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  • in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21946

    Hi people I think the season thing struck a chord with me as Joel was diagnosed in the O ctober and died in mid January which was the middle of summer here.We had a heatwave going on and it was actually 40degrees(about 104) on some days including the day of the funeral.It was also busy round here as the place was full of tourists.It just gave the situation a surreal quality.My son was on his long uni break and it was bizzarre that when he started back he had lost his dad over the couse of the uni holidays.
    So the summer had a really odd feel to it.We loved the summer and had barbeques a couple of times a week but since Joel died we havent touched it.So in a lot of ways I was glad to see the end of summer and I have enjoyed the Autumn more. for me though just experiencing a change of season alone is weird.
    It was sad about Jeff-he was a great character
    Hope everyones weekend goes okay-I am already well into my weekend before you start yours as I am many hours ahead of you.
    love from Janet our temp is about 65 and we are 2 weeks from winter

    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28620

    Jeff was a very special person-he was a great character and that shone through always,he will be missed.RIP Jeff.
    My sincere condolences to Jeffs family love from Janet

    in reply to: My mom and dad are gone #28594

    Dear Natasha Its been such a nightmare of a time for you.Look after yourself and be patient with things.Wishing you strength Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21939

    Hi people I hope your weekends went ok.I have had a miserable week of car troubles and phone disconnection which has left me frustrated and teary.i found I am ok when things are smooth but any glitches cause a meltdown.The weather was also dull and unseasonably cold last week.It has been sunny over the weekend and I have been for a swim in the ocean pool as the sea temp lags behind the air temperature.It made me feel better,I feel very sensitive to weather fluctuations at the moment and dread the coming winter months.
    Anyhow I hope you enjoy the warmer weather in the northern hemisphere.We have colds here but no swine flu yet love from Janet

    in reply to: Missing my Husband #28412

    Dear Cyndi I would like to add to what all the others have said .This board does have some special people and they will support you
    love from Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21937

    Hi people
    Sue,that holiday sounded terrific-like material for a book.I love Greek food,we have a Greek club near here that does cheap buffet food.
    Joyce,nurses are always good types although I may be biased-but I hope you enjoy your time with your cousin.
    I will go back to my one day per week in a fortnight,I have to do a computer update first,apparently they are now completely paper free.I have found a car too so things are moving.Sometimes I cant believe I have survived all this-Joels death followed by my sons exacerbation of mood disorder.You people online understand more than many other friends and aquaintances but I am marvelling that Im actually keeping going,functioning even though its not quite me as I used to be.
    We are into colder weather and shorter days now and I find the changing seasons odd on my own.I have had some help with the garden thank goodness.
    Pauline I hope things are ok for you and Darla I hope you and your boys are good too love from Janet

    in reply to: Charlie’s Memorial Video #28491

    Hi Carol what an amazing thing modern technology is that I on the other side of the world am able to look at all those wonderful photos of your family and feel so connected Janet

    in reply to: Hello and Thanks. #28338

    Hi that was a lovely,uplifting post Janet


    Dear Carol
    Im so sorry about Charlie,even though it is better that hes gone than keep suffering,Im really sorry for all of it and for what you and your kids have gone through.I do know how you feel(a little)and I wish you strength but I know you and the kids will take care of each other and get through .I wish I could pop in to help Carol,as you once said to me love from Janet
    * Im glad you had that little window when Charlie picked up for a little while

    in reply to: Roberto D’Egidio is dancing with the angels #28319

    Dear Barbara
    My condolences to you and your family.I wish you strength to deal with the busy time ahead.It sounds like a special time that you all shared during your fathers last moments love from Janet

    in reply to: Mary Passed #28247

    Im sorry about your mother.You all must be in shock.
    Take care Janet

    in reply to: My liver is a happy duck #28214

    Hi Kris Im glad your numbers are looking better Janet

    in reply to: Looking to connect with others facing this disease #28192

    Hi you have come to the right site as there is a lot of support here and varied outlooks too which will be helpful to you. Janet

    in reply to: Mom’s (Mary) changes #28178

    Hi I am thinking of you and knowing what you are going through(not exactly ,everyones experience is unique to them)You have a lot of support from the very kind people on this site ,and reach out to your own family and friends-they will help .Above all look after yourselves.Try not to worry over each symptom but look at the overall level of comfort
    take care Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21931

    I love Joyces saying of the ‘put one foot in front of the other’ because Im a great admirer of ‘commonsense’ . In a way we all lean on each other when we need to and I have always been happy to be the one leaned on so dont worry too much Pauline -life is a give and take situation
    love from Janet

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