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  • in reply to: Update on mom’s stroke #28155

    Hi there your mother sounds very ill to me.I think you need to make sure the nurses make her as comfortable and painfree as possible.Rally your family and friends round you because you and especially your dad need their support.I am willing you strength,this is a terrible time for you but a special one too because you can be very close to your mother and dad at this time Janet

    in reply to: Mom’s Stroke #28101

    Hi your mum sounds very unwell and this must be so devastating for you particularly as you live such a long drive away from them.I hope your dad is ok too kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21926

    Hi people I hope you are feeling a little better Pauline as I am finding out its all about feeling a little better and then sinking back a bit.I thought you might be interested to know that I live near where D.H.Lawrence lived when he lived in Australia -just a snippet of info-.I find it amazing how lonely I feel even though Im surrounded by teenagers etc.
    love from Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21921

    Dear people I hope your Easter went ok.I myself feel much better in the last couple of days and I think this grieving thing has an up and down nature to it.Im just thankful not to stay down.Your help and support makes a lot of difference.
    I went into town today Easter monday-most of the shops were open.I looked at all the new seasons clothes(winter)and I thought of my friends in the northern hemisphere and how you will be looking at summer things and it felt good to feel that connection and enjoy the difference.
    love from Janet

    in reply to: Update Jeff G. Juandice/Scan #28086

    Hi Jeff you must be fed up with a week like that.Take it very easy if your unsteady-the socks are bad news.Apricots and bananas are good for potassium but you probably know that already.Even if your not the patient just the backup person hospital visits and tests take it out of you.Have a better week Janet

    in reply to: No appetite #28082

    Hi there If your mum is vomiting she wont really feel like eating so you need to get to the cause.If it is the pain medication it may not suit her or she may need an anti nausea medication or maybe its the timing of when they are given.Its important to prevent dehydration so keep the fluids going frequent small amounts,just a sip every now and then.Discuss it with your nurse kind regards Janet

    in reply to: Help, My mum has nonresectable CC #18692

    Dear Andy I also am sorry for all you have been through

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21918

    H all I will just do one day per week and I can do that.My job is not affected by the economy-they are desperate for nurses always,well they are here.
    I hope everyone has a good weekend over Easter.I have some friends of Joels coming down tomorrow to take me out to lunch.They rang earlier this week and struck me at a very low point and got worried and are now coming to the rescue I think.This man said to me that “his sister coped very well when her husband died a couple of years ago”(she is around my age and had teenagers etc)And I didnt react well to this info and got a bit worked up.So now they are rushing down here tomorrow.
    We live in a coastal village just over 1 hour from Sydney but most of our family and friends are in Sydney so its a funny situation.
    I know you wonderful,understanding people will understand it well.I still cant believe I have lost Joel-every day I wake up and remember he is gone and cry and then try to press on with the day so for someone to talk such rubbish about “coping” really upset me-I call it existing myself and I think Im doing ok existing and looking after the boys.Sorry about this ramble
    love from Janet

    in reply to: Agitation? #28029

    Hi you may need to discuss this with your doctor because it will depend on the dose perscribed.But basically haloperidol is an antipsychotic medication so it will have a calming effect with agitatation.It is also given for nausea and in this case its given once a day at night in a low dose.It does have some longterm side effects and some slight sedative effects which is why its taken at night-but once again check with your doctor or nurse as it does depend on the dose Janet

    in reply to: Agitation? #28026

    Hi haloperidol (haldol) is also good for nausea and loss of apetite so has a dual use in a palliative setting.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21911

    Dear people
    What extraordinary events over the last week.The earthquake was so unexpected although apparently warned about.Joyce,what a terrible drama for your grandaughter to be involved in.We had our natural disaster earlier this year with bushfires.
    Thankyou Patty for the advice with the car books.I am in a spot with it as I really do need another car urgently.
    I am thinking of going back to work soon.This is is a big deal for me as I am a registered nurse working in acute care and I feel I need to have to be on the ball(or whatever the expression)so I do hesitate because as people know I have a son with bipolar who has been a bit manic lately.
    Have agreat holiday Sue

    in reply to: I got chemo and good news #27962

    Kris I wish you well Janet

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24645

    Vincent what a terrible time your all going through
    All my best Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21900

    Dear all I have had a tough week on the car front-a blown head gasket and aparently not worth fixing as the car is too old etc.We had 2 cars but they were neither his or hers but just shared ones.One station wagon,one small runaround type car.Myounger son is in the middle of learning to drive and my husband,other son and I shared the cars.Now I dont know what to do and I dont like having to make decisions at this timeIt feels like some huge challenge.
    I hope you all have a good weekend.I start my weekend a bit earlier
    love from Janet

    in reply to: My Mom Helen Louise Whitfield Davis #27905

    Pam all my very best wishes and thoughts and vibes are sent to you and your family-wishing you energy now-you will need it-there is a lot to get through in the next few days love from Janet
    Pam you have been a great help to me

Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 437 total)