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  • in reply to: What do you think?Love your opinion. #30304

    Dear Barbara, congratulations on doing so well so far. At first Teddy’s insurance put the nail on a PET Scan and the doctor went to battle. Sometimes
    the doctor can help a lot. You wonder what’s up with these companies. Like do they think we want to go around having PETs and radiation for the fun of it!!! You don’t have to put any time line on how long you have unless you have an expiration date stamped on the bottom of your foot. See if your doctor will go to bat for you. FIGHT!~and HOPE!

    in reply to: Tumor Marker Elevated #30401

    Eyes, legs, arms everything is crossed for GOOD PET Scan results.

    in reply to: Mom #28820

    Happy BOY Day! Great news about your mom! Oh, how we welcome all this good news!!!

    in reply to: Becoming informed… #30244

    Hey, Patty. Good to see your smiling face again!

    in reply to: Violarob in Texas: one-year update #25008

    And I am also crossing my eyes! It really sounds like you have a wonderful and aggressive doctor and with your fighting spirit and hope, you have a winning combination.

    in reply to: Fear of Caregivers #30332

    OMG Steve. I had that with my parents. My dad passed at 93 and my mom is now 93 and a bit failing. Years ago I wanted them to get someone in so that they could stay in the house they loved but they would not hear of it. I think it’s a great idea and sometimes we have to tell our parents that we are looking out for their best interests. Believe me when I say that your mom is not going to be able to handle this alone. I would find someone that someone else knows and is very reputable and just tell your mom, this is what we are doing so we all have the strength to get through this. Let her know its not permanent and that basically the caregiver is to see to it that your dad is comfortable and to ease things for the rest. Good Luck. Been there done that!

    in reply to: Medicare Supplemental Insurance #30357

    I don’t want to make light of your request but when you talk about Insurance Companies and no battle in one sentence it is almost sad. Teddy is on Cigna I am on Secure Horizons. Neither of us have had any trouble but mostly Cigna has been good and Teddy had a Whipple, radiation and cyber knife. Not sure if your husband is not 65 how that would work. Best of luck!!!

    in reply to: My Dad, diagnosed in 12/2008 #30351

    Welcome Stan, to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join!
    You have read enough to know that this is the most courageous, loving group you will ever come to know. It honestly sounds like your dad has a good and aggressive doctor. No one has an expiration date stamped on their feet we always get great surprises here. My husband Teddy is a Miracle! 4 years now since his Whipple surgery and he will be 77 in October. You just never know.
    Use this time to lovingly store away some more great memories and above all have hope. Please feel free to come here to vent, ask or advise. You will find this site to be comforting as well as addictive! Please keep us posted. I kept this short because you seem to have already caught the drift which is half the battle.

    in reply to: now cancer #30370

    YEA! Made our 4th of July a bang up affair!!!!!

    in reply to: Tumor Marker Elevated #30398

    Hi Kay and Happy 4th to you! Sounds like your dad is actually doing quite well.
    The only thing we know for sure about CC is that we barely know nothing. All cases are so different and everyone responds differently. I agree that your doctor sounds like he right on top of things. All we can do is keep a watchful eye. Enjoy this time that he is doing so well. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Thank God I finally found a site for my type of cancer #30376

    Welcome, Diane to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join.
    We sure would like to hear more about your journey. You will find the most courageous, loving “family” on this board. Please feel free to come here to vent, ask or advise. Looking forward to hearing more about you.

    in reply to: SIRT #30384

    Hi Roger. No one was born with an expiration date on the bottom of their foot and with CC it is very difficult to give a time frame. We have family here who were given months and have survived years. All we know for sure about CC is that everything about it is different. Teddy will be 77 in October and next month is 4 years since his Whipple. CC returned a year ago where his duodenum used to be but we zapped it with cyber knife and he too is golfing and wants to go back to work part time. Enjoy your good news and take advantage of every wonderful day you have. Good luck and it sounds like it has already come your way.

    in reply to: We want money for our cancer too #30403

    OK. I did my part but it was extremely hard to be nice, but I did it.

    in reply to: Becoming informed… #30241

    We aim to please just like a big family. The more you read up on CC and treatments the less scared you become. Not that reading makes it go away but to be armed and ready to fight is the best way to approach the CC monster. Some where in our family of geniuses there will always be an answer. Please feel free to come here often and to advise, ask or vent, we are here for you.

    in reply to: Having a good cry today. #28514

    Jill, so sorry to hear about your best friend and your Aunt. I have been asking myself lately why bad things happen to good people! Our prayers are going out to you.

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