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  • in reply to: Mom’s hard fought battle is over #76145

    Dear Donnellalu,

    I’m so sorry about your mother’s passing. I know how it feels as I lost mine too, almost a year ago. I wish I had been holding her hand when she passed but unfortuanatly she died alone in ICU.

    My heart goes out to you.



    in reply to: My beloved mother #76636

    On Nobember 29th, it will the one year anniversary of my mother passing away. I remember this time last year how sick she was and how she said she was a “pain” to everyone as they had to take care of her. My response was “we love you so it doesn’t matter” but she never answered. She also talked about the “quality of life and also said that she knew she would not get better again. Jesus took her away 3 days later to Heaven as he didn’t want her to suffer any more. At least she didn’t suffer more because the nurse said that she would have gone into a Coma eventually.

    Oh Mama, how much I miss you and love you. I miss the look of love in your beaitful green eyes and how much you cared about me like no one else did in my life. I miss hearing her voice every morning on the phone. I feel abandoned and like an orphan. Her spirit will always be with me and she occupies the largest part of my heart which I carry her wherever I go. Why did this have to happen so suddenly? This monster took her away in 8 weeks but at least she didn’t suffer for longer.

    Lainey, my email address is orlysud@aol.com so please feel free to write to me about “The Novel Idea” so I can keep her memory alive. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Since I’ve been working for the past 2 months and taking prescribed anti-depressants etc., it has helped me not cry as much.

    I finally sold her studio in Paris, and have to go there in January and go through all my mother’s belongings and decide what to ship back and what to sell. She was an artist so all her paintings and sculptures will be shipped back plus some of her other belongings. I was very lucky to find a buyer in 3 weeks. It’s going to be so hard to go into her studio even though I will feel her love, and so difficult to hand over the keys to the buyer as I will never be able to set foot in that studio again, after 25 years,

    The French Notaire has been awful with me and she knows that I’m at her mercy because she does all the paper work, she has ignored my emails and only emails when there’s something new and she avoids my phone calls. I have so many questions but she doesn’t answer. I can’t wait till this is all behind me. I have gone through hell not only because I lost my dear mother, but with my family who have so evil with me, and the French jusdical system and red tape that I had to go through to get her studio and sell it. It’s nothing like that in the United States.

    Anyway, just wanted to update anyone who was interested in my life after the death of my darling mother.


    in reply to: RIP mother #75363

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother. This monster took my mother’s life too in 8 weeks on November 29, 2012, and I’m still hurting & crying ever day.

    You’re in my thoughts & prayers and I can most certainly feel your pain.
    Just remember that through this pain, your mother’s spirit is still always with you and she’s watching over you.


    in reply to: Dealing With Loss During the Holidays #17926

    I feel my mother’s Spirit is with me all the time & I know she’s watching over me. I know that it was my mother who gave me the strength to go through all the red tape in France for her estate. The Notaire is heartless and I’m hanging on to the hope that when I die that I’ll be with my mother again eternally. She’s waiting for me for as long as it takes. A butterfly landed on my arm the other day, spread it’s beautiful wings, stayed a few seconds and then disappeared. This happened while I was walking up my sidewalk & I know that was my mother visiting me. How come I don’t dream of her?

    in reply to: Dealing With Loss During the Holidays #17925

    It’s been 9 1/2 months since I lost my beloved Mama. I’m
    still hurting & cry every day. I’ve gone to a Grief Group, therapy and my heart is still is in great pain. I’m still dealing with her Estate in
    France and the Notaire has ignored me and only responded
    when she felt like it and avoids my phone calls.
    The Notaire came back from a 2 1/2 week vacation last
    August 26th and without advising me, she’s on vacation again until the 20th and NO ONE else in her office is allowed to work on my case. She doesn’t keep me updated & I fired my attorney as she never took any action, just made phone calls & sent emails about information that I already knew. I miss my mother so much and wish I could hear her voice. This time last year she was well & alive.
    Oh Mama please help me get through this turmoil.

    in reply to: Grief by Gwen Flowers #74911

    I found this somewhere and thought I should share it since I believe it and hopefully it can help others who have shared the loss of a mother or loved one:

