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  • in reply to: My Dad and questions #45471

    TY all for great support and advice. Dad passed around 2 months after diagnosis. After my last post things just went so fast it became a blur. We all did try to keep him company and talk when we could with him. Tried to stay on top of what to expect from this website, hospice nurses, and cancer societies. We enjoyed an amazing day when he seemed nearly normal minus the strength.

    Best wishes and prayers for all your loved ones and yourselves.

    in reply to: Late 80s with bile duct cancer #45111

    TY all for your words of support. Sadly my dad lost his battle after about 2 months. Everything happened so fast that it seems a real blur.

    Spend as much time with your dear ones as possible. He had no chemo or any other treatment as it was too late and eventually did home hospice, but even that was very short time span and took many of us day and night to help out. Good for patient, hard on family.

    Best wishes to all your loved ones and your selves. Be strong and be flexible.

    in reply to: Late 80s with bile duct cancer #45106

    Everyone, I am so sorry to read everyone’s situation and sadden to read the ages of some of CCs victims. However, I am glad to have found this site. This site and posts give me a good heads up on how to help my mom and dad through this. Perhaps someday they can find some help with it too.

    I started posting questions in the discussion section as I had just visited – I live a distance away sadly.

    He is somewhat depressed – guess it take some time to get a grip, never rests through the night, barely stays a wake for any length of time; has abdominal pain on and off; uses an external bile bag; fairly weak; unresuctable tumor in liver which started in bile duct; set to see oncologist in 3 weeks who wants to start low dose chemotherapy; not much appetite. Month ago he was slowing down, but still very young for 88.

    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with extraheptic Cholangiocarcinoma #40490


    I am very new to all of this too and my father has cholangiocarcinoma too. He is 88 and has not been able to rest through either a night or day. He wakes like yours many times a night and only cat naps during the day. Mom reports he is very exhausted but can’t sleep. I wasn’t sure if it was due to cancer or due to dealing with knowing about the cancer or I suppose both. I too live far, though not in another country from my parents. I am returning for a visit as I was only able to visit him here and there while in the hospital. Still unsure the direction they are taking as he still has to see the oncologist whom seems to not be free this month! Best wishes and prayers.

    in reply to: Late 80s with bile duct cancer #45104

    Yes, lmcnish our experiences may be similar in many respects. Mine is 88 and a young one at that too. Will stay in touch after my visit this week as I may know more after this week. Best wishes to everyone this week.

    in reply to: HOSPICE Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm #45049

    My thoughts and prayers are with both of you. Teddy is so very lucky to have such a strong person fighting for him.

    in reply to: Late 80s with bile duct cancer #45103

    TY for words of welcome. Yes, he has a stent and external drain to bile bag. That alleviates the blockage and jaundice. He is home and tired, some days more than others.

    Just read someone else’s post of the speed with which this cancer moves and I concur that our family’s experience is same. He went in healthy except for severe pain at times in abdomen and soon went jaundice, fluid in lungs, swollen joints. The x-rays of joints showed nothing and fluid result not back yet. Hoping that it has not spread yet.

    I am heading home this week so will learn more. Agree with others out there that Internet allows for education.

    I am thankful to have found you guys, but sorry that it is under these shared experiences. I will pray for devoncat and others too.

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