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  • in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70251

    That is awesome, Susie. Lauren really wants to see what this tumor that caused so much havoc in her life looks like. Dr. Sonnenday said to remind the nurses about the pics she wants because he said he tends to focus on the surgery at hand. Haha. Good thing!!

    in reply to: Latest update #71481

    Dear Wilma,

    I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. I hope your heartache can one day be replaced with warm memories. Please let us know how you are doing. Sending prayers, love and hugs.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70249

    WooHoo, Randi!!! All the best with the MRI!!

    in reply to: Another PET down #71470

    Great news, Tiff. That GTX must be some good stuff!! I hope you get a liver soon.


    in reply to: Mum recently diagnosed #71352

    Dear Sam,

    I just wanted to welcome you to this site and say that I am sorry to hear about your mom. I can’t really offer any advice other than to enjoy every moment with your mom and make sure she is always comfortable and pain free. A positve attitude really helps as well. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of your mom. Bless you and your mom.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71371

    Hi Mary,

    I am also sorry you aren’t able to make your trip. I know you were looking so forward to it. But, everything happens for a reason and this might be the optimal time for this procedure. You would have been miserable on your trip and in a foreign country. Another opportunity might come up after you have the SBRT where you can visit Lourdes. I am hoping and praying everything goes well for you, Mary. Take care and God bless.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70241

    Lauren had her MRI on Sunday and we met with Dr. Sonnenday today at U of M. He said he was happy with the way the scans looked. Her liver had filled in where he removed tumors and there were no signs of any more tumors on that side. He said her liver hasn’t regenerated as much as he’s hoped, but considering how much chemo she has had and the Theraspheres, he is happy. Her labs were all in the normal range which is great. He told her she can quit taking the Lasix, potassium, and Lovenox. He thought she looked much better since losing her fluid and her incision is healing nicely. He informed us that Lauren’s next surgery will be on May 15th. That just so happens to be my birthday, and what a great birthday present that will be to have my daughter get the bad part of her liver removed!!! I couldn’t ask for anything better! So, she will be having the right side removed, possible inferior vena cava reconstruction, and portal lymph node dissection. He said depending on the extent if any vena cava reconstruction, this surgery will be between three and eight hours. She will probably be in the ICU for one night and in the hospital for around a week. Lauren’s oncologist, Dr. Zalupski popped in today for a quick visit too, and thought Lauren looked great. We asked Dr. Sonnenday if someone could take pictures of her tumor when it is removed and he said yes. This is the huge one that when first discovered was 17cm. x 19cm. It has shrunk some, but is still quite large. We just really want to see what it looks like. I will probably post a pic on the blog. Lauren is psyched for this surgery and knows now what to expect. Thanks in advance for your prayers. We wouldn’t be nearly as strong if it wasn’t for your support.


    in reply to: LY2801653 clinical trial #70373

    Yay for you, Kris. I’m happy things are going well!!

    in reply to: Ca19-9 steadily rising #71299


    Who does your husband see at U of M? In regards to medication to help you cope, I think you should look into it. I have been on antidepressants because I would cry all the time. They have helped me so much. I no longer cry all the time and I am in a better mood most of the time. I felt drugged up at first, but you have to give it time and find the right drug. I do not feel like I am addicted to drugs. They help me and that is what they are for. When I find that I no longer need them, I will go off of them. I’m telling you, they have worked wonders for me. Please consider talking to your doctor about them. You don’t need to suffer.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70239

    Thanks, Lainy, Susie, and Marion. Lainy, you are CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY!!! But I love you. Haha.

    in reply to: My mom’s diagnosis #71276

    Dear Katya,

    I am very sorry to hear about your dear mother. Please know that we all care and hope for the best for her. I wish for her to be comfortable and pain free. I am here to help you any way I can. You and your mom are both in my prayers.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70234

    Hi everyone. I thought I would update on Lauren for those who don’t read my blog or get on FB. She is doing much better. In the last two weeks, she has lost 30 pounds of fluid. The last couple days she has lost 3 and 4 pounds each day overnight!! She is still tired and loses energy fairly quick and her appetite has not returned very much yet. She is starting to do a little more. She walks when she has the energy. We went to lunch with Lisa yesterday and Lauren and Gio went to his house tonight and had friends over for the first time since her surgery. We will be heading back to Michigan for an MRI on Sunday and labs and a visit with Dr. Sonnenday on Monday. We will probably learn her next surgery date at that time. That is about it for now. I will update when I hear anything new. Thanks for all your nice replies.


    in reply to: Still stable! #71281

    Great to hear the good news, Linda. I am happy for you and your husband. I think it is a great idea to make the most of every day!!! Best wishes for the next scans too.


    in reply to: Treatment Cycles #71194

    Hi Crissie,

    My daughter, Lauren, has been on many different chemos and they were all every 2 or 3 weeks, never every week. I think some people do get it weekly, but I think they would need a rest week in there. Lauren was never totally incapacitated while on chemo. Certain ones would make her very tired for a few days, but she would bounce back. She is in her 20’s, so that might have something to do with it. Every chemo affects each person differently, so there really is no way to know how your dad will feel. I’m sure he will be happy to see you whether he feels good or not. Prayers for you and your family.


    in reply to: Gemzar/Xeloda #71185

    You got that right, Marion. Lainy, you are too funny!!

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