    As I sit in Heaven
    And watch you every day
    I try to let you know with signs
    I never went away
    I hear you when you’re laughing
    And watch you as you sleep
    I even place my arms around you
    To calm you as you weep
    I see you wish the days away
    Begging to have me home
    So I try to send you signs
    So you know you are not alone
    Don’t feel guilty that you have
    Life that was denied to me
    Heaven is truly beautiful
    Just you want and see
    So live your life, laugh again
    Enjoy yourself, be free
    Then I know with every breath you take
    You’ll be taking one for me

    I cried when you
    passed away. I still cry today.
    Although I loved you dearly , and still do
    I couldn’t make you stay. A golden heart
    Stopped beating, hard working hands at rest.
    Jesus broke my heart to prove to me that he
    only takes the best. You’re forever in my heart.
    I know one day, we’ll meet again,
    Until we do just know how much I miss you and
    you are always with me.

    I believe in the “Afterlife” and that one day I will see and be with my mother eternally. She’ll be waiting for me as long as it takes and that’s the only hope I have left.



    I’m hurting so much for my mother. I’m having a bad day! I miss her so much and although she’s always in my hear I’m sometimes in disbelief that she gone. I also know that I will see her again but when??

    I love her so much and she was the only one I trusted & admired. I don’t have the monetary means to seek counseling. It’s going to be worst when I have to go through all her belongings and then let go of her “nest” that she lived in for 25 years in Paris. Crying right now cause I can’t help it.



    Dear Jeeyoung and Dee999,

    It’s been 9 months now since my beautiful mother passed away from this monster of a disease. They changed one of my anti-depressants and hopefully this will help me get through the loss and to deal with my late mother’s estate in France. I’ve gone through hell trying to get all the paper work together required by French Law. It’s so complicated, they take their time and always going on vacation. I’m on the final round which involves a mandatory translation from French into English of the Attested Affidavit and Proxy by a “Sworn” translator. So through my attorney in Paris, I found a “Sworn” translator in Paris, as they do not accept a “certified” translator like we have here. Then I have to have it notarized and may have to fly to Chicago and present the translated documents to the French Consulate to sign again and have it stamped. Once this is done and my Notaire (equivalent to an attorney) in Paris receive the hard copy in Paris, the Deed will be in my name.

    It will be hard for me to go back to Paris to her studio when she’s not there. I miss her and love her so much more than anyone in the world. Every morning, I sit outside (weather permitting) in the back yard with my coffee and cigarette (which I picked up again) and talk to her, cry sometimes, and listen to her through my mind. I believe in after-life and I know that when I die, I will see her again and be by her side eternally.

    While in Paris, I have to have the studio and the contents appraised and pay a 30% inheritance fee once the studio is sold. Also, have to check all the electrical outlets and fix the non working one(s) if any, and also check for asbestos, since the building was built in the 70’s. Then, I can put it up for sale. Once there’s a buyer, according to French Law, I have to wait 2 months to get paid, providing that they don’t back out. I have a deadline of November 28th, 2013, to pay the 30% inheritance tax otherwise they’ll charge me an additional 10%. I have to sell some furniture and ship my late mother’s belongings back here, which are so dear to me, especially the last painting she was working on. She must have about 100 or so paintings that I’m going to ship back. I will set up an art exhibition, as that’s what she always wanted, but I’ll keep my favorite paintings. She gave a few art exhibitions in Paris and sold a few of her paintings but that was years ago.

    I have gone through so many hurtles with the estate to get to this point, let alone the grief of my mother. My family which are my two cousins and aunt have told me to get lost because I didn’t send them a copy of the Will. They lie, cheat and steal so they think everyone else has the same mind set. My attorney said it’s none of their business. As a result, my only family told me to they never want to hear from me again. I only love my 85 year old Aunt who was extremely close to my mother and would love to talk to her, but I have to go through my cousins, and that’s impossible. She has probably been brain-washed by her children and doesn’t know the real truth. I will send them a copy of the Will after I inherit my late mother’s estate so they can see that I was truthful and then maybe they’ll allow me to talk to their mother. My aunt helped my mother raise me.

