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  • in reply to: Update on mom’s stroke #28158

    My mom had a gurgle for a little while. It wasn’t until she started having “substance” come out of her mouth that the hospice nurse said it might be time to have family around. The substance looked like coagulated blood. But, on the other hand, my mom did not have a stroke beforehand.

    in reply to: Mom’s Stroke #28099

    I am so sorry. I’m saying a prayer for both you and your mom right now.


    in reply to: please give me your experience #28106

    2 weeks here, 1 month there, another week here. All the time we are anxious. Gather up all that future stress in a big assertive package and badger, badger, badger.

    in reply to: Update Jeff G. Juandice/Scan #28088

    Hi Mr G.! Glad to see your post. Have you considered switching from cane to a walker for better balance and support?


    in reply to: Help, My mum has nonresectable CC #18691

    Andy: Your mom had 3 wonderful sons who loved her and were there for her. Bless you all.


    in reply to: Agitation? #28032

    Laker: Have you gotten a “porta-potti” to put by her bedside so she won’t have to walk so far later on? maybe even a bed pan for when she can’t get out of bed anymore but still can tell you when she has to go?


    in reply to: Help for Mom/family #28072

    My grandmother complained about food tasting like sawdust. I gave her Haagan Daz vanilla ice cream and 7-up (float). She loved it.


    in reply to: Agitation? #28028

    My Mom did not have any “storm”. Just a calm until that loud breathing for a couple of days, then she slipped away.


    in reply to: What are the signs of impending death? #16371

    LD: I think you might have gotten lost with the other posts somehow. I am so sorry. We are still here for you. I hope you come back. My Mom passed away 3 years ago and I find this site informative and helpful. Helps me to better understand the disease and that what I did was the best I could do. No regrets for my part. Just sorry as heck to lose a loved one.

    in reply to: I got chemo and good news #27957

    God Bless You All!!! What a great group. Each and every one of you.

    in reply to: The saddest birthday…… #27489

    I very sorry for your loss, Pam. Your Mom gave you a tradition. It is not really over, you have to pick it up for her. That’ll bring you together again. My Mom loved going out to lunch. So, my sister and I make it a point to get together for lunch on her birthday, Mother’s Day and the anniversary of her passing even though she left us almost 3 years ago. The sad tears the first year are now smiles as we recall again and again the funny things she used to do. Yes, find a private place and sing to yourself. Happy Birthday, Pam.

    in reply to: Not a good update #27904

    Harvey, Pam & Kristi: I am very sorry for your loss. Peace be with her.



    Got this from website for you:

    “Eligible employees may take a maximum of 12 weeks of protected, unpaid medical or family leave per year. The leave may be continuous or intermittent (i.e. brief leave time taken every so often, if medically necessary). The law stipulates that the employer must return the employee to his or her position, or to a position that is equivalent in pay, benefits, working conditions, and seniority, at the end of the leave.


    Several important restrictions limit the coverage of employees under the FMLA. In order to qualify for a protected family or medical leave,

    Your employer must have 50 or more employees within a 75 mile radius of your job site (including part-time employees and those on leave);
    You must have been employed by your company for at least twelve months; and
    In those twelve months, you must have worked at least 1,250 hours for the employer. (For example, if you work at least 25 hours/week for 50 weeks).”


    There is something called “family leave” that your company is obligated by federal and California State law to enable you to take off to care for a family member. Called FMLA. Company would probably make you use up all your vacation time first, then they have to hold your job for you (even though you are no longer paid, at least you’ll have a job to go back to). Just type in FMLA on website. Hope this helps. BTW, my mother was sleeping a lot and confused when awake. Didn’t remember asking simple questions “what time is it” that she asked just seconds earlier. There is no dementia nor alzheimer in our family. Oncologist called it “chemo brain”. Gastro-enterologist suggested it was the bile duct being blocked and now the bile backing up and towards the brain. Was advised mother would get more confused, then lapse into a coma and then “sleep away” which is exactly what happened.


    in reply to: yipeee!!!! great news! #27425


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