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  • lalupes

    Hello Judy!! Welcome to the best support network you could hope to find. Thanks for posting your sister’s blog – it looks really helpful & I’ll bookmark it. I started a blog, too. I’m not good at updating at the moment, but I’m writing from the perspective of a sister, not a patient. If it helps at all, you’ll find a link to it in the Blog Section. There are other blogs there, too, which will hopefully help you through this massive shock stage. I was bouncing off the walls when my sister was diagnosed last August, so I can really relate to your comments (though, in my case, I’m the “little” sister & she’s the “big” one).

    This site has such wonderful people & loads of information to help you & your sister.

    Please keep coming back. We’re all here for you.

    Julia x

    in reply to: An appointment at last…. #37980

    I really hope the chemo works well for your Mum, Jemima. My best wishes to all of you.


    in reply to: Can anyone understand doctors reports? #39948

    Phew!! My mind goes off at a gallop on things like that, too, Andie.

    I’m glad you checked it out with a doc.


    in reply to: My turn for bad news – chemo didn’t work #39743

    Good Luck, Linda – I hope all goes really well.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Not a good day today. #39914

    Dear Gavin – I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough time. I hope Arran continues to jump all over & around you & I hope he teaches Elidh how to do so, too. My mum is with her great-granddaughter (my great-niece), Neve, this week & sent me a photo. Wow, she’s growing up soooooo fast. She’s 2 now & she’s becoming the focal point of the whole family. I know how much good being with her is doing my mum this week & I know from your FB page how much you & your little cousins enjoy each other’s company. I hope your days get better & the pain gradually diminishes.

    Hugs to you there from us here
    Julia xx

    in reply to: Dad now got infection #39882

    That’s GREAT news, Andie!! :D

    in reply to: My mom has cancer and I would like to introduce myself, #39898

    Dear Daughter

    I’d like to join the others in welcoming you here. This site has been a life/sanity saver for me & I’m able to take the information I learn here & share it with my sister in the most appropriate way.

    Give your mum a big hug from me (& have one for yourself, too).


    in reply to: How Do You Know If Your In The End Stage? #39920

    Dear Steve, I am very sorry to hear what you’re both going through. My sister has quite a lot of nausea & her fatigue is also extremely debilitating. We’ve wondered whether she’s dehydrated because she drips with sweat so much of the time. She was prescribed Fortisip when she couldn’t eat but Nancy may not be able to keep that down, either, as it’s in drink form.

    I’m thinking of you both & send my very best wishes.


    in reply to: Nerve block? anxiety attacks? #39556

    If you write it, I’ll buy it, Lainy!!!

    in reply to: Confused #39805

    I’m so pleased they’ve got him unblocked & cleaned out, Andie. My sister hasn’t had any problems with hers so far (fingers firmly crossed for the future, too) so I don’t know anything about the process but when she initially had a plastic stent inserted, the d***ed thing migrated up the ducts & now they can’t find it!! Maybe that’s another reason they go for the metal mesh ones if surgery isn’t currently viable?

    in reply to: Chemo #39788

    I’m sorry I can’t answer your question, Pam, but I wanted to send you & your dad my very best wishes for his treatment.

    I’m sure someone else will be able to give you some thoughts on the gemzar alone.


    in reply to: A Little Lost but Trying to Find Our Way. #39624

    Enjoy your break, Christine – I hope you come back relaxed & refreshed. :)

    [BTW – where did you get your gorgeous bouncing Tigger?? I love it!!! :D]

    in reply to: VENT – docs and rib pain #39781

    I’m sorry I can’t help with info on the rib pain, Kim, but I can join in your frustration & rant with you!! How upsetting & frustrating & downright RUDE of him!! My sister was left on tenterhooks last August when the whole Team went off for the Bank Holiday & put the presentation of her results back a week, too … without telling her until after the event. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!

    I hope all goes well tomorrow & that someone can give you info to help her with the pain.

    My best to you & your mum.


    in reply to: More adventures with my external bile drain #39753

    Wow, you’re going through the mill, Kristin!!! I’m glad there’s nothing dire going on but it must have been SOOO scary!!

    Thinking of you & sending gentle hugs.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma and PSC #39764

    Welcome, Jenny – even though I’m sorry you have to be here, I’m so glad you found us. GOOD LUCK!!!

    Julia x

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