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  • in reply to: Re: Ciprofloxacin anti-biotic for infection #43267

    It very well could be the antibiotic. My husband has the same reaction with Bactrim. We thought he was sick from all of his liver issues and as soon as he quite taking Bactrim he was fine. He is allergic to Cipro but just breaks out in a beautiful pink, bumpy rash! Best wishes ! Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41119

    Hi Bob,
    It seems like you and Tom are facing the same issues at present. I was wondering what scans do they do monthly and what else are they doing for you? Any meds etc? We are going to a new Doc on Weds. and I would like to compare what he suggests and what your Docs are doing. Our present Docs aren’t really suggesting anything right now except to keep putting out the fires as they occur and hope for a liver transplant eventually. That really isn’t something Tom wants to deal with, in fact he says he probably won’t do it. Thanks for any info. I think it’s good to sound informed when dealing with new Drs. Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41117

    Hi Betsy,
    I feel so bad for you. Four more weeks would feel like an eternity. Your situation is what really makes me worry every time they go in and poke and scrape Tom. How long before he starts leaking. It’s very scary and a miserable situation for you. I have always done a lot of research on supplements and Tom has been taking them from the beginning. I really believe they have helped him a lot, probably some more than others. I concentrated on things that helped prevent cancer more at the beginning but now I’ve been looking more at things they recommend for liver disease and that’s where the alpha lipoic acid fits in. You just have to decide whether you want to try them or not- since you’re not doing chemo there shouldn’t be any reason to not try them. Just do some research here about what we’ve all used and then decide yourself I guess. I hope things get better for you soon. With winter approaching it probably makes you feel even more down. Cleveland in the winter can be tough! Take care,Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41115

    Hi Bob,
    I can be a pain- he always says that when they ask him if he has any pain- none except for me! Ha! I don’t take it personally! He knows he’d be up you know what creek without me. We’ve been a team for a long time. Anyway, I know the external drains are awful- he had several early on and it really was the only time he had discomfort. I just hope this time they’ve managed to drain the abscess that’s caused all this grief the past few months. I’ve been researching supplements that can help reverse liver disease. I started him on Alpha Lipoic acid a few months ago but couldn’t really remember why. Yesterday I read how it can really help with liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis etc so I am upping his dose of that a little to what was recommended. I don’t know if any of this really works but he seems to get better and surprise the Docs quite often.
    As far as the bile drinking party – I don’t think so. I read Valjees post about drinking that and instant nausea set in. I can barely get Tom to drink carrot juice occasionally let alone that. Really gross! Take care, Bob!! Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41113

    Hi Bob,
    I’m just curious- have your CA19 tumor markers increased any degree the past few months during all of these infections and inflammation? My husband’s seem to jump drastically every time he has an infection or a procedure done and they never come back down again. They are up over 3500 now. I’m not really worried about the cancer being back- they see no sign of it at all and the markers just started jumping skyward about the time they started stretching and biopsing his ducts every couple of months. I keep hoping they can just leave him alone for awhile and see if he gets better but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards. He has 2 stents now that will have to be removed in a few weeks. I’m beginning to think he may be better off with an external drain like you had for awhile. If they can’t get rid of these abcesses with stents then they need to do something from the outside so they don’t have to keep doing all of these ERCP’s. It seems like all they do is cause more infection and inflammation- a vicious cycle as you know. I’m glad you found this site- you are an inspiration to all of us.
    Take care, Mary

    in reply to: not going well #43124

    All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. I wish there was more that we could say or do to help, but all we can do is send our love. I’m glad your parents are there with you and Hans. I hope the surgeon has one more trick up his sleeve to stop the bleeding. That has to be very scary. Take care, Kris. Love, Mary

    in reply to: Remembering JeffG #37809

    Your Dad was such a special guy, it’s understandable that you still miss him and always will. Anyone that was lucky enough to know him, even here in cyberspace, misses him dearly. Grieving is a long hard process and everyone handles things differently. I know that if I lose my husband who is also my very best friend that I will probably cry for years, in fact I sometimes cry now just thinking about it! So crying is not a bad thing unless you are feeling so blue that it is affecting your ability to function and take care of your babies,etc. You may just need some counseling or join a support group so that you can talk to people who understand. Close friends are great but unless they have been through this it really is hard to fully comprehend the sadness you are feeling. Please feel free to come here and vent or cry or ask for help in any way. I hope things do get better. I guess we all just have to take things one day at a time! Take care, Mary

    in reply to: Still in hospital #42971

    I’m so sorry things have been so difficult for you. I’m glad you have had your parents by your side but feel so sad that you feel the need for the “talk”. I can’t imagine dealing with that as a mom, so my heart goes out to you and your family. Just know that we are here pulling for you every step of the way. Ive always been very impressed about the care you receive. It seems like your Drs are always willing to try anything and everything. I hope they can figure something out now to help you be more comfortable and able to go home. Take care and thanks for the update. We are always worried about you. Love, Mary

