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  • in reply to: Heather R U There? #22895

    Anytime is good, just let me know and we will make plans for October. I work from the house but can take off anytime I want. Nice! It was good to see you come back on, I was getting worried! Don’t escape we all need you!!!

    in reply to: 1 year, 8 months without Mom #22888

    Dear Joyce. The answer is probably No. You will never stop counting because if you did that, you would not be the daughter you are. And by the way I firmly believe Grandma sees everything your daughter is doing. Maybe even guiding her a little? And on a serious note have you made the guest list yet for the weddings?!

    in reply to: Butch is going on hospice #22856

    Joyce, you write as much as you want. As many times as we may have heard these stories each one is new and all are important. You have been through so much that somehow I think you will logically make the right decisions. I think my reaction would be that Hospice should come in when you get to the point that you feel you are unable to make Butch physically comfortable. That is so wonderful that he could attend his granddaughter’s birthday party. Keep us posted and stay strong and know that you are in our thoughts!

    in reply to: NEW OPRAH UPDATE #22698

    I did get your letter and it was not too long. Could never be long enough!
    I did answer you on it perhaps you did not get it. We now have 25 letters! Great! Hopefully it will accomplish something. Anything. All you can do is be there for your brother and that will help ease him down the road of this horrible journey. I have said, Teddy and I are fortunately not at this point but perhaps by doing this letter bit it is helping prepare me to cope with what lies ahead. One can only imagine. All I really know is this web site is filled with very heroic, loving and giving people. Too bad you all don’t run this world!!! Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Fred Gard #22873

    Colleen, we are very sad to hear of your husband’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    in reply to: parents anniversary #22730

    Thank-you for sharing your special day with us. That was a great idea you had and so glad it all worked out so splendidly. And remember, your dad is not gone….he has only left the room and will always be in your heart!

    in reply to: “I’m sure there’s lots of things they never tell you…” #22840

    Good Morning Back at you, Sue! We are not doctors, or we would try to confuse you more, but, Teddy and I have had what they call nodes on our lungs for years. Not sure of your age group but seems like in the 60’s – 70’s these nodes can appear and they do not mean a thing. My girlfriend has them too. They just watch them from year to year but they don’t seem to change much. Can’t help on the pancreas thing as I may have made too much sense already!!!

    in reply to: Butch is going on hospice #22846

    Joyce, we are so, very, very sorry about Butch! You both fought this war and did everything you could and now, in a strange way, its not up to you anymore and we hope that the rest of this journey is peaceful! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

    in reply to: Update on John #22814

    We are so sorry to hear about John. Makes you wonder just how much one human being is supposed to endure, that goes for both of you. I just do not know what to say except that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Teddy lights a candle every Sunday for all our friends on this site. I believe when peace comes for John it will also bring a kind of peace for you.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #22797

    Thanks Darla, evidently the IMRT is “frying” the mass and then the cyberknife will hopefully burn it all out but the IMRT works for 2-3 months and that is why the wait for the cyberknife. Now that I know that I can relax a little. October 10th T goes to the oncologist with new LAB work so that may show something as well. Oh well, another drive in the car listening to Mama Mia!!!

    in reply to: NEW OPRAH UPDATE #22694

    Heather, sorry I was just checking and somehow didn’t see your post earlier. I am so very sorry to hear about your husband. What is going on up the Road on 17? Of course you can write all the letters you want. I think you will feel better and more letters will certainly help our cause. I had a real meltdown yesterday.
    More because doctors do not communicate. Its OK now. What happened in your neck of the woods? If you wanted to meet one day in between our 2 houses that would be fine with me. We could sit and tie one on with ice tea.

    in reply to: Why am I so tired? #22777

    Lisa, so sorry to hear you are still fatigued. Sometimes if we can, it helps to change our routine just a tad. Do something very easy but different. We have started going out for dinner again as Teddy used to love that. In a retirement community, it is so easy to get in to the habit of eating out! I had girl’s night out Thursday and the husbands picked up Teddy for dinner. Maybe rent some funny movies you have not seen. I also agree with the other posts. Stay strong!

    in reply to: NEW OPRAH UPDATE #22691

    Just e mail it through this site. Click on e mail under my name.

    in reply to: Too Many Sweets!! #15696

    My dad died at 93, basically very healthy, no hearing aids no glasses!! When he was 89 the doctor said he eats too much chocolate. He answered, “at my age I need to cut out something?” Not going to happen. Well I think at our ages, although I am older a little sugar ain’t gonna hurt. By the way someone wrote the other day about IBS. I was using the Pink Sweetner then my brother-in-law said oh no, you have to use Splenda then my daughter said oh no you need to use Stivia. For 2 years my stomach was out of control. 2 weeks ago I went back to granulated sugar and all my stomach problems left in 2 days!!!! Mmmmmmm

    in reply to: Teddy Update #22793

    OK.. The doctor e mailed me back to calm down everything is just fine and right on course. The IMRT will take about 2-3 months to stop working effectively and
    that is why the cyberknife will be later. Thats all I needed to know. Now the big question is what to have for dinner!!!!

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