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  • in reply to: My Introduction #80467

    Hi Matt-

    Normal sounds great!!!!
    Thinking of you,

    in reply to: Emotions while dealing with CC #91789

    Although Julie gave a collective one, more hugs from me too !!!!!



    Just to expand on what you said- when we did not know what type of primary cancer Dad had, I received below:

    Thank you for your interest in our Guardant360 test. I am sorry to hear about your father. Unfortunately our test does not diagnose the cancer type, however depending on the findings, it could help his oncologist determine best course of treatment without the biopsy. You should have received an automated email with our patient brochure. I would suggest discussing the option with his oncologist and see if they are willing to order it for him. Feel free to have the office reach out to us if they have any questions.

    Best regards,
    Kim Hallam
    Client Services Supervisor
    Ph: (855) 698-8887

    In our experience, they were wonderful in getting the kit for blood draw and mailing to Mom’s ONC. However, I wonder if for some of the clinical trials that require specific mutations if they would accept the genetic info from the liquid biopsy ( I hope so).


    in reply to: Introduction #91777

    Dear Kay,

    Welcome to our group. I’m sorry your lives have been turned upside down. However, it sounds like you’re doing everything possible to get the CC under control. And, many here were also given the grim survival statistics and have far surpassed them. I hope the treatments continue to keep the positive results coming.


    in reply to: Clear CT Scan #91771


    So happy to hear the great news but so sorry they put you through the worry.

    Take care,



    My mother had the workup done by Guardant. However, by the time the blood was drawn, she had only “dead” tumor so I’m not sure how accurate it was. Also, we did not look over results to look for actionable markers.

    However, I will say that the company was very willing to reach out to Mom’s doctor. They were also very responsive by phone and email. And, they had been willing to accept whatever insurance paid as cost- I’m not sure if they’re still doing it.


    Best wishes,

    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89880

    Dear Tiah,

    I wish for successful surgery, but if some reason they can’t do it, the radiation also sounds very positive. We were heartbroken when they closed my mother back up, but the radiation has given us over a year with her still feeling great and treatment free.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Clean Scan! #91741


    Wonderful news!!!! My Mom’s dead tumor is still there on the scans as well. It was great when she had a PET and nothing lit up (we always worry radiologist is missing something).

    Is plan now just to settle back and periodic scans?

    Take care,

    in reply to: Today’s oncologist visit #91728


    It sounds like a very good day- I love to hear about those. Very exciting about the immuno therapy possibility. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and look forward to hearing more.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: The 2016 Annual Conference in Review #91710

    So far I’ve only watched the patients’ stories and was SO impressed. Things they all shared in common was the need to get second opinions, be a strong advocate for yourself, and make sure you are at a major cancer center which has experience with CC. I often pass along this advice, but it was evident in the 4 presentations that the presenters were all alive because they took control and pushed for options. I was also very impressed to hear that there were 120 online listening in addition to 90 patients in audience. What a great turn out!!!!!

    Thank you,

    in reply to: shortness of breath #91665


    Best wishes coming your way for good scan results. I am surprised that it’s been a year; it seems like a long time.

    take care,

    in reply to: Sad News #91723

    Dear Nancy,

    I’m very sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and Ron’s family. Although many will get hope from the 8 years, I still wish it could have been longer.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Introduction #91707

    Dear Chris and Laura,

    Welcome to our group. 43 and 2 small kids I’m sure kept you busy before this diagnosis. I am very sorry you had to find us.

    My mother was/is treated down the road at UMD. However, if it returns, I think we will visit JHU for a second opinion. She went through 3 cycles of Gem/Cis, and although the side effects were better after the first cycle, she was tired and had some “chemo brain” throughout. You are much younger (she was 74 then) but I can see where work would be out of the question for many. My father is being treated with Carboplatin (different cancer) and the nurse told us not to worry that it was not nearly as harsh as Cisplatin. You are receiving a VERY strong chemo cocktail and I hope it continues to give good results.

    We are seeing many more joining clinical trials. When you go to our clinical trial section, they have stickied the important info and the ones where we have board members enrolled.

    Best wishes to you and your family,

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91694

    Dear Patricia,

    The “one nasty diagnosis” made me think of a discussion I had with my mother yesterday. In 2013, when first diagnosed, she looked online for info, but once her surgery was unsuccessful, she left the online searching to me.

    The other day she saw my FB post for World Cholangiocarcinoma Day and must have started clicking links because during our discussion she asked he to confirm that hers was the intrahepatic CC. When I did, she said that “boy this is a really bad cancer- I had forgotten how bad.” So although it’s a nasty one, some (not enough yet) are fortunate to being living with it and still have a good quality of life.

    I hope your family also gets to the point where they can forget what a nasty one this is; the statistics don’t tell the story for all.

    Welcome to our group,

    in reply to: Please consider sharing on your FB pages……. #91683

    sorry Lainy-

    this one should work if other doesn’t, and there is the facebook link to share at the bottom.


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