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  • in reply to: Squamous cell cholangiocarcinoma #84936

    Please keep us updated on your mom’s condition. Hoping they can pin this down and find a targeted treatment for your mom to start. Hang in there and sending hugs and prayers for you both!

    in reply to: Coming to the end #85708

    Dear Heather,
    I am so sorry. I appreciate your raw and true emotion that came through your post. This sucks and it is scary and I understand your anger. I agree with Lainy….maybe another opinion and try and direct your anger to what would be the most beneficial for you and Gordon. Stay strong and seek support here and in anyway you can….lean on those who can be strong for you right now. My prayers do go out to you and your husband…..Melinda

    in reply to: New member Wendy from Holland #85257

    I also want to welcome you to this site and send you lots of hugs and support! Praying that the 5FU treatment shows great results. I am also a mother fighting this disease so I know your determination! Stay positive and don’t lose hope….I will be a stageIV, ICC 5 year survivor as of tomorrow!!

    in reply to: I can’t believe I’m here #85591

    Dear Christian,
    I also want to welcome you to this site and am sorry to hear of your mom’s diagnosis. I like her attitude of wanting to make the most of everyday but can definitely understand the days when the thoughts of “Let’s just get this over with” come in……it is a day to day, hour to hour journey. Prayers for both of you….Melinda

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed in North Carolina #85124

    Dear Suzanne,
    I will be praying that your husbands upcoming scan will have great results, and that the two of you can have clarity on the next plan of action. One step at a time is how we all have to take this journey. One thing I do know is that everyone responds differently and you have to find what works best for you. Hang in there and know we are here to help encourage and support you in anyway we can. Hugs….Melinda

    in reply to: Husband Newly Diagnosed with CC #85494

    Dear Janet,
    I am also sending prayers your way for both you and your husband. Prayer is powerful! Please keep us informed of your husband’s progress as we truly care and want to help and encourage anyway we can! Blessings….Melinda

    in reply to: Daughter of Newly Diagnosed 58yo Mom #70614

    Dear Stephanie,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother….as a fighter of this disease …my greatest fear is the hurt and pain it would cause my children if I were to die. So my heart goes out to you. I admire the faith and positive attitude your mother had and I admire the way you portrayed that for all of us. My prayers go out to you for strength, peace and comfort and for the joy of your mother’s memories to fill your mind and heart…Blessings to you.

    in reply to: My mom’s new journey with cancer #85670

    Dear Beadlover,
    Welcome to this site and sorry about your mother. I know you will find lots of support here. Please feel free to ask any questions you need and someone here is bound to find an answer or have an experience to help in your situation. Please keep us informed as to your mother’s progress as we truly do care. I have been stage 4 for five years…there is always hope! Hugs and prayers to you and your mother.

    in reply to: Scan Anxiety Rebuilding #85453

    Dear all,
    I too, think this is a normal fear for any of us to have. I think the trick is….to not stay paralyzed in that fear. We all know how precious each day is and how important it is to be positive and on and on and on……and while I am a firm believer in all of that, I am also human and that fear creeps back in because we all know the possibility is there for growth/reoccurrence. So maybe if we can lean on each other and encourage each other it won’t be so bad in those moments. I have had mixed feelings the past few appointments……I am excited that they don’t want to see me for four months, but dear Lord, that is a lifetime in the cc world. I grew accustom to every one or two month scans the past two years and while I am grateful for the break in scans, the comfort of knowing what was going on was always so reassuring. Hang in there and I am glad we are not alone in this anxiety.

    in reply to: Time for Plan B #85463

    Oh Duke….I wish that I had some advice for you. Chemo was never a good option for me so it is hard to weigh in on this matter. I did have growth with gem alone. I am hoping that you can get some answers for the trametinib trial. I just wanted you to know I am thinking and praying for you to get the answers for your next plan of attack! Stay strong and keep up your awesome attitude! You bring so many smiles to this board!

    in reply to: My dear mother #85410

    Dear Kris,
    I am sorry for your loss. Your mother sounded like an amazing woman, and you sound like you are just like her! Prayers for peace, comfort and strength to you and your family.

    in reply to: New to site #85349

    Dear Nola,
    Congratulations on the STABLE report! I will be keeping you and Neil in my thoughts and prayers for continued good news and successful hernia repair! Take care….Melinda

    in reply to: Introduction #85272

    Dear Jim,
    Welcome to this site….and bless you and your wife! We are all here to lend support, information and encouragement! Please don’t hesitate to ask anything here. All questions and comments are welcome! We learn from each other. Please don’t lose hope….each day is a blessing and remember you are not alone in this fight. Hugs and prayers to you and Kimberly!

    in reply to: New to site #85335

    Dear NolaPat,
    Welcome to this site. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I have been fighting ICC for 5 years now. You will find much support here! There are so many people here willing and able to share information and support! We all care and hope to encourage and help in any way we can! I will pray that your husband’s pain is relieved….hang in there and please stay in touch. Hugs to you!


    Thanks Gavin! I will add it to the scrapbook! :)

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 500 total)