not trying to be a trouble maker, but I am concerned.

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