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  • in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32348

    Wow, I am sure Marion will find that statistic interesting. Great idea, Carlos. Even if you just ask the surgeon that will help you to make a decision when the time comes. Good!

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32346

    Hi Carlos and good to hear from you! I feel it is very important to have a TEAM
    to rely on. Teddy & I each have our General Doctor, Oncologist, Gastrointestinal and Surgeon. They all cooperate with each other send all reports to each other as well. Everyone needs to be on the same page. In our cases generally it is the Oncologist calling the shots. They should be more than willing to want to know what the other is doing. Our doctors have even talked to each other about us at times. I don’t know the protocol where you live but when a patient has a rare disease why would they all not cooperate? I guess egos get in the way. So in the end they should all have input on the therapy. I would ask what the prognosis could be in having the chemo versus not having it? Then you and your mother would make the decision. These doctors should realize that we all have enough on our plates without their attitudes. You have the right to get opinions from them all. In the meantime I am so glad to hear your mom is doing so well from the surgery. And that’s a great place to start from!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31842

    Hello, Gavin. Very sorry to hear dad is not doing well and is more Jaundiced again and that mum is not that well either, you certainly have your hands full. I am very glad you got out for a little reprieve and had my favorite food in the world, a hamburger! Even with your dad’s ups and downs you can see certain things really perk him up like seeing old friends and that is a good thing. Isn’t it funny how they will listen to others before listening to us??? Isn’t it strange how they seem to have their good and bad days at the same time? I hope you get to take the trek to the Sea-Life Centre, it would be good all of you. Tomorrow is Friday so we know that will be a good day it always seems to be.
    Hang in there you are one of a kind and you will truly blessed in your life.

    in reply to: Max :) #33141

    Congratulations, Amy, and a week before Thanksgiving. I love the name Max Fredrick, so very strong. I believe Grandma was right there with one big smile because she sent him special delivery right to his Mommy. Well done!

    in reply to: Strange test results – good or bad? #33128

    Rick, if only anything thing at all ever had the same answer with this cancer we would probably be close to a cure. When Teddy started 4 years ago only the bilie rubin climbed a little. He never had a rise in the CA marker. A year ago when it returned the bilie rubin did not climb but the CA marker did. Now it has returned again and the bilie rubin is better than normal but the CA is creeping upward quickly. It truly is a roller coaster ride. His radiologist prefers the PET Scan which will be done again in December. That will be 4 of those this year. Wish I could be more helpful but you can put a call in to your Onc any time and just ask what it might mean. Sounds like maybe the chemo is working well. Good luck.

    in reply to: Cancer Dance update by Lainy & Teddy #32901

    P.S. Barb there is a new gal that came on the other day, Raintree, and she lives 10 minutes from us. Her father is out of state but if she sees this I would like to also extend the invite to her if she would want to meet all of us. Raintree, Barb from Glendale, CA is stopping over Nov 28th on her way back home from Casa Grande. I think it will be about 330PM so let me know if you would like to meet up. And, Bill, if you read this and want to join us, come on over!!! Oh, my, this is so exciting!!!

    in reply to: Cancer Dance update by Lainy & Teddy #32900

    Barb, sounds like you have a game plan. But best of all, we are going to meet on Nov. 28th at our house!!!!!! We are so excited. Stay good and stay in touch.

    in reply to: Thinking of you all #33090

    Prayers, thoughts and kisses to your Aunt Sophie and wishing your family a day of Thanks & Giving!

    in reply to: Online Birthday Party…Favorite Thing??? #33110

    Oh My, I will joyfully add my Happy Birthday to Kris!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Have a wonderful day.

    (now U know why T & I sing in the choir)

    in reply to: Our Sister #32652

    Hello Huffdog and thank you for the good update we like to hear that kind of news. Wishing to hear more good news about your sister. Have a wonderful
    Holiday of Thanks & Giving!

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #33100

    Hello GTM and welcome to our world. My husband’s surgery was different, it was in his bile ducts and he had a Whipple 4 years ago, but I just wanted to give you a big hello. I am sorry you had to find us but so glad you did. When you first hear the diagnosis you say what? Never heard of it in my life. Then you start researching and finally the fight to win takes over the feelings of helplessness.
    Sounds like your wife has a really good advocate in her corner and that certainly helps. Wish I could be of more help but you have come to the right place. Please keep us posted and ask as many questions as you need to, we have some pretty caring and brilliant people here in our CC Family.

    in reply to: Thinking of you all #33080

    Hi Sophie girl! We miss your smiling face and you are thought about a lot. Our best thoughts are going out to you!

    in reply to: New with an urgent question #33007

    Hi Raintree. We are just minutes from you, in Sun Lakes! This World is getting smaller. I have a daughter in Gilbert who has been with us all along this journey but if you ever feel the need to get together just let me know. Teddy’s Urologist is in Awatukee, Dr. Bigelow. He is absolutely the BEST! About your dad, I stand firmly by my words that I would take him to ER. No one needs to suffer that way. Sloan Kettering is excellent as well as Rochester MN. Again please accept my open invitation to visit. We also have a new couple about 10 minutes from me and we are going to get together but she has started her chemo and is having a rather difficult time, so I told them when they are ready, I am here. Wow! That is 3 of us with in a 15 minute radius. Love the Xmas lights in your neck of town. On Chandler Blvd.

    in reply to: The journey starts #33014

    Welcome Tom, to the best little club in the world that no one cares to join. It sounds like you are on a good road and have a great grasp on things. Sorry you had to find us but so glad you did. Please feel free to visit often and ask away, vent or advise. And please keep us posted you are now officially part of the family!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31834

    Hi back at you, Gavin…truth be told the food was terrible last night. This restaurant is normally fabulous and it was way out of whack! Teddy did order chicken Scapara and while nothing was fried it had a sauce of green chilies and white wine! He just got up for church so we shall see how the day goes.
    What a surprise, that dessert sent, as raspberries are my favorite fruit. Do you think we are making people hungry? I really fry nothing at home, its when he goes out. Like one of his favorites is a good old Fish Fry. Yes, I think your dad would be well entertained by Teddy as his stories even have stories! From being drafted by the Giants (baseball) for their Farm team to Korea to his “infamous cousins” in Milwaukee where he was born and lived until we moved here 14 years ago. You know the song, “I Did It My Way”, he really did.
    Oh, I hope you can get your dad to go to the Sea Life Centre. What fun and it also helps cheer one up by being with children. Sounds like just the ticket. Today we will visit my mom who is 93 1/2 has dementia and is in assisted care here. Nothing we an do anymore for her and she is quite healthy just the mind has gone to sleep. My dad also lived to be 93. Neither one ever had bad health. I must have dropped from the sky. Teddy also. His dad was 94. I could go on and on with you! Too bad we are not neighbors we would probably talk all day and night!

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