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  • in reply to: The Oncologist Visit – Teddy & Lainy #34310

    Thinking of you both & sending loads of positive vibes, Lainy.

    Love Julia x

    in reply to: Mortgage refinancing #34343

    Lisa, I’m very glad you met someone with a heart & a brain in synch with it!! You are NOT a problem, you are a customer/client & should be evaluated on your own facts. As a solicitor, I used to act for Lenders & it makes me so cross when they work solely on “criteria” & not on common sense!!!

    Good luck with your future dealings with them.

    Julia x

    in reply to: changing the stents!! #34105

    I’m sure that’s what my sister has, Rowena. A metal “mesh” stent which expands and beds in to the wall, keeping everything open & draining? My understanding is they don’t clog easily but, if they do, they’re fairly easy to sort out.

    I may be wrong, but I think that’s what she’s got.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34366

    Welcome Margaret – this is a wonderful family you’ve found & I know you’ll get loads of help & support here.

    KEEP KICKING!!!! Love to you & your family.


    in reply to: From Sophie #33840

    How lovely to meet you, Sophie – I’ve heard so much about you & I know you’ve been missed whilst you’ve been away from the boards. I’m so sorry you’re feeling so rough, but a good ol’ wallow does a power of good & I’m glad you’re back.

    I hope some of the suggestions will help ease your mouth sores.

    All the best

    in reply to: Babies, babies everywhere #34251

    I’m so sorry, Kris – I do know how hard that can be. I was 35 when I was told I couldn’t have children & it took me a good while to adjust. My reason wasn’t the same as yours but the emotional side was still very painful. Since then, I’ve “adopted” all my friends’ children & adore watching my god-daughters grow up. My godson’s just had a baby, too & I’m waiting to meet him.

    Have you had a chance to meet Kjartan Magnus yet? Please tell us more when you do.

    All my best wishes are winging your way through the snow :D

    in reply to: Good news with Gemzar+Cisplatin #34176

    This is great news, Surf2kona – I hope you get more & more & more good news & please come here to share it with us.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Should Have Posted Long Ago #34274

    Welcome, indeed, Larry!! I’m so very sorry you’ve lost your dad & am so grateful that you’re joining us to share your knowledge & support. I’m sure he would be very proud of your thoughtfulness to others in the same positions you & he found yourselves. Like you, I’m a carer & I look forward to talking to you again soon.


    in reply to: need u #34261

    I’m sorry I’m so late in welcoming you, Amir – I’ve been catching up on posts today.


    I’m so sorry you & your dad are having to go through this – but he’s SO lucky to have you by his side. Your love for him is so apparent & you are clearly doing everything you can to support him. Sometimes it’s not too hard to know the right thing to say & sometimes it’s VERY hard to know what’s best. You made a decision which was the right one at the time, for the situation you were in at that time. Now it seems he needs to be given the extra information.

    I send GOOD LUCK wishes for a positive outcome for your dad & for you – & MANY CONGRATULATIONS on your exam.


    in reply to: Rosa & Janet – Kings, London #33913

    Looking forward to hearing from you when you get a chance, Katie – but no rush; I know you’ve got a lot on at the moment.

    She managed to get to Guy’s (where she’s having chemo) by bus this morning & came back by tube. She had a friend with her so I stayed home & chewed my nails whilst monitoring the TFL (Transport for London) website for any additional travel problems. All went well – phew!!

    It’s stopped snowing where I am but the College I work at has closed until Monday, too – maybe your son & I could go out & make snowballs together during our time off ;)

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33540

    I’m so glad you were able to go to Florida, Sharon, & that your mum’s still with you. I’m so sorry to hear how she is weakening but you are such a wonderful daughter & the stories you have shared with us are so inspirational.

    You are very much in my thoughts. My best wishes to you, your mum & the rest of your family, too.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Help! #34187

    I send my best wishes to you both, too, Hollie.

    Julia x

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34144

    Welcome, Julie!! My sister’s on the Gemcitabine/Cisplatin combination & is tolerating it well, over all. She’s finished her 4th cycle so should be due for another scan fairly soon.

    GOOD LUCK with your partner’s healing & future treatment.


    in reply to: Still cancer-free #34217

    Wonderful, wonderful news!! The year’s looking good already!!

    in reply to: Possibly Stopping Chemo?? #34191

    I’m sorry I can’t answer your question, Suzanne, but I want to say Good Luck with the scans!! Fingers & toes crossed for good results :D

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