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  • in reply to: Low Point #21216

    mybdm….possibly, due to the cirrhosed liver the other treatments could possibly harm your husband. Have you asked this question? Hopefully, you will receive your call soon from John Hopkins and from the University of Maryland if not, you just might want to become a pest and bug them.
    Wishing for the absolute best,

    in reply to: Completely Oddball Question (from a Complete Oddball) #21217

    Rarely has ever been a question silly enough not to evoke a response and certainly, neither is yours. Although, I would welcome a correct answer to the question of a certain body type being more susceptible of contracting and fighting this cancer I don

    in reply to: Mom has this horrible disease #20162

    Lisa….I am not a physician and can only speak of my own experience and of what I have learned, so far. I would not worry too much about the jaundice. And the fact that your Mom

    in reply to: Mom has this horrible disease #20160

    Lisa….yes, most likely the itching will increase. It is a major problem unless a stent can be placed in order to drain the bile which presently, seems to be coming through her pores. Are you in touch with the physician? Also, Solarcane might give your Mom some relief in addition too, a shower will help, temporarly. You need to find any way possible to keep your Mom comfortable.

    in reply to: Recent diagnosis, my mom stage iv #21196

    lynns. as always I have mixed feelings when welcoming someone to this site as one wishes for cancer not to be in our life however, it is, and we are glad for you to have found us. Sounds as if your Mom is troubled by ascities something, not uncommon with liver failure. You might want to discuss this with the physician as he or she could possibly prescribe a diuretic. Cholangiocarcinoma is considered a rare cancer and not many doctors are familiar with it therefore, preferably, one would have several opinions from physicians familiar with the treatment of this disease. You are mentioning for Hospice to be tending to your Mom. It is advisable to inquire about their familiarity with this cancer, also. I am hoping for your Mom to be comfortable and for others to be passing on their experience and knowledge to you.

    in reply to: Mom passed away #20913

    Debbie…so sorry for this cancer to have taken another wonderful person from us. Whenever I hear of someone’s passing I believe for the sky to become a bit brighter as a new star is blinking at us. With time I am hoping for you to find some peace….and for your heart to be healing….one day at a time.
    Love Marion

    in reply to: Dad has cc #21160


    in reply to: Not sure what’s going on… losing hope #21175

    Scrolling through your previous posts you had mentioned of your engaging Hospice. Has that visit taken place and what was the outcome of the conversation and how involved was you husband in that process? I would make another call to Hospice and explain the situation. Remember, they are there for you, also.

    in reply to: Mystified #18885

    Not everyone has a good off-time. Chemotherapy is accumulative, therefore your Dad may be experiencing severe side effects due to the Xelola. Certainly,this is something you would want to discuss with the onoclogist.
    Wishing for the best,

    in reply to: Questions for the end of the road #21189

    Patty, I so much agree with you. By draining the bile, externally, your Mom was given the comfort of not having to vomit. May it be related to motility or, blockage or, any other reason, the body will expel the fluid. Although, many CC patients do not suffer from extreme vomiting it is those who do suffer from it who will find relief through tubing.

    in reply to: Questions for the end of the road #21187

    I am glad for you to have mentioned the drainage bags as I believe it to be the reason for your Mom’s diminished vomiting. We had contemplated a G-tubing when my husband’s vomiting increased however, waited too long to give the surgeon the o.k. allowing too much time to pass therefore, the procedure could not be implemented. One, if not the only regret I have when looking back at the decisions made by us.

    in reply to: Questions for the end of the road #21186

    Belle, vomiting is a one of the worst experiences with this cancer, toward the end of life. As I had mentioned before it is relentless and most likely cannot be controlled with any medication. At this time, the physicians treating my husband ordered heavier doses of sedation which the Hospice nurses administered.
    My heart is with you in this trying time.

    in reply to: Dad has cc #21158

    there never is much to say after Jeff’s comments as he speaks so well expressing the feelings of all of us. I am wishing for strenght for your Dad, you, and the entire family.

    in reply to: Hi friends #21106

    Hello Friend, So nice to connect with the

    in reply to: Hi my name is Gail #21115

    Gail, so glad for you to have found us. You will be making the right decisions in re: to your treatment as information is the key and information you will receive plenty of through this board and I am sure by your own inquiries. You might also want to consider the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa as we had several members being treated at the Moffitt Cancer Center. This is a good time to start collecting your records beginning with the present physician’s records and everything accumulating further down the road. It is adviseable for you to mention this before any procedure anywhere, anytime. You need possession of your records in order to gather the opinions of other physicians familiar with this cancer as there is such a variance when it comes to the the treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma. As Lainy had pointed out – be assertive in your request of receiving a date for your ERCP. Also, I don’t know whether you already have another person actively involved in your medical care someone, who will speak for you and who will help you navigate the system or, medical care. If not, you should definitely appoint such a person, at this time.

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