
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: She is in his hands now #43077

    Dear Rick, I’m so very sorry to hear that Debbie has passed on. I found your story beautiful & very moving – thank you for posting it. I hope you will keep coming onto the boards to let us know how you & your family are, & to let us give what help & support we can. This is a wonderful place to be able to grieve & rant & cry – & ultimately smile & laugh, too.


    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma and my mother #41355

    Dear Nidhi, I’m so very sorry to hear of your mum’s passing. This will be such an incredibly painful time for you & you are very much in my thoughts. Please keep coming back for the love & support of this wonderful family. As Michelle says, we will get through this together.

    Julia x

    in reply to: You guys are fantastic #43111

    Hello, Ironbark – it’s great to meet you. I totally agree with you about this “family”. It’s been my rock & my lifeline. I can go away & know it’ll be here when I get back. It doesn’t judge & it always supports. I’m glad you’ve become part of it.


    in reply to: Oncologist vs. Surgeon #42539

    Hello from me, too, Diane!! I can’t really add to what the others have said, so I’ll just chip in & say Hello & Welcome to the “family”.


    in reply to: Day by Day #42924

    Hugs to you all. X

    in reply to: An update on ongoing troubles…. #42745

    Glad you like the strap line, Val. I saw it one day & thought; “That’s it!! That’s exactly how I’m feeling!!” – so I adopted it ;)

    Betsy, I LOVE Eddie Izzard. I’m so glad you’ve found him.


    in reply to: Caregiver’s Journey (From Hospice) #43117

    Thank you, thank you, Lainey. You’ve so beautifully summed up so many of my feelings today. I know you are going through very painful times & I send love, prayers & every good wish to you, Teddy (I’ve seen his photo & he IS cute :)) & your family. X

    in reply to: not going well #43121

    Dear Kris, I admire you so much – your strength, resilience, humour & compassion are inspirational. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers every day. I will keep praying for the docs to delve further into their bag of tricks & come up with new plans. As Lainey says, we love you loads. Best wishes, love & hugs from London. X

    in reply to: A question from my sister #42572

    Many, many thanks for your replies. I printed them off for my sister & she was much reassured. Yesterday, she took them to her GP (who’s constantly doing tests on Susan for UTIs & constantly finding no evidence that her symptoms – & accompanying pain – might be caused by one). As a result, the GP has referred her back to the Onc & she has an appointment next Monday. She’s gone to have her bloods taken this afternoon, so they’ll have the results in time for her appointment.

    Yes, Marion, you’re right – she does have a metal stent.

    She asked me to thank you all for her, too.

    Julia :-)

    in reply to: An update on ongoing troubles…. #42740

    Blimey, Val – when we spoke the other day & you told me you had to do unpleasant things with the bile, I completely misunderstood the situation … It never occurred to me you had to DRINK the stuff!!

    My admiration for you (which was high before) has just tripled!! xx

    in reply to: Kristin is gone #42726

    Dear Kevin

    I’m so very sorry to read of Kristin’s passing. She was a very special lady & you are very special, too. Please do keep coming back & let us know how you are.

    Julia x

    in reply to: News from Devoncat #40353

    Thank you, Hans. It’s so kind of you to update us – & very much appreciated.


    in reply to: Forum-wide hug #42560

    Hello, Harmony & thank you so much for the hug!! I love your blog title; I’m a diver, too & haven’t been in the water since my knee replacement. I’m so looking forward to reading more of your blog – you have a fabulous style.


    in reply to: cc and my DAD- #41647

    Welcome, Normaalicia – my sister sleeps a LOT of the time, too. The docs seem to consider it a response to the chemo still in her body & the tablets she’s on, rather than the cancer. My best wishes to you & your dad.


    in reply to: Feeling positive/no change in CT scan #41567

    Thinking of you, Andie – please send my very best to your dad & let us know how he’s getting on.

    Julia x

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 785 total)