    I have lost my friends since my mother passed away, except for three friends in NYC (which is where I’m from) who keep in touch with me. An old friend from DC also checks in on me. As far as the friends here in Kansas, well they don’t ask how I am because they don’t want to know. Two of them still have both parents so they have no idea what I’m going through. People really show their true colors when one goes through such tragedy. Everyone grieves in different ways and I’m one of those who will grieve for a very long time, maybe forever even though I will heal in time.

    Someone quoted in the discussion “Watching someone you love so much die helplessly, changes you in more ways that you can imagine.” It has changed my life forever and I know I’ll never be the same again. My outlook on life has changed tremendously and I see the world ways I never imagined. The smallest things mean so much to me.

    Sorry I’m going on and on, but this is the only place people understand as they share the same pain and loss from the same disease.

    I’ve been on interviews but no one is hiring me and I know it has a lot to do with my age (59 going on 60 next month). Maybe it’s not meant for me to work right now since I have to leave for France in September, but then again who knows. I do not want to celebrate my birthday (09/30) this year as that was the date that my late mother was rushed to the hospital. Thanksgiving was the date that I flew overseas to see my mother for the last time and bury her on November 29th. I was grateful that I was able to see her even though it was a shocking sight and was 5 days before she passed away, and I’m grateful that I was there to bury her. I’m sure she was grateful that I was there too. Before Christmas I was in Paris in her studio for the first time without her (a friend came with me to support me) and I was walking around like a zombie in shock. I had to get the Deed and all my mother’s documents in order to start the process with the estate. Since my cousins refused to give me her death certificate, I had to go through the U.S. Department of State to obtain it which took 5 months. I flew on Christmas day back from Paris and did not celebrate Christmas and instead received sympathy cards which was very nice. It was the first Christmas that I didn’t send any cards. So this will be the second Christmas without her so it may be a little better this year, but who knows.

    New Year’s Eve was a big one for me too, as I always called her at midnight Paris time to wish her Happy New Year. I miss hearing her voice over the phone every morning and sometimes I’m in disbelief.

    Thank you for listening and bless you all.



    I have been waiting for a call back to see a counselor.
    I need some relief & I need the legal work to be
    completed in France. I also need to sell my late mother’s
    studio and put it all behind me before I can really
    mourn my losses. I was told that by a Social Worker
    in my Grief group. I don’t know how people get over
    grief but my Doctor said it will take me at least two
    years or more. Loosing my mother was the biggest
    part of my life and my world.


    I’ve been on anti-depressants carefully managed by my doctor, I’ve been attending a Grief counseling group, I’ve been looking for a job, I’ve been biking in the trails and I’m still feel devastated. I miss and love my mother so much and wish I could talk to her and hear her soft loving, caring voice.

    Then we had to put our 18 year old beautiful Siamese down two days ago and all this grief came back and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. Another death! I love animals more than anything and this was a big blow to me. How can I stop feeling pain and crying? I don’t know how much longer I can go on suffering. There was a point where I was feeling a little better but now I feel that I’ve gone backwards.

    I’m still waiting to inherit her estate in France and it’s coming along slowly but surely, but I need it to be finalized before I can access my late mother’s account in Paris and go to Paris to put her studio up for sale. I must sell and clean out the studio before the end of November or else the French government will not only charge me a 30% inheritance tax but will also charge me a penalty of 10%.

    I wish I could borrow some money from someone who had money in order to get by while waiting for the inheritance to be finalized which should be in the next month or so. My friends are not in a financial situation to assist me and I’m running out of money and no one can help me. My mother was always there to help me emotionally and financially. I wish I could find a temporary job, which incidently, I have signed up with a temp employment agency but nothing has been available even when I call them every Monday for hope that there will be something for me. I have been applying and going on interviews but no luck.

    I am mourning and hurting so badly and have never ever been so devastated in my life. I just want to join my mother and be in her arms and feel no pain but that won’t happen for a while.

