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  • in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32183

    THANK YOU ALL for your kind words and advice. Well, mom’s doctor NEVER called today, after promise from his physician’s assistant that she would make sure my mom was called today. Mom actually had a better day today, believe it or not, and was able to keep a few things down and the reflux was not as bad. Mom is going to cancer center to get an IV to rehydrate. Still waiting on the doc for the results of the scan. I am encouraging her to call her surgeon to see about a scope to see what is going on, but the doc told her he wanted the results of the scan before having a scope. Praying for some assistance from her doctor to assist with mom and also looking into other doctors that might assist us.

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32176

    Rather disappointed, not to much of an update on my mom. She is still sick and we have called the doctor with no success. He was out of town last week. His nurse assistant promised that she would call mom tomorrow to discuss options. We waited all day yesterday hoping to hear something. She has a previously scheduled appointment this coming Monday, but we did not want to wait this long. Hard watching mom not being able to eat and reflux so bad it causes her to projectile vomit. I know the doctors are busy, it is just hard to deal with. She told the nurses assistant that she may not be important to the doctor, but her family sure thinks she is important! Discouraged…I’m sure others have been there too. Thanks for listening.

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32173

    My mom’s reflux is all the time and then it seems when it gets too bad she vomits. This happens quite a bit. She keeps feeling like there is pressure in there and today she said she is bloated. She is not scheduled to go to doc until November 2nd.

    Thank you for the link on scar tissue. Have not had a chance to review yet. Trying to nurse a sick child back to health. It seems that this flu is everywhere.

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32169

    Oops, I think I should have started in the Introduction section on this site since I am new. Not too computer literate!!!!!

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32168

    Thank you all so much for your replies, information, care and concerns…what a comfort! Thank you all for the hello’s and good wishes. I am praying we get some answers soon. My mom is rapidly loosing weight as she just can’t seem to keep anything down. I will let you all know about her scan, but not scheduled to hear any results until November 2nd…seems like a long ways off!

    in reply to: New and need help with mom’s condition #32163

    Thank you so much for your reply! My mom has had a blood test and we were told her numbers looked fine (whatever that means). Do you know if they can do anything for the scar tissue, if that would be the case? Should get the results of the scan soon. Hope to hear good news.

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