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  • in reply to: Fatty Liver question for PCL #57477

    Thank you for responding. It’s just when the Dr. office mentioned fatty ‘liver’ it definitly caught my attention and my breath, it just seems almost too coincedental after losing my mother and my alarm bells are ringing. I will post my Ultrasound report when I pick it up tomorrow when I go see the Nurse Practitioner at the Dr. office and she sent me for blood work the week before, I can see if she’ll give me that info, but I think she was checking Thyroid or something. She was basically looking for an ulser, but then came back with this news. I am still a bundle of nerves, this organ called the liver terrifies me after seeing what happened to my mother.

    in reply to: My wife’s extrahepatic CC #55072

    I am so happy to hear this news. Think of DW often and hope our Canadian System won’t let her down, she has a big enough fight. It was a dark and drizzly day when she went for her scans as have a lot of days here in Ottawa lately, I did think of her that day as it was very close to your first post and have not forgotten. The best Christmas present ever…enjoy and savour it…..the day after my mothers mind boggling prognosis was made…I was driving my 10 year old home from somewhere and crying…she grabbed my hand and said, I have one word mom and it’s SURVIVOR and I held onto that for quite some time. While my mother was a different story, DW has great odds, it’s so evident in all we read on here….I like the thought of thinking of this disease as a “Chronic Illness” as PCL and Marions have referred to it….nothing is impossible…what a good time to watch the Polar Express and Believe.

    in reply to: My wife’s extrahepatic CC #55052


    Best wishes for your wifes scan on Friday. I too live in Ottawa. My mother passed away Jun 1, 2010 at the Ottawa General from Cholangiocarcinoma. Sounds like your wife is getting great care…things weren’t the case so much for my mother. Diagnosed at Queensway Carleton FEb 6, 2010 and only got to see an Oncologist twice….once on April 19th and May 14th for a few minutes. It was a very short and frightening 4 months. I am not fond of the care she received. It may not have changed the outcome, but the journey could have been very different. I am 44 and have an 11 year old too, plus two others… it seems after being on this web site and reading pretty much everyday for almost 2 years now…this disease hits just about anyone….all my best in your fight. Stay on those doctors, don’t let them let her down.


    My mom died June 1st, 2010. It was the most surreal day of my life. Still cannot believe she is gone. Cried last night as I listened to my dad talk of how lonely he is, he wants to move, he hates being in their house as everything reminds him of her. She only had cancer for 4 months of her life that we knew of, the last 3 weeks were the most painful days of my life as my large family sat by and watched her die and battled for a spot beside the bed she hated. We could only hold her hand and stroke her face, to touch the rest of her body was too painful….we couldn’t even hug her. No stents were ever put in her, they waited too long. we could have had more time. Her arms were purple from shoulder to the veins on the tops of her hands. I am still angry after all this time. No one would listen to me, I wanted answers, second opinions and an interested Doctor and any time I brought that up I was shut down. I know in the end the end of this journey would have had the same outcome, but it was such a devastating ride. How is it possible that a 4cm tumor in the left lobe of the liver can consume more than 80 % of the liver within two months? How can a Doctor prescribe thombosis medication which was too strong and she almost bleed to death one day and nothing…. because of that mistake she spent all of May except for 5 days in hospital and never came out and no one is accountable. I don’t get it.


    I hate that my mom died last week of this disease.

    I hate that I’ll never talk with her again.

    I hate that I’ll never get advice from her again.

    I hate that she is gone.

    I hate that no doctor had any interest in saving her.

    in reply to: Looking for Direction #37547

    I too live in Ottawa ON (Canada) and my mother just passed away last week from Cholangiocarcinoma. At first she was told her was resectable and then they changed their minds. She died within 4 months of prognosis. She was someone who was healthy and happy. She only saw an oncologist 2x’s since diagnosis and when she finally got some attention it was too late. In March, her tumor was 10 % of her liver and by mid May, when they did the second scan it was 60 %, so they moved her to pallative care and we watched as she cried and eventually died. There didn’t really seem like any Doctor wanted to touch her case. Stay away from Dr. Asmis at the Ottawa General .

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