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  • in reply to: update on Joe #22666

    Hi Mary Anne! So very sorry to hear how your life is changing so rapidly! Jeff stated, “I just don’t fully understand why the dying patient has to feel a sense of guilt.” I kind of assumed this with Teddy and that is why I NEVER let down in front of him as he would feel he has failed me. Although he has not progressed to the point of Joe, we very well know the outcome of all this and what is ahead. Sometimes I wish we all lived in the same place and could all be running around helping each other but we have this site to vent and that is pretty good. Stay strong and somehow you WILL get through this. I cannot believe there is any greater test than the one we are all going through!

    in reply to: Oprah Letters Extened a Few Days #22683

    Yes, I got it yesterday. I did respond to everyone with a short note so that they would know I got their letters and so sorry if you didn’t get my answer.
    Also very sorry that Lee is not doing well. I can only imagine how hard the task of telling your daughter. Words cannot describe. Stay strong and know that you are not alone on this road as we are thinking about you and sending you our prayers.

    in reply to: An update…and farewell #22677

    Dearest Belle all our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Your sister was very lucky to have you paving the way down this rocky path. She is now in a safer and more peaceful bed.

    in reply to: Hello everybody #22649

    Of all the paths in life, we sure hate to welcome you here, but welcome. ALWAYS get a second opinion. There are a lot of people on this site that were told the same thing and they are still here, thank goodness. The first few days are like a bat hitting you across the chest. It’s disbelief and denial that will turn to strength and perserverence to get through this nightmare. You have come to the right place and you are sadly NOT alone. Have the doctors suggested anything? What state are you in? Your mother is very lucky to have a daughter like you. You need to have other family members step forward to help all of you
    along this path. Our thoughts are with you.

    in reply to: Update on John #22644

    Well, Jeff, its letters like yours that make me feel I cannot do this, I get too sad, I realize what I am going to have to face down the road, I am loosing good people all around me. Then the other side of me says, DO SOMETHING! Do not let what all these heroes have gone through be in vain. And that is what I think will keep me going. And we are not ready to let you go anywhere for a while yet! We need you, you old coot!!!!!

    in reply to: Update on John #22641

    Dearest Charlene, my heart is just breaking for you, partly for what you are going through and partly because I will be in your shoes one of these days. For physical comfort you might try lamb skin. I have found that the best for Teddy when he is irritated from the radiation and it worked after his Whipple. As for the mental part, we must be the strongest people in the world! You have given him all the strength you can muster all this time and I know you will find the amount you will need to help his journey home. I just have never believed that when someone is physically gone that they are spiritually gone as well. That part of John will always be with you. I feel so sad for you. When Teddy goes to church on Sunday he lights candles for all our friends here at Take some deep breaths, know that we all care and that our thoughts and prayers are with you!

    in reply to: TO MY DEAR FRIENDS #22627

    I can receive an e mail from any place in the world! Just click under my name
    where it says email. Pleased to have your letter.

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma And Chemo Treatment? Is This The Way To Go??? #22257

    Did he have a Whipple. Again it depends on what size and where the cancer is but perhaps he is a candidate for cyberknife?

    in reply to: Introduction #22578

    Hi, and sorry to say welcome, but you have come to a good place. What kind of surgery did your mother have? Sounds like a Whipple? Stay strong and let us know how the doctors are going to proceed.

    in reply to: TO MY DEAR FRIENDS #22625

    Yes, we do have September 15th. I guess to me that is this weekend! Sometimes I don’t know what day it is. Honestly I don’t think it is up to us to give Oprah suggestions. I would be happy to just have us on for 15 minutes on any show! I would suppose her staff is very qualified and might not like the suggestion route. But certainly bring up Walter Peyton, especially being from Chicago!!!!! :):):) Like I said I am keeping a copy of the letters and we will persevere until someone takes notice. I am VERY tenacious!


    Sounds like my husband who had a Whipple August of 05. Cancer returned this last April where the duodenum used to be. He just had 5 weeks of radiation daily in hope of getting cyberknife in October. Where are you and where did his cancer return? Teddy is going to be 76, post Whipple great after kinks ironed out. Golfed and still working part time.

    in reply to: New to site #22599

    Welcome Kathy, wish you didn’t have to join us or take this journey! We were visiting our kids in Milwaukee when my husband was diagnosed. His was in the bile duct valve and the doctor got it all at that time. This last April the monster reared its ugly head again and Teddy just finished Radiation so that he can move on with cyberknife. You quickly learn the ropes around our site! You have come to the right place. Where are you in WI? We lucked out with Dr. Lyle Henry at Columbia Hospital as there are not too many who know how to deal with our lot in life. Somehow we all stay strong and do what we have to do to get through this nightmare. This web site is full of heroes!

    in reply to: My Dad was diagnosed with CC on 8/8/08 #22623

    Hi Swarty, so sorry you had to join our little community but a warm welcome. You will find as you go along this rocky path, ways to cope and help get your dad to a comfortable place. Not sure why this has happened to so many good people. As a Caretaker I have found release by getting in the car, driving down the block and letting out a few yells. Also found it comforting to get in the car, put on music I love and SING my heart out! I will not answer questions to family and friends all day long, thus reviewing until I am blue in the face. I send out
    group e mails instead. AND when I do not feel up to do anything else but look after my husband…I don’t do anything else. You will find your own comfort zone as you go along. Some of my friends and family may think I am too rapt up in this web site but I feel closer to the people on here at this time than to others.
    One has to do what works for them. Our prayers are with your family.

    in reply to: No Tarceva/CT Scan / 3-D IMRT Monday #22609

    Hi Lisa, Teddy doesn’t have cancer in the kidneys. What happened is when he had his Whipple and they rearranged the innards, the duodenum was left out. That is where the cancer returned in April. It is pressing against the right ureter and crimped it. I am amazed the ureter did not get mets. I just don’t see how once the cancer is zapped by the cyberknife, or as he calls it the sabreknife, that the ureter will straighten out as it is very delicate. I guess we will never know anything, right???? Would you have opted to just remove the kidney than to wear a bag? When our husbands are this sick could they survive that kind of surgery? I know people live YEARS on one kidney. Our Urologist I don’t think would be too quick to remove it. Don’t know have to see.

    in reply to: No Tarceva/CT Scan / 3-D IMRT Monday #22612

    OMG! Jeff, it is just like you to post something you would prefer not hearing yourself and add something good for someone else!~ First of all good luck on everything we will be following you with baited breath and know we are all cheering for YOU! Then, thank you for that information about Teddy. The doctors never explain the “whole” thing. Now that makes sense, I will tell him as soon as he wakes up. He is down because he thought they were going to cap his stint to the kidney and take off the bag. Honestly I don’t see how he will ever get rid of the bag if the ureter is permanently damaged. Now he says he would rather be without that kidney. Keep us posted on you, I know you will and I just wish we could meet you, I think we would get along great!!!!

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