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  • in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22010

    Joyce that skunk issue sounded a bit too exciting for me.
    Pauline,Darla,I am really keen to get away for a break of some sort but I am concerned about how it will go.I havent been away for a year now and with my son a lot better it seems doable-either a family holiday or just me
    BUT-will it be just too weird or will I be ok with it.I ts hard to even imagine locking up and packing the car alone.Joel always packed the car,he could make all the stuff fit.I dont really expect the boys help here.
    I expect it has to be tried.
    I live in a coastal village 1hour from Sydney and I seem to be faced with these middleaged and older couples all the time-out for the day or down here for a short break,strolling,lunching etc.I didnt notice them that much before.
    Anyhow my best to you all during this ongoing difficult time.Sometimes its just little things that can help us,give a lift-we need to identify what they are and try them love from Janet getting to the end of winter

    in reply to: New member with an old story :) #30533

    Hi and thanks for sharing your story.I think despite the internet sharing it is still a devastating illness.My husband was diagnosed during a routine mens health check with no symptoms whatsoever yet gone 3 months later and he was a fit man in his 50s .We had just got used to the idea that he had cancer and next minute he was gone. kind regards Janet

    in reply to: new and need advice #30614

    Beth,what a worrying time for you.Sending my supportive wishes to you. kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22005

    Dear everyone
    This thread is being neglected!I hope everyone is travelling ok.I know,Pauline you have had a stressful time lately and Darla and Joyce all the memories of last year.Sue,how is the work going?
    I am going along ,just going along.My son ,Roland is a lot better and that is better for all of us.I am managing 1 day per fortnight at work.
    I am very concerned about my sister as you know she was diagnosed with cancer 2 weeks before Joel died and I speak to her every day-she lives in Queensland. love to all Janet

    in reply to: Elevated CA 19-9 in setting of PSC #30554

    Hi Rick good luck with your diagnosis and treatments whatever they turn out to be.It must be very worrying for you with the young family
    kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Foreclosure? #30414

    Dear Lisa,
    I too am facing issues of reduced income ,difficult house to maintain etc and it is very hard because any change is going to be tiring,difficult and lots of work to implement but maybe you need something easier to care for and in the long run it may be easier,Lainy is often very wise. kind regards Janet

    in reply to: 11/2 yrs later #29822

    My husband and I were together for 30years and I am 52,I have my 3 sons at home so I am not actually lonely and Im quite time poor but I really miss the company and conversation of a man in my own age group yet at the same time I cant imagine another relationship.Male friends have been helpful and kind and my sons friends have been wonderful but the gap left is HUGE.
    Darla is so right when she says we can get through this together.Its the only way love from Janet

    in reply to: wanted to update everyone #30516

    I am really sorry for all you have been through.I remember your post from earlier this year-we are both nurses I remember.There is a lot of support on this site for you.I think we all help each other kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Stage 4 extrahepatic CC #30493

    Dear Nancy-its hard to know the ropes in some ways but easier overall I think.It is a strange experience when you have cared for others to be in the situation you wouldnt wish on anyone-I share this with you kind regards from Janet


    Thankyou Pauline for that inspiring post.I too of course miss my husband,Joel and so much for his conversation.As a journalist he was good to talk to about absolutely everything and now I find myself always imagining his response.But also your post made me think how valuable my work as a nurse and despite the difficulties getting back to work,it is not good to let 30 years experience go to waste.
    So thanks ,Pauline and I truly wish for things to feel a little better for you but it is wonderful to make the difference to others lives when you are struggling as we all are love from Janet

    in reply to: 11/2 yrs later #29814

    Marilyn,I feel the same.I envy particularly the elderly couples.I live in a touristy sort of spot and see these older sightseers everyday,enjoying their retirement and it gives me a pang of sadness quite often Janet

    in reply to: New scan results #29859

    Dear kris
    It is such a shock to the system when the scan results are not what you hoped for.Its like the shock of the initial diagnosis all over again(worse,maybe)Give yourself time to adjust to this new info and do some really nice things for yourself love from Janet

    in reply to: Blood clots caused by cancer (How common is this?) #29883

    Hi some types of cancer can actually produce a substance that causes blood to clot and it is common for this to be the 1st sign of cancer and equally common to treat as an ongoing symptom.Also I believe some of the treatments and of course the inactivity can predispose people to clots.

    in reply to: My Mom #29874

    Dear Booklover,my sincere condolences to you and your family
    kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21983

    Dear people
    I hope you are all surviving-difficult times I know.I hope the coming weeks go ok for you,Pauline ,what a bizzarre situation we are in really.Its so difficult to accept
    love from Janet

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