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  • in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70031

    Thank you, Percy.

    Lainy- We can focus on the wedding too. It is Feb.23,2014. It is so weird how calm we are for tomorrow. Must be because we have complete faith in Lauren’s surgeon and in God.

    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70028

    Oh, and I almost forgot. We went wedding dress shopping for Lauren’s dress on Sat. and she found a dress she loves and said YES to the dress!!!

    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70027

    Lainy- My daughter, Kristen told Lauren she might have to have a tube in her nose if she is real nauseous. I don’t think she likes that idea much either, but it won’t be as bad as the big breathing tube. Kristen also said they could have to leave the breathing tube in after surgery for a short time if she is in ICU and they think it will help, but she will be so sedated she won’t know. I know Kristen and Bruce won’t let anything by them. They will be watching her like hawks!!

    Thanks for the support, Julia, Jennifer, and Pam!!

    Lauren is not nervous, just excited!!

    We just found out a few minutes ago that her surgery starts at 7:30 am and we have to be at the hospital at 5:30am. She will probably have to get up at 3:30 because they want her to shower tomorrow morning with antibacterial soap. I made her drink a bottle of Citroma yesterday and she was not happy about that!! Well, gotta go get ready for the big trip!!

    Love to all,
    -Pam and Lauren

    in reply to: Having surgery tomorrow #70105

    Hi Mary,

    Best wishes and hopes for smooth sailing through the surgery. I can’t wait to read that everything went great!!

    Love and prayers,

    in reply to: Flashbacks – SENSITIVE #70124

    Hi Julia!

    I am sorry you are having such a hard time right now. Susan must be on your mind a lot right now since it is coming up on the anniversary of when she passed. It must be so difficult to dream of the painful times. I know you were so sad when she passed and you know how Lainy and Marion always say that the more you loved someone the harder the grief. I think you are doing a great job of getting on with your life by all the traveling and fun things you have been doing, but I know that doesn’t replace the sadness in your heart. I’m sorry for the setback, but I know you will be able to get through it and replace the sad and bad memories with happy ones. I know Susan would want you to be happy, but I understand you miss her terribly. I am sending hugs and love to you, dear friend.



    Hi Exoaria,

    I’m sorry your Mum is sick. I will pray for you, her and your whole family. Please try and stay strong for your Mum.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70021

    Thank you, Kris.

    in reply to: My Sweet Precious Dad Has Passed #70049

    Dear Angie,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. I know he fought a long, hard battle. I hope one day you can remember him with a smile on your face and not the sadness you feel today. God bless you and your family.


    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70019

    Each and every one of you are so dear to me. Thank you for the outpouring of well wishes and love. We feel so blessed to be given this opportunity, but I can’t help feeling so bad for all of you that have lost loved ones, suffered with recurrances, or are not able to have surgery. I hope and pray every day for a cure for CC. I promise I will keep you all updated.

    Grateful to know all of you,

    in reply to: Getting 2nd opinion #70064

    Finally!!! Yippee!!!WoooHooo!!! You can’t tell I am happy about you getting a 2nd opinion, can you. I think that mean, rude doctor has jerked you around for so long. I don’t know how you had the patience to stick with her this long. If I were you, I would call her office and demand to speak with her via phone or tell them that is it. She is fired. There are many other great oncologists in your area. I’m sure others can handle your pump. You don’t need the agravation of a mean, rude, and I think uncaring doctor. Look at how many times you have told us about how rotten she treated you!!! In my opinion, you need to see the 2nd doctor and tell Dr. Meanie to buzz off.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Update on my dad #70000

    Dear mafoster,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. I know there is nothing I can say to mend your broken heart, so I am sending love and hugs your way. May your Dad rest in peace.

    Bless you,

    in reply to: New member introduction #69942

    Hi Jeeyoung,

    I would like to welcome you to this site and let you know that I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I would say like so many others have said, you should make sure the facility you visit for your Mom’s care is very well versed in caring for people with CC. We travel over 3 hours so that my daughter can have great care at a great facility. I have found that I could not handle the pain of having a daughter with cancer, so I sought help and take antidepressants. They help me to be able to stay in control of my emotions and not cry all the time. I couldn’t imagine how I would be without their help. I am not advocating them at all, but they are a true lifesaver for me. The most important advice I could give is to remain strong and hopeful. My daughter was first diagnosed and told she was not resectable. Her chemo was called palliative. 17 months later, she is having surgery next Tuesday and we are all so hopeful. So things can change, and sometimes for the better. I am hoping for the best for your Mom.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: New member #69920

    Hi ghamilton,

    I would like to welcome you to this site and congratulate you on your resection. I would definitely go for the 2nd opinion because I would be too scared not to do some kind of chemo after surgery. You gotta get those pesky little microscopic cells. My daughter, Lauren is having a resection next week and she is already saying she wants chemo afterwards. I am hoping for all the best for you in the future.


    in reply to: Mindfulness Therapy #69970

    Wow, Randi!! I am so proud of you. I think you will be absolutely fabulous working with cancer patients and their families. Lord knows you have had more cancer than anyone can imagine. I think it is very admirable of you to get your Masters, but we all know you are such a great gal.

    in reply to: Update on my dad! #67922

    Hi Nikki!!

    March 26th must be a great day!! My daughter, Lauren is having her surgery that day too at U of M. I know it is scary, but we are all so thrilled for the opportunity. God bless your Dad and I will be hoping and praying for a successful surgery and recovery!

    Love and hugs,

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