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  • in reply to: Symptoms from biliary stents ? #74392

    Hi Dan,
    So very sorry your loved one is going through this. My mom had 2 internal plastic stents and one external/internal stent. She suffered so much from the stents. They caused infections after infections, pain, hospitalizations, sepsis. The external stents are very uncomfortable/painful. The internal stents, unless they are metal, they clot off, get infected and cause so much suffering. Abdominal pain was chronic after the stents were placed.

    I truly hope your loved one can get some relieve.

    in reply to: Visiting the Cemetry #73193

    I visit my dear mother’s grave at least 2 times a week. ( it is very close to my home) I feel peaceful when I’m there. I know her spirit is not there, but I still go.

    in reply to: My Mom #71802

    Thank you Carrie. My heart goes out to everyone diagnosed with this terrible cancer and their loved ones.

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72154

    I’ve been reading the updates on FB that Lisa C. has been posting on Lauren’s surgery. Been praying for her recovery. With you by her side, I’m sure she will be fine.

    in reply to: New Member – Dad not getting any treatment #71649

    I totally respect your dad’s decision not to accept treatment. If I can be honest, in my mom’s case, the treatments that she received (chemo/radiation/stents) caused more problems, hospitalizations and suffering that I feel she could have avoided if she did not receive treatments. Although reality is that if one does not receive treatment, the cancer may progress faster, but at least I feel my mom’s quality of life would have been better. She was completely asymptomatic when she was diagnosed. Actually she was diagnosed by accident. She was eating well, active and feeling fine. She did started having complications once chemo/radiation started. At the time that your physician tells you that you have cancer, you are in a daze, in denial. Then you get to the stage where you want to try anything that may help. But in my mom’s case, those treatments made her feel so ill, so many complications. Each treatment she received, cause a complication. She could not get a break. We were actually told that after her chemo and radiation, the PET scan came back clean, but then ONE MONTH later, she became jaundice, then all hell broke loose.
    So, respect your father’s choice, I now realize that QUALITY OF LIFE IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY OF LIFE. We learned it the hard way.

    in reply to: Hello I’m new here! #72276

    Hi Terri
    Very sorry what you and your family is going through…. at times I wanted to scream because I was at my wits end seeing my mom suffering so much. She endured radiation, chemotherapy, one external stent, 2 internal stents, infections, IV antibiotics, sepsis, numerous ER visits, hospitalizations. To be honest I don’t know how she endured all of this for 1 and 1/2 years, because I certainly could not have. My mom left us 12 days ago, although I know she is no longer suffering, we miss her terribly.
    It is ok to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, angry. This cancer robs us of our loved ones. If you feel like talking, feel free to contact me.


    in reply to: Double stent #69993

    my mom has 2 internal stents and one external/internal stent. The external stents are a pain in the butt. Make sure you flush them with normal saline at least daily. The internal stents become infected due to blockage. My mom has been hospitalized several times due to infection. All this only after one month after clear PET scan. Can’t understand it.

    in reply to: Going backwards #68396

    My mom had clear PET scan one month after chemo/radiation. Then approx. one month later, she became jaundice. CT scan showed blockage of bile ducts which was treated with two internal stents. One week later, she developed fevers. After two hospitalizations, IV ATB, stent changes, was discharged home. Only to be readmitted again after another infection. During an attempt to place an additional external stent due to blockage of another part of the liver, she became septic and was in the ICU for 5 days. Was placed on zosyn and daptomycin, recovered, sent home for 4 weeks of IV ATB. She’s doing better but now since the external stent placed, a lot of abdominal pain. Can’t win. I hope your sister is doing better. The bacteria that grew: e coli, VRE. Since the clear PET scan, it has been a roller coaster ride.


    in reply to: Overdue update #67046

    Does your mom have metal or plastic stents? They tried to place metal stents bet the structure was so narrow it would not fit. Does she have issues with the stents getting occluded?

    in reply to: Prayers are answered #65301

    Great news Lisa!!!!
    Looks like God answered both of our families’ prayers. We go back in 3 months for another scan. Praying that we receive good new then as well.
    Too bad our appointments are several weeks apart or we could meet at Dr Estfan’s office.

    in reply to: Hello #65195


    I hope your mom is feeling better. I totally understand what you and your mom are going thru.
    My 72 year old mom was diagnosed one year ago. She too went through 6 weeks of radiation. While receiving radiation, she received Gemzar chemotherapy once a week. After radiation was completed, she continued to receive Gemzar for 5 more months. Originally it was scheduled for total of 6 months of Gemzar, but because it was so hard on her body, my mom decided to stop the chemo one month early. I guess it depends on the individual how much they can tolerate chemotherapy. But it was very tough on my mom.
    But, I must tell you, there is hope. My mom was not able to receive surgery because the location of the tumor, too close to the portal vein. But, by the grace of God, her PET scan one month ago showed no activity where the tumor is, therefore, MD states she responded to the treatments well.
    She goes for another scan in 3 months. We continue to pray that she remains stable, that the tumor does not return.
    It’s very hard to see your mom in pain, I very much know what you’re going through and so do all of the wonderful people on this site.
    I hope your mom responds to the treatments, keep praying. I know it sounds cliche, but prayer works.


    in reply to: Frustrated- need advice #64834

    My mom is 72 and received chemo and radiation treatments and I must say, it kicked her butt. It was not easy, but she pulled through it. I too was very concerned about quality of life. Toward the end of the chemo treatments and numerous hospitalizations due to other complications from the cancer, my mom told me that she was tired and after the scans were done, if the treatments did not work, she did not want to continue with chemo treatments anymore. But, I must say that we are so very grateful that she completed her treatments because her scans from yesterday showed that the liver was clear, no tumor. It’s a rollar coaster ride definitely, but we are so glad that she got on the seat and took a chance at the treatments recommended because if she chose not to, I wouldn’t know what would have resulted. The decision will be up to her.

    in reply to: Painful Port #64907

    Sounds like the nurse did something wrong. Was it at the chemo clinic? Most of the nurses there were very good with the needle insertion, but there are few new nurses that aren’t so great. Emily is the best.
    I hope they figure out what it is and fix it soon.

    in reply to: Clear Scans! #64527

    Thanks so much everyone for your encouragement!
    Hey Betsy, hope you are doing well.

    in reply to: Sort of diagnosed?!? #64853

    Dear Randyswife.
    My mom was diagnosed last year. We live in the Cleveland area and we chose to be treated at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. We’ve been with the Clinic for many years and received nothing but the best care from great physicians. If you have any questions, please e mail me.

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