    I am just lost with words.


    in reply to: My mom #72040

    I am so sorry for your loss. It’s a monster of a disease and many people haven’t heard of Bile Duct Cancer because it’s so rare, like 1% of the population, and growing apparently. I lost my mother 8 months ago and I’m still crying every day and missing her so much. She was my world and was the only person I had. Though my mother looked like an actress and was so beautiful both physically and emotionally, even at the age of 83 1/2, it was hard to believe how much CC changed her face, as she was yellow, one side of her face was paralyzed (did not have a stroke) and her left eye was shut as the cancer had jumped behind her eye. It was a devastating and took her life in 8 weeks. I was grateful to be able to be with her 5 days before she passed but was upset that I wasn’t with her in ICU when she passed away. She wanted to go home but there was no way we could unplug anything! I’m on anti-depressants to help me through each hour, trying to keep myself busy and biking .

    I have not seen my Mama in my dreams because her spirit is with me in my heart and she’s waiting for me to join her once my time is up on earth. That’s my hope that keeps me going that I will one day join her forever. I know she’s watching over me like your mother is and is also with you spiritually.

    I’m glad you found this site, just like I was, and there’s a lot of wonderful people who can identify and give support.

    Bless you.



    Dear Dee,-

    Beb biking a lot and sitting outside in the backyard talking to my mother and crying that all I can do. The doctor just added a third anti-depressant to give me some relief. I’m not use to all this medication. I can totally identify with you and our pains are so similar.

    I’m listening to Memories from Cats and it reminds me of when my mother and I went to the play on Broadway a zillion years ago and makes me cry and I miss her so much.

    Please call me at 785-691-5102. I would love to speak with you. We’re in Lawrence, KS, Central Standard Time.

    I look forward to talking to someone who feels the same way.

    Take care,



    Dear Dee,

    You said ” I want to scream but I can’t. I want to sob but I can’t. I know what that loneliness feels like. I have wished countless times I could take her place. I could ease her pain. There is regret and guilt and will always be there. I lost that one person I loved the most. I know I am never going to be OK. I am trying to learn how to live with it.’ You took the words out of my mouth as I feel that pain. I can’t stop crying because I miss my mother more than anything in the world and keep thinking about the last few days when she was alive including on the ventilator. I did not expect her to die until the doctor told me the day before that she has only a few days. The meds and the therapy are not helping me at all, I’m not getting better. I have a quick fix and then the waves of grief crash into me. I was doing okay for a while but then, I lost it and cry so hard that I hope my neighbors don’t hear me.

    Sometimes I want to die as I want to be with my mother. I’ve lost contact with my family as they refuse to speak with me because of “money.” I have a partner who can only say “I’m sorry” or give me a hug from time to time. I don’t expect more, honestly.

    It’s 103 degrees here in Kansas and I’m stuck indoors. I’m not working and just waiting for the legal paper work to go through in Paris, but when you’re in limbo it’s horrific. I just want to get the estate over with as I don’t have money, as I can’t even find a temporary job, and no one can help me. Before, my mother was always there for me. I keep hearing her say “Don’t worry, it will be okay.” But nothing is happening.

    I just want to get rid of this terrible pain. I feel abandoned, an orphan without the mother that I loved and still love more than anyone in the world. She was my world!!!!!

    Dee I feel for your pain very much. I know that my mother is immortal and that they’re watching over us and that their spirits are with us. They are waiting for us to join them when we pass on. I wish I could talk on the phone with you, could we? Or Skype?

    A big hug,


    in reply to: Bile Duct cancer in patients over the age of 80Are #73401

    Dear Lainey,

    She was doing well except for the Bile Duct cancer. I feel like sometimes doctors don’t care too much about the elderly. She was never hospitalized prior to the diagnosis but they did say that she had it for several years. That was the only health issue she had, that’s why I think it’s strange that they couldn’t do anything. The doctors did say that her bile duct was so soft and delicate that they were afraid to tear it that’s why they didn’t perform surgery. I don’t know why they couldn’t treat her. They said chemo would be too much for her bod to take.


    Dear Dee,

    I forgot to mention that the job that I had accepted a month ago or so, I could not tolerate because it was all about selling satellite radios, which is not what I expected, and I couldn’t focus on anything in training as I was on meds and also I was still mourning my mother.

    I too believe in reincarnation and the “afterlife.”

    I hope you are doing a little better. Thank you everyone for listening to me.

    A big hug,


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