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  • in reply to: Good news, but not out of the woods! #30693

    YEAH! We love good news and how wonderful that you and Jamie got to meet. I tell ya there is nothing like meeting someone from this Board! Keep up the good work!!!

    in reply to: 85 year old Father recently diagnosed #30685

    So sorry Victoria to hear about your parents. Everyone has to make decisions based on their own gut feelings. My feeling is that if Teddy was 85 I would not put him through any more than he has been through. My mom is 93 and we just put her in assisted living. But we all decided when she was about 87 we would not let anything invasive happen to her. Sometimes it’s just time to say enough is enough especially when there is no guarantee of a quality life. We have some great Posts on here and perhaps you can read up on them and then make a decision on what to do. We also have some very wise people here and I am positive you will hear from more than just me. Good luck and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: New and looking for some answers.. #30664

    Welcome and sorry you had to find us. First and foremost is to get under the care of a good Oncologist. He will take care of the rest. Don’t feel bad looking for “signs” that is extremely important. My guess would be that you need to speak with her heart doctor about the chemo tolerance. And no, we do not believe in expiration dates. We have some wonderful “miracle” stories on here. Please keep us posted and feel free to visit often with questions or advise.


    I am sorry to hear about your husband, Dee. Not sure if cholesterol drugs have ever been mentioned on our Board. You can try our search engine at the top of the page. My husband had a Whipple exactly 4 years ago and it returned a year ago April where his duodenum used to be. He had cyber knife and has done very well. As you probably know we really know nothing for sure about this type of cancer. Just not sure if 3 months on a RX could cause the return in that amount of time. How are they going to treat him now? Please keep us posted as you will find tons of caring people in our world.

    in reply to: The Sorrow Comes In Waves #30631

    Dearest Ashlea, of course your dad knew how much you loved him, he even saw this beautiful post. Because you questioned heaven I am repeating my little dad’s story:

    My dad at the age of 93 had gall bladder surgery. Came home and was fine. The next day he went in to a very deep, peaceful sleep. We could not wake him. I called the paramedics and they could not wake him. They did the infamous breast rub and he jumped awake. Mom sat on the bed and said, Norman, I was so scared you wouldn’t wake up!”
    At this point I have to interject that my dad believed in nothing he could not explain. Heaven, magic etc. He also was not very descriptive.
    He answers mom, “I just had a beautiful dream, I saw Heaven.” We went to ER and my daughter joined us there. She said “Grandpa, I heard you had a dream.” He said, “Yes, Robin, I saw Heaven and it was so beautiful.” He came home and passed the next day. If I never believed before I sure did after that. Heaven is Beautiful!

    Then….this last month I have been caring for mom who is now 93, mild dementia and falls. Its been very, very stressful. One night I woke up coughing, you know dry throat…so I knew I was awake. Laid there for awhile and all of a sudden I felt the strangest feathery light touching all over my face. Then it stopped. I truly believe my dad was thanking me.

    What I am trying to say is your dad will be all around you, sometimes it just takes time and you have to be open to looking for the signs. I suggest reading Sylvia Browns first 2 books about the beyond. Very interesting and soothing.

    So sorry about your baby but at least your dad has his grandchild with him.
    Be patient your “teddy” will come around, he’s just still unpacking!

    in reply to: new and need advice #30617

    Dear Beth, welcome to our world, wish you didn’t have to visit. Indeed this is extremely scary and even though you read and get upset, it is so important to be informed so that you can become your husband’s best advocate and will know what questions to ask. Soon, the scary will turn into fight and that is a good thing. Ask us all the questions you can think of and we will be happy to respond. Remember, there are always more doctors and we highly recommend more opinions if you feel not enough is being done. Above all, HOPE & ATTITUDE is the best RX. Please keep us updated.

    in reply to: advice needed from CC patients #30588

    Hi Kimmie and welcome. I believe all your thoughts a excellent as is the advise already given. I would like to look at this from the patient’s views, which could also help. This is the patient bill of rights and I think every now and then we all need to be reminded:

    If I should express anger or depression,

    in reply to: Want a good laugh! #30573

    That is a good one! Recycled hair! It takes a village to raise a child and 1 head to build a nest! Got to have a sense of humor, yes? Love your attitude!

    in reply to: Elevated CA 19-9 in setting of PSC #30550

    Welcome, Rick, to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. You are at one of the best hospitals with the best doctors. Not sure about the Cystic Duct. My husbands was in the bile duct valve and he had a Whipple 4 years ago this month. He is now 77 and doing very well. It is always so scary when the diagnosis is first given. After all who has ever heard of this? Please try to read up on this as much as you can as to be fore warned is to be for armed. We have a search engine at the top of the page.Honestly, soon the fright will turn to fight and then you become your own best advocate. Everybody is different with this monster so no one really knows for sure that they may only have months to live. Don’t think that. Instead try to program your mind to have HOPE and your spirit to have ATTITUDE. Please let us know what the doctors say and feel free to visit here often to ask, vent or advise.

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29740

    Oh, girls, I so hope you can meet!!! You have no idea the feeling when you meet someone from this Board! You really know then that you are not alone.
    When we met Marion, in March, I was so excited, wasn’t sure I would make it without 5 stops before I got there. Then the tears when you meet and then finally to know you have found a friend who truly understands. Its awesome.

    in reply to: Whipple procedure #30546

    Heather, after Teddy’s Whipple I was amazed that they had him sitting up in a chair the next morning. What a feeling to walk into the room and see that. Somehow you just move along. This was cute and all those who have come to know Teddy through my posts can relate to this: Every morning he had the nurses clean him up and he shaved himself as he would always say, “I have to look nice, my wife will be here soon and I want to look nice for her!” God’s honest truth. See what I mean about attitude? One other thing about attitude. When he was back on the Oncology floor recouping, he started getting visits from other cancer patients and he would say. “How do you like that. They are much worse off than I am and they are visiting me?” Attitude everyone, attitude.

    in reply to: diarrhea and zinc #30547

    Hi Kris. Don’t know about the diarrhea, but I have taken Zinc daily for YEARS! I just don’t feel good without it. In the recess of my mind I also remember reading that Zinc helps keep colds away. I don’t get colds. My biggest problem is stomach and going for a colonoscopy and endoscopy the 24th. Also an ultra sound Monday. Cheeze Whiz, I sure hope I am not pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!! How ya doin, kid?

    in reply to: Foreclosure? #30415

    Oh my goodness, Janet. Thank-you. At least I keep telling Teddy that I am very wise! Really, all he ideas here were very good. Isn’t this Board the absolute greatest? Now if only none of us had to be here….that would be really great.


    Heather, good talking to you the other night. I just found this excellent article about Ampula Vater:…/AMPULLARY%20CANCER

    Not sure I ever put these things in right. If not, try USC ampullary cancer

    in reply to: Almost the end now #30504

    Please accept our deepest sympathies for you and your family on the passing of your Dad. You are an exceptional daughter to have taken this journey with him and have walked by his side to the end. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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