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  • in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22044

    Hi people
    How is it all going?I have had a birthday to contend with this weekend and I have kept it busy so its all gone ok.Its such a strange business going through all these “days”,I think I will be relieved when the 1st round of them is over.
    Joyce,I hope you enjoyed your play,I am glad you have some good types to hang with.Pauline I am glad the work aspect is going well,it still startles sometimes remembering that the person we tell everything to isnt there,I experience that too.
    Darla,I hope the shop is going ok and Sue I hope your work is working out.
    I feel as if I cant be bothered with work,but dont get the wrong impression,I really need to work more to stay afloat.I just prefer pottering here!
    love from Janet

    in reply to: Julia Parrett #31335

    Dear Amy,
    My sincere condolences to you and your family.Good luck in the next few days,it can be a busy time but amazingly we get through with a second wind.You did really well and your mom knew that Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22037

    Hi everyone
    Harmonious vibes to you all.How exciting about the Beatles remastered albums,we dont know whether to buy the boxed set or accumulate gradually.
    My whirlwind trip to Queensland went well.It was lovely to see my sister although she is still very unwell from treatment related issues-the cancer seems in remission.I had a dip in the sea up there which was terrific.
    I hope you are all good,and pursuing a few new and old interests.
    My youngest son has a broken thumb-it is in a splint,this is a big drama because he is doing music for his HSC(?Alevels)and his performance piece was next week,It never lets up with kids this age!I really miss Joel with all this going on.
    It is always great to hear how everyone is going,workwise etc…..keep in touch

    in reply to: Hospice coming to our home #30944

    Im thinking of you Amy,and knowing how you feel.It becomes a bit of a surreal sort of time and we get bursts of adrenalin to get us through.You are going so well holding it all together and I am glad you have good,supportive nurses and family with you

    in reply to: My Turn #31283

    Jan,my sincere condolences to you and your family.I am glad your dad went peacefully and I am glad he and his family had such good care.It is very rewarding work the end of life nursing.I have done that job too and now been a recipient when my huband died earlier this year so I have seen things from both sides.
    I think you were a great support for your dad,I remember your worries over treatment dilemmas.Im sure you have many wonderful memories.
    Thinking of you Janet
    Jan,I nearly forgot to say thankyou for your kindness towards me earlier this year,it was apreciated

    in reply to: FU5 #31238

    I think,yes ,get another opinion-it might turn out that the chemo is not really the right way to go best and kindest regards Janet

    in reply to: Lisa is in the hospital #31243

    My concern and goodwishes and all of it ,sending it over the miles,it is very heartfelt,I really wish Lisa well Janet

    in reply to: What I would have done differently if I would have known better #30866

    That sounds lovely,Elicia-your mom was 3 years older than me-pretty young I say.We live next to the ocean too and its a big part of our lives.You did really well in very tricky circumstances,I still marvel at that that trip of yours.
    Very kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Hospice coming to our home #30931

    Dear Amy
    yes it is good to get some straight talking.I think your mom might be gravely ill,Amy and try to rally all your supports and tell your mom everything you need to.If she rallies a little as sometimes people do well thats good but I think prepare for the worst and see how it goes. kindest regards Janet

    in reply to: Missing My Husband #31200

    You know Darla,I am not sure about these same moons and stars,I think they might be different-I know we have the southern cross at night.What is really amazing is that even if we dont have the same stars and are on other sides of the world we are probably the same sort of women and we share similar cultures(some differences ,yes,but not that big really)
    love from Janet

    in reply to: Missing My Husband #31197

    Dear Darla,
    You know I am thinking of you,we have been there for each other and will continue to do so love from Janet

    in reply to: Swine flu vaccination #31079

    I would think,yes get the swine flu vaccination but is it available yet?We were expecting it soon as health workers in the southern hemisphere.I think if you have a compromised immune system and everyone on chemo does you have all the flu vaccines Janet

    in reply to: Feeling a little lost #31183

    Sorry to hear about your mother
    kind regards Janet

    in reply to: New to this board #31114

    April,hi ,as everyone has said this is a great supportive place.Welcome


    Dear Elicia,
    How wonderfully you managed to care for your mom,bringing her back with you like that.My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Kind regards Janet

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