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  • in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89945

    Dear Tiah,

    My thoughts are with you and your family. And, although it is hard, try not to second guess what you could have or should have done better. You were a wonderful advocate for her- this is a lousy disease and even with perfect treatment plan, too many times the CC wins.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Hello again ! #94605

    Good morning-

    So happy to see you again and I was able to access your site. I can’t imagine having to go through treatments and have the worries about availability of meds and unrest. DO you have a treamtnet plan in FL?

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Trial of FF 21101-Y-90 Phase I #94575


    Thank you for sharing about the trial and results-

    We love good news!


    in reply to: question about pursuing trials #94682


    Welcome to our group. Although my heart breaks when I hear about a your person being diagnosed with CC at such a young age.

    If you haven’t yet, please read through the homepage for newly diagnosed


    Although you’re correct in starting research yourself into available treatments ( I had to push for my mother), it’s VERY important to have your brother’s case evaluated by a multi-disciplinary team who are familiar with CC. We’ve had members who first were told they were inoperable until they went for second or even third opinions. And, my mother wasn’t operable, but has had wonderful success with radiation.

    I’m also hoping by “bumping” your post again to the top that we may get some to chime in regarding how they got into trials.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93435

    Dear Joe,

    I’m sorry it took me so long to see this. Unfortunately I have no suggestions for treatment, but do want you to know although much too inadequate, you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers. We just lost Dad a few months ago to lung cancer, and we involved hospice early which was a very good thing. However, by that point we knew he physically would not be up to further treatments.

    Lots of hugs,

    in reply to: Magic mushrooms? #94513

    Hello again.. since Marion encouraged me :)

    Not sure if this is correct place to chime in again, but I have noticed that it seems for many things – even drinking contrast for a scan- they often give the same 2 large cups without considering if the patient is a 300 lb man or a 120 lb woman. My mother’s GP knows how sensitive she is to all meds and will often say she is prescribing only 1/2 or even 1/4 strength that she will for other patients. And, when we went through chemo with Dad, they started with the higher dosages as the standard and only after it was too harsh did they cut back. His ONC said it was almost always the case since Dad was older (83) that they tolerated the 75% dose better and statistically it was just as effective. I guess the thought is more is better, but if they went with the dose to begin with based on age/weight etc, I wonder if patients would have better success with being able to stay on the treatments longer.

    Best wishes to all

    in reply to: Magic mushrooms? #94516


    Over the years we have had difficulty with my mother tolerating pain meds. She can not take most without very bad nausea. We have seen overnight hospital stays turn into 3-days for her when they gave her pain meds.

    I’m not sure the class of drug; I think it’s still an opioid, but Dilaudid is a pain med she can tolerate without the nausea. If it does seem to be the meds, you may want to ask for them to switch.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Recently diagnosed Grandmother #93960

    Dear Derik,

    I am truly sorry for the loss of your grandmother to this cancer. However, the love your family had for her is a true testament to what a wonderful woman she was. Thank you for sharing with us.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,

    in reply to: It must be March… Bad news #94199

    Dear Kris,

    I agree it sucks.. So sorry that you will have to add more to the wealth of knowledge you’ve already shared with the board over the years.

    Love and hugs coming your way,

    in reply to: First scan #94316

    Hi ,

    The second time around, more fatigue since she did the oral chemo (xeloda) for 2 weeks before and after. And, a little soreness/bruising in the groin area. I am a bit surprised that the ONC spoke like that about it. Compared to chemo, Mom said she would do it anytime. It is done as a outpatient procedure usually. And, we were fortunate that the few months of fatigue have now given her years of treatment-free life. She still has her port periodically flushed and gets scans every 6 months.

    Mom’s ONC was not very familiar with CC- we lucked out that the interventional radiologist took the lead and truly saved her life. That is the benefit of being where there is a team reviewing the case. Below is further info on Y-90. Can you ask to meet with the radiologist?

    Great to hear the tumor marker coming down !


    Take care,

    in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #83979

    Hi Carole-

    It sounds like the protocol my Mom went through. Her first Y90 was in Feb 2014 and it shrunk the tumor. However, we went back 8 months later (IR doc said 6 would have been ideal) and she had a second treatment in conjunction with xeloda 2 weeks before and after. Although the first Y90 shrunk it, rather than wait for it to start growing back, we were able to kill the whole tumor the second time around.

    I wish you continued success,


    in reply to: First scan #94286


    For us, the Y90 was a the perfect option. for Mom. Although she was fatigued for a month, it allowed her afterwards to go without treatments and live a normal life.

    Best wishes to you and Rich-


    in reply to: Still can’t process “inoperable” #94482

    Dear Trish,

    Welcome to the board. As Lainy mentioned, second opinions are very valuable with this disease. We have had members who were told they were inoperable, but then ultimately found doctors who could perform the surgery. However, my mother was inoperable, so instead she had successful Y-90 treatments. The location of hers allowed them to give a very high radiation dose, so at this point the left lobe of her liver is dead. That’s ok with us because the tumor is also dead.

    Best wishes for you and the family-





    The wrapping and accompanying letter were special too- what a wonderful idea.

    in reply to: Introduction-any help appreciated #94271


    When Mom was first diagnosed, I read so many stories on this board and the journal articles that Gavin posts looking for patients who were surviving longer. More recently, Marion has encouraged those on the board to put their stories under the Survivor Stories chain so some are now easier to find Also, Matt Reidy ‘s story gives much hope too. Although he had surgery, the disease came back and progressed, but keytruda so far is working wonders.


    Tell your Dad we hope for his to be another good news story.

    Take care,

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