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  • in reply to: Nutrition #26416

    That sounds good, mary’s son – I’m really glad she’s off to a good start.


    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26423
    Ron Smith wrote:
    “… No matter how bad you may be feeling just now, things can improve, so look forward to the better days.”

    Lots of hugs to you, Ron. Thank you for that message. Emotionally, I’ve been on a downward spiral for the past few days – I feel bad about that because I’m not the one with CC!! Today I woke feeling “that’s enough!! onwards & upwards from now on”. Then I came on & read your message & you’re right … I’ll start the “better days” right now.

    I hope you get some good sleep soon & that you feel much better, too.


    in reply to: April’s mom – update #31362

    That’s wonderful news, April!! My sister’s due to start gemcitabine (or something which sounds like that) soon (hopefully). Is that the same thing as Gemzar?

    Thanks for the update – it’s delighted me for your mum & increased my optimism for my sis.


    in reply to: My brother is gone… #31741

    I’m so very sorry to hear about the loss of your brother, Sandy. I wish there was more I could say or do, but I send my love to you & your family.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Missing my Mom…. #31971

    Pam, what a very kind & sensitive gesture. I remember when my dad died, my mum still wanted to celebrate their wedding anniversary; she said his death didn’t stop them being married & she was celebrating the event which had occurred on that date.

    Your mum was – & still is – very, very precious; I’d like to join in the celebration of her birth with you.

    Happy Birthday!!


    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31943

    Kris, I’m sorry I’m joining in late, but I’m so, so sad you’re having such a rough time at the moment. You were the very first person to welcome me here & I feel such a close affinity to you. I’m thinking of you & hoping you feel better & better & better every day.

    You are SUCH an inspiration & superstar.

    Lots of love Julia xx

    in reply to: Waiting is the pits! #31914

    Good luck, Louise!!! I’m wishing you all the strength, energy, peace and laughter you could ever hope for.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Missing my Mom…. #31968

    I’m thinking of you, too, Pam.

    Love Julia x

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31755

    I’m so sorry your dad’s having such a bad time, Gavin. It must be very hard for you all to have had such unwelcome news. You’ve been very much in my thoughts recently, although I’ve been finding it hard to write very much lately. I’m sending loads of good wishes your way for you & your whole family.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31031

    I’ve just sent a reply, Katie – & it bounced back!!! I’ve re-sent via the email link on your profile & hope it reaches you this time.

    Enjoy your programme!! :D


    in reply to: My lovely sister #31027

    Every day I come on & want to post an update – but I just feel I’m on a runaway train & I can’t catch my breath – so I go away again & think I’ll try again later.

    Thank you for your lovely message, Katieloumatt; it was so lovely to hear from you & I will reply very soon.

    The situation so far is good; my sister’s out at last & is staying with me for the time being. Her Macmillan Nurse came to visit on Saturday – she was so lovely … but the fact we had to have a Macmillan Nurse visit at all rammed the whole thing home again.

    I read my sister some of your messages & the suggestions I’ve picked up from other threads on the site & she specifically asked me to come on & thank you all for your kindness & good wishes. She says she would find it hard to browse the site herself but is delighted that I’ve found so many friends here & have been receiving such support from you all. She said she loves hearing about you all & is finding the stories you’ve posted about your own fights – for yourselves &/or for your loved ones – with this awful, awful disease truly inspiring.

    She’s having good days & bad days but she’s only been out of hospital for a week, after 2.5 months in bed, & the good days are definitely outweighing the bad. Long may they continue to do so :D.

    She heard from her “Ornithologist” today (she was drugged up to the eyeballs when she first met her Oncologist & couldn’t remember what he’s called, so her memory of his title has stuck) & is due to go for a pre-chemo assessment within the next fortnight. Fingers crossed!!!

    I feel I may have broken the paralysis by coming on & posting this tonight, so I hope to be back & joining in the fight with you all again very, very soon.

    Love to you all.
    Julia (& love from Susan, too) xxx

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25824

    That’s GREAT news, David!! :D

    in reply to: itching relief #31716

    Thanks, Betsy; that’s good to know – & I’m very glad it’s working for you.

    BTW – I love your signature tag!! Brilliant quote :D

    All the very best

    in reply to: Havent wrote in a while #31719

    I’m so sorry, clolomish. Love & hugs are winging their way to you & your family.

    Julia xxx

    in reply to: Free NHS prescriptions for cancer patients #31725

    Thanks to both of you for all this information!! I’ll be on the relevant websites asap!!! :)

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