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  • in reply to: Anti-anxiety meds #34907

    Rick ,the ativan/lorazapam is a common one perscribed when people are undergoing chemo,it takes the edge off the nerves etc,But you may need an antidepressant ,an SSRI at the moment.This combined with counselling,what you are going through,what we are all going through is so extraordinary we need every available aid to get us through Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22115

    I think the positive anniversaries like -wedding,birthdays etc are sad but good,so much better than the other kind because we have our lovely memories. Janet
    of course they are still tricky…..

    in reply to: Update re: mom’s cc progression #34898

    Hi,yes it is uncomfortable the oedema in the feet etc.I am not sure the high doses of lasix are good,it is a lot of stress on the body and doesnt seem to do that much.Elevation of course and the low albumin is probably a factor so eating ice creametc may help.There is a massage that can help.
    I think low doses of diuretics are better,good luck Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22113

    I am sorry you have been ill,Pauline,that shocking weather cant have helped.I am like Darla,I havent been ill either and thats strange because the boys have had a few colds and throats and things.I have been really tired and low in mood and the poor sleeps!
    I think the xmas /new year period was apalling in its effect,I felt I went backwards and I feel much better this week,we have the tourist influx to contend with too.
    I wish everyone really good wishes.I really do and I hope we all continue to creep slowly onwards Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22109

    Hi everybody
    I hope you are all doing ok.I am back on track after a rather unsettling time.Roland has shingles,from all the recent stress they think.I feel guilty as always,but I diagnosed it and got him organized with treatment quick smart and so on.
    My sister has been down to stay for a couple of days and that has been great for us all.So good for the boys,they love my sister and have been worried about her. Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22106

    Hi all of you,
    I havent really connected for a while and that is because I have gone through a sticky patch,this 1 year anniversary thing tied up with the xmas thing!I have survived it in my own way,things are always tricky here with the boys and their issues(all the mental health stuff etc)Sadly,it has an impact if I am too self indulgent.I need to be a superwoman which I am most of the time!
    Luckily I live near the beach Janet

    Hope you are all doing well

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33556

    Good luck,Sharon with these strange times Janet

    in reply to: remembering the last days #34708

    Thankyou for all the kind and encouraging words.I agree with Darla that it is terribly up and down.I have a feeling that the actual anniversary day wont be as bad as this leadup,after all,all the real nightmare stuff happened beforehand.
    In my case things did worsen a bit afterwards bacause my son suffered a bit of a breakdown and then we had my younger son in his final year of school.I just didnt have the energy to deal with it all.
    I also found it hard to go back to work.I didnt get involved with a group as such but I did join friends of the library and art gallery and that helped.What I found, Elaine is that distraction helps but you have to be fussy and do what you think you will enjoy and spend time with who you want to and sometimes it works,sometimes not and if an occasion is not working for me I have just left and gone home because I started to feel sad.
    I do love the poem,Lainy


    in reply to: Failed first-line regimen #34665

    I think it is your mothers decision really.If she is enjoying more quality of life off chemo perhaps thats what she wants

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34365

    Margaret,what a stressful time you have had and how poignant for you all those elements of lost years and coming together.It absolutely doesnt seem fair,but I sense you have had wonderful times together and you will make the most of life.It is a bit of a potluck scenario the treatment for for some and not others.
    We will support you both here and good luck as you embark on further treatments Janet

    in reply to: Babies, babies everywhere #34252

    Hi Kris,
    fertility issues and hormonal issues are another cancer issue really.Even if one has had kids,the early menopause that can be induced is difficult to deal with.It is another big part of cancer and cancer treatments.
    Enjoy those babies and have those regrets of yours,then try to press on . Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22102

    Hello everyone
    I did survive the xmas and new year.I am now in very strange territory,Joels last weeks-he died on the 16th.I now remember each day last year,what happened,what we did etc.Joel was at home almost all of the time but went to a hospice for the last couple of days.I couldnt keep up with how quickly he was going downhill.
    I remember I threw up in the front yard as he was being put in the was so stressful,it is making me cry as I remember and so hard for the boys,Al sobbing on his bed and the ambulance officers in tears.
    My family all rushed down from Sydney and that made the boys feel better,we were supported.But when I think back ,well when I think back it still feels a little raw,all of it.
    I have survived though Janet

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33544

    Hi Sharon,this is how dying goes,a coma.People just sleep more and have little windows of being awake and talking a little and then they just slide into a coma and that is usually peaceful and can be a relief to some restlessness that can precede it.The hearing is the last sense to go so it is still a time to talk in a peaceful way even though there is no response. Janet

    in reply to: marjorie cole #34115

    Pat,I am very sorry to hear of all that you and Marjorie have endured.I have been through a similar loss with my husband,Joel 11 months ago.Its a big challenge,Pat and you need to gather all your supports including those available on this site to help you kindest regards Janet(from half a world away)

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34137

    Hi,sorry to hear your news.With regard to chemo,the preferred regime is gemcitabine given alone or with a platinum drug such as cisplatin.It cannot start too soon after surgery as it will delay healing.Good luck Janet

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