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  • in reply to: Online Birthday Party…Favorite Thing??? #33113

    Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Kris!!!

    :D :D :D :D


    Love Julia & Susan (sis) xxxx

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32915

    I’m so, so sorry to hear of the problems your brother is having, fighforlj. Being in the UK, I don’t know what the procedure is in LA for getting a 2nd opinion but it certainly sounds like you need to fight for an earlier appointment.

    I’m sure someone from your area will have more practical advice than I can come up with but I’m sending my very best wishes to you all.


    in reply to: Our Sister #32653

    You & your sister are very much in my thoughts, Huffdog. My sister’s on Gem/Cis, too & so-far, so-good.

    My very best wishes for your Thanksgiving.

    in reply to: Thinking of you all #33088

    Hello Hollie – I don’t know your aunt (I’m still pretty new here, although I feel I’ve known you all for AGES) but I do know how my sister’s cc is affecting me & my family, so I wanted to reach out & say hello, too.

    My best wishes to you all & I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31838

    Thank you for putting my escalating phone bill into perspective in such a positive way – I feel much better about it now ;) ;) ;)

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #33103

    My sister’s cc is inoperable, too – apparently the tumour isn’t particularly big, but it’s wrapped round an artery. I wish your wife every success possible with her treatment & send my best wishes to you both.


    in reply to: The journey starts #33018

    Welcome, Tom!! My sister’s just about to start her 2nd cycle of Gem/Cis – she has infusions on Days 1 & 8 of a 21 day cycle. So far, so good.

    I hope your treatment goes well. She’s had no nasty side-effects so far & I hope you manage to avoid them, too.

    Good Luck & please keep coming back to ask any questions & to tell us how you’re getting on.


    in reply to: Cold Nose & Clammy Skin #33012

    Thank you both very much. We saw the Onc today & I asked him, too. He said the cancer itself can cause sweats. She had her blood taken this afternoon in readiness for Day 1/Cycle 2 (which is scheduled for this Wednesday); hopefully that will rule out any infection.

    The Mac nurse said she may be losing hair within the nasal cavity, which could explain the cold feeling & the Onc also said Gem/Cis can thin the mucus membranes as they are fast-growing cells.

    Suddenly – from no answers, I seem to have been given quite a few, which is great!!

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31836

    Thanks, Gavin – she’s downstairs, chatting away on the phone :) – I think that means she’s feeling better!! :D

    Glad your dad was feeling better yesterday – I hope his improvement continues today.

    in reply to: New with an urgent question #33009

    Welcome, Raintree. I’m sorry you have to be here, but it’s a wonderful place to be!!

    I do hope the doctors get your dad’s pain under control soon.

    All my best wishes

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31833

    My best wishes to your dad, Gavin. My sister’s just discovered the pleasures of a renewed healthy appetite – & its consequent disadvantages … stomach gripes, extreme fatigue & a general feeling of malaise the next day. I’ll tell her she’s in the good company of your dad & Teddy.

    I hope he feels better soon. The italian day sounds to have been great!!


    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32211

    I’m so very sorry to hear your news; this is not what anyone would want to hear. I’m sending all my best wishes to you & your family. Please come back soon & let off as much steam as you need/want to. We’re here for you.

    With love

    in reply to: A little about myself #32980

    Welcome, bjcarbaugh. I’m sorry you have to be here but it’s a wonderful place to be in circumstances like these.

    I’m so excited to hear of the shrinkage of your tumour – GOOD LUCK with the CT scan. Please come back soon & tell us how you’re doing.

    Very best wishes

    in reply to: A message from Louise #32975

    Thank you, Marion. Please send my love to Louise for a swift recovery from the surgery when next you write to her.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Passing on advice and warning from my psychologist #32945

    Thanks for posting, Kris – I’ve been thinking about your psychologist’s comment & am realising it’s not just the patient whose world is at risk of shrinking!! I need to push my edges out again too!!

    Thank you!! :D

Viewing 15 posts - 631 through 645 (of 785 total)