    in reply to: Yikes, is there a light at the end of this tunnel, ever? #42653

    I think the problem people here are having is understanding why your husband is in so much pain. My husband has been dealing with this for four plus years now and the only time he had pain was when he had a drain that was obviously resting on a nerve. You really don’t hear about people in pain unless they have a tumor causing it. Your husband’s case is really very strange and personally it makes me think maybe he should go to some new Drs., but I know you and a lot of others are against changing Drs. My husband and I have no problem going to new Docs if we think they can have a new perspective on a situation. We may be doing that ourselves soon even though we are very comfortable with everyone we deal with now- we just feel they may be out of ideas. Your husband’s case seems like one on the show “Mystery Diagnosis”. I have to say that show sometimes gets on my nerves because I can’t believe people put themselves and sometimes their children through so much agony , believing Drs. when they tell them that nothing is wrong until they finally find one that figures it out. I really wish someone could give you some answers. I honestly have seen too many people on here and in my family put up with less than adequate care that causes them a lot of agony and eventually death. Each to his own obviously but for your husband’s and your sake I don’t think I would just assume there’s nothing else to do. It really doesn’t make sense. Mary

    in reply to: Kristin is gone #42720

    Dear Kevin,
    I’m so sorry for your loss. I felt terrible about the suffering Kristen was going through these past months and I do believe she is now at peace. I am not necesarily a religious person in an organized type of way but I do believe our loved ones stay near us spiritually for a time and I hope you feel Kristen’s presence around you in the days and months ahead. You mentioned her rocking chair and that hits home. My husband brought a very ugly rocker from a flea market shortly after his diagnosis that he insisted he put on our back porch so that he could rock and watch the birds. Fortunately for me he is still here to enjoy it but if I lose him some day I will always keep that rocker no matter what! Just take things one day at a time, that’s all any of us can do, and feel free to call on friends here. Take care, Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41107

    Wow, Betsy. They have resorted to trying to glue you back together?! At least they haven’t suggested using our favorite fix-all, duck tape!! Ha! Seriously, I really hope they can figure out what’s going on and do something about it. You’ve suffered with this way too long! Best wishes for a very successful procedure! Take care, Mary

    in reply to: Off to the hospital #41956

    I’m so sorry you have to go through this but we are all sending you our love and I personally will try to be more positive as you always are. I really hope everything goes well and you don’t have to deal with all of that nausea and vomitimg. It sounds like you have excellent Drs. there. They seem to be willing to try everything with you. I’ll keep you and Hans and the DRs. in my prayers. Love, Mary

    in reply to: Update on my Tom.. #41802

    Thanks everyone. Bob, you do sound a lot like Tom. He couldn’t understand why the Drs and I thought he needed to go Sat night but by Sun he was really sick and glad he was there. I don’t think he understands how much better I feel when he he is there and being taken care of instead of here with me worrying like crazy. It’s always a relief when they act quickly and admit him otherwise I know I’ll be making the 2+ hour drive alone with him when he’s going through all of his chills, sweats etc.
    Betsy, I can’t believe what you are going through. Here I am complaining about being tired of dealing with Drs, you must be completely exhausted! Your issues are probably a lot like Tom’s now. There really isn’t much to do expect try to keep infections and cancer at bay, hope things heal ,and maybe, maybe, some day get a liver transplant. I really hope this second leak heals soon.
    Take care all, Mary

    in reply to: Update on my Tom.. #41797

    Tom came home yesterday. He’s very weak and sickly looking. It’s hard to believe how hard these infections are on you. The stents are working and hopefully will continue to do so. They said he had a narrowing where his stomach and intestine attach and did biopsies. I’m going to assume that they’ll call if anything is wrong. Neither one of us really want to know.For the first time in four years I feel really tired of dealing with all of this and just don’t want anything to do with hospitals and Drs. He feels the same way obviously. I don’t even e-mail his Dr. anymore because I don’t think they have any answers about what to do about these abcesses. They’re just going to keep putting out the fires when they pop up! I still have faith in them but I’m just burned out. We’re planning on a consultation at the UPMC Liver Disease Center in Pittsburgh. Unless the biopsies come back positive we feel Tom is dealing with liver disease now more than cancer. I think this is going to be ongoing until it kills him or he is able to get a transplant. Sorry, to be a downer but I’m very tired. I’m actually looking forward to winter and rest and relaxation for a few months! Take care all, Mary

    in reply to: Update on my Tom.. #41794

    Thanks everyone. Lainey, our year has been nothing compared to yours and Teddy’s. You are a rock! I’m not sure I could handle things the way you do and Teddy is so great. It just all gets too sad. So much for the golden years! As far as the chills I have literally laid on top of Tom to try and get him to quit shaking, you’d think he was having a seizure. Blankets, heating pad, the whole works too! I received a message from his ERCP Doc but was not able to get hold of him tonight. Tom’s nurse said they placed two stents but she didn’t know why. I assume there is a pocket of infection somewhere that they had to get to and then they put one in the normal spot at the scarring site. Hopefully that will do the trick, but having two stents is crazy. Double trouble. Oh well. I’ll know more tomorrow. Good night all. It’s 8 PM and bedtime!! Mary

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