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  • in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61265
    Lainy wrote:
    Dearest Julia, you are a wise woman and so I say this to you but with tears. You and Susan fought the biggest fight ever and I sincerely hope she is on her way to Peace. For anyone else who may take this the wrong way, of course we don’t want to loose anyone but you and I have been together a long time now and we both know enough is enough. I am sending you all my love, hugs, prayers and what ever else you may need at this time. Be strong.

    Thank you, Lainy. I do know exactly what you mean and my heart agrees with you very strongly. Susan is now in a coma and looks very peaceful; the lines of pain and distress have gone from her face.

    She looks so beautiful and calm, the thought of her reawakening to this nightmare horrifies me. I can’t bear to lose her, but I’ve told her whatever decision she makes will be the right one. If she wishes to keep fighting, I’m there with her, but if she chooses to let go, I’m there with her, too.

    What I find most traumatising is when she’s awake (if you can call it that) and in deep distress. When she’s peacefully asleep, I cope relatively well. I can’t deny it will be a relief (of sorts) for me when she’s no longer in pain.

    Thank you all for being here.

    in reply to: Bad news #61347

    Pepehorse, you and your family are in my thoughts and in my heart. My sister has now slipped into a coma amd seems to have very little time left, too. My heart breaks for all of us.

    With love to you and yours

    in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61259

    I got a call this evening that the Hospice is “concerned” about Sue; she hasn’t woken since she fell asleep yesterday morning, which means she hasn’t had any food or liquid either. They’ve thought she may be slipping into unconsciousness before (i.e. 2 weeks ago) but she rallied the next day, so this may not be as significant as it sounds but she wasn’t in such a weak state then.

    They’ve changed her to an air-mattress, because her sacrum is becoming reddened as she isn’t moving (I take it this means to prevent bedsores). Our cousins visited on Friday and yesterday and her friends have been visiting in shifts, with her boyfriend staying in a chair in her room overnight for the past 4 nights. He was going to go home this evening, but since the Hospice called, he’s gone back there for a 5th night. I had never realised how much loved Sue is by so many people.

    in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61255

    Thank you, Janet. I’ll look into that, too.

    You’re right; I’m exhausted. I can’t bear to see her sobbing and begging to come home, yet I can’t bear not to go in to see her.


    in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61253

    Thank you, all. Thank God I found this site so early in Sue’s journey. You have supported me every step of the way.

    I talked to the doctors again and they said they took her off oral medication last week because she was sleeping through her prescribed medication times and their experience is that waking a patient and hassling them to take tablets they can’t swallow easily causes more distress than benefit. Quite often they can’t wake her, either, so they thought she was drifting into a final unconscious state. The doctor said that, frankly, Sue’s consultant thought she had less than 24 hours left when he made the decision, so he believed she wouldn’t live long enough for withdrawal symptoms to kick in. But this is Susan and she doesn’t dance to anyone’s tune (or die when any doctor believes she will – she proved this 6 months ago, when they gave her less than a week to live, and she’s proving it again now). They have agreed that failing to alter her “prescribed medication times” to suit HER time schedule and failing to restart the medication when she rallied slightly and started swallowing again was a mistake and they are now doing all they can to rectify the situation quickly. Thanks to advice from you all at CCF, and from AMMF in UK, I’ve discovered Sue’s particular anti-depressants do come in liquid form. The doctor didn’t know that, but she’s said she’ll get some today.

    Sue’s major battle at the moment seems to be with her “demons” rather than her cancer, I just hope the cancer backs off long enough to give her the strength to win this battle, before she has to fight the next one. If Sue gets her emotional strength back, we all have a chance of her having a peaceful life and, when she decides to go, a peaceful death.

    in reply to: Uncontrolled anxiety #61289

    I am experiencing the same thing with my sister, Jose. She is deeply distressed and clearly fighting. Thank you for the link.

    Love to you both
    Julia x

    in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61248

    Bless you all, thank you. X

    in reply to: My Lovely Sister #61245

    Thank you, Lainy. I will be strong. XX

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60859

    Fabulous, Pam!!! X

    in reply to: Worsening #61107

    Dear Jose

    My heart breaks for you and for your sister, as well as for my sister and for me. Your descriptions hit me hard, as my sister is in very similar circumstances, although they stopped her chemo a year ago. The doctors say she’s given them several “serious scares” over the past few weeks, but she doesn’t want to leave this life yet, so she’s still here. I do believe her determination is a strong factor in all this and the doctors have now said she should work on the basis that she doesn’t have very long left but that they really, really, really don’t know. She isn’t fitting any of the patterns they’ve seen with other terminal cancer patients.

    3 years ago she was given less than 6 months; 6 months ago she was given less than a week. I got a call a week ago to say she was slipping into final unconsciousness and yesterday she was up, fighting the nurses (she’s a very feisty lady, my sister ;)) and going for a walk in the garden with her boyfriend and me.

    NO ONE knows.

    Love and hugs to you and your sister, from me and mine.

    Julia xxx

    in reply to: Not cancer!! #60887

    The power of the fart is AWESOME!! Great news, Susie :)

    in reply to: some people don’t get it #60606

    Please tell me more about your troll, Kris. I seem to have missed that thread.

    He sounds GREAT!!

    Julia x

    in reply to: My husband Chris #60541

    Hello, Nicki

    I’m so glad you’re in touch with CCF and AMMF. I really wish you and Chris the very best of luck with his blood results. My sister was diagnosed at Kings College Hospital and treated at Guy’s in London. I know the Royal Free very well, as I had two knee replacements there!! Great hospital :)

    My sister is constantly getting infections and they make her so very ill, they worry me to death – but then she’s put on a course of IV antibiotics and she rallies incredibly quickly.

    Please let us know how you and Chris are. We’re thinking of you.


    in reply to: Disability placard. Do any of you have one? #60619

    I don’t know the US system, Pamela, but my sister has one. (It’s called a Blue Badge over here).

    in reply to: I’m lost… #59412

    Mars Bar Cheesecake??? Oh, how I wish I’d been there … :)

    I love your signature-quote, Deb.


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