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  • in reply to: Latest update on my dad…very sad:/ #69884

    Dear Honeez,

    I am sorry for your pain and the progression of your Dad’s disease. I hope he is comfortable and pain free during his time with Hospice and I wish for all of you to make beautiful memories of the time you spend together.


    in reply to: Had appt w/ Surgeon Today in Prep for SBRT #69849

    Hi Mary,

    3/25 is a great day. My Dad’s birthday!! My daughter, Lauren is having her big surgery on 3/26, so I will worry right along side you!. No, really I am hoping and praying all goes well for you. You have the surgeon that invented the procedure so that is very promising. I wish you nothing but the best.

    Bless you,

    in reply to: Scan and Blood work Tomorrow #69899

    Hoping and praying everything is great!!

    in reply to: Last Chapter…Update on Dad #69437

    Hi Rena,

    Your Dad truly is one amazing fighter. I hope he will continue to improve. Much hope, strength, and love being sent to you and your Dad.


    in reply to: Sad news – sensitive #69866

    Dear Clare,

    I am saddened to hear of your sister’s passing. May her spirit always live in your heart. I am truly sorry.


    in reply to: Mom’s Radiation/Xeloda and Vomiting #69871

    Hi Kristina,

    My daughter, Lauren has been on Gemzar, Cisplatin, Oxaliplatin, 5-FU, and Xeloda. The only one that has made her nauseous is Xeloda. She did not have it as bad as your Mom though. She fought the nausea because she hates to throw up. She took Compazine, Ativan, and chewed mint gum to try to help. She threw up around 2-3 times a month, but felt pretty cruddy on it. I’m sure radiation could play a part as well because the abdominal area is being radiated and could cause irritation. Lauren would try to keep something in her stomach and that made her feel better. She ate rice, mashed potatoes, and crackers to try and help. I feel bad for your Mom having no appetite and feeling bad. Hopefully, once the radiation is over, she will feel better. Have you asked her doctor about 5-FU instead of Xeloda. It is similar, but is in an iv pump you wear for 48 hours. Lauren did much better on that. Hoping for the best for your Mom.


    in reply to: TIL Immunotherapy (An Easy To Understand Version ) #69842

    This sounds wonderful, Percy. Thank you for the easy to understand version!!

    in reply to: new member #69699

    Hi shellina,

    I am so sorry for what your poor husband is having to endure. I’m sure someone will be along that can address your questions about vomiting. I do know from this site that high ammonia levels can cause confusion. While you are waiting for other replies, you could go to the home page and type in vomiting, ammonia levels, Or any other key word in the google search bar to read other posts about your husband’s problems. I hope he begins to improve.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Asbestos exposure #69838

    Hi Susan,

    I am very sorry to hear about your Dad. I am sending you my heartfelt sympathy. I don’t think anyone really knows why a person gets CC. There have been studies about lots of things to try and figure out what causes it. Why would some get it when exposed to certain things and some not. I hope one day we will know why. Why would my healthy(and at the time 25 year old) daughter develop this cancer?? We have all eaten the same food and lived in the same places. It has to be some weird genetic mutation in her case. Thank you for the contributions to this foundation. Hopefully one day we will know more about this terrible disease.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Stents #69823

    Hi Stamatina,

    I would like to welcome you to this site. I do not have any experience with stents, so I can’t help you with that. I have heard that people feel much better after they are placed with regards to itching and high bilirubin. Have a safe trip to Greece and I hope your Dad feels better soon.


    in reply to: A Clinical Trial is Working!! #69812

    Dear Susan,

    This is such wonderful news!! Shrinkage is one of our favorite words!!! It is so promising when new trials work. I wish for the great news to continue and hopefully one day CC will be a cancer of the past.


    in reply to: Intro & Advice Needed #69413

    Hi Apk,

    I just wanted to welcome you to this site and say that I am sorry your Dad has CC. I am happy he was able to have surgery, but I know it is very hard to always worry about what is around the corner. I would definitely feel the same way in that I would want a treatment to start right away as well. I would push for more to happen now, but if there is nothing to see, how do they know what to do? I guess I would want scans sooner than July for sure. I think you are in a difficult place and I hope and pray for the best.


    in reply to: Being detrimental — warning… This is not a happy post #69799

    Hi Kris,

    I’m glad you are blowing off steam. Go out and eat all the steak and drink all the wine you want. It seems you have had one disappointment after another and deserve it more than anybody!! I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself and let loose once in a while. If you want a bowl of ice cream or a drink, then have it. I believe in eating healthy, but not giving up everything. I can’t imagine you not being depressed after all you have been through. I think it would help if you spoke to a social worker or some other professional that did not know you. You could scream, cry and let it all out and they would tell you that you are normal. I also think a few days with Lainy would do anybody wonders. I’m hoping that spring will make you happier. I know you are tired of all this. We know the feeling. We want to get off this ride and lead a normal life. I’m so glad you got this out of your system. You are always the strong one trying to cheer everyone else up. Let us help you for once. You are the dear friend everyone wishes to have. Now go get that big, juicy steak!!

    Love and big, big hugs,

    in reply to: Good news / bad news #69737

    Hi Susan,

    I remember when my daughter, Lauren first had scans, she would always have significant shrinkage. Then when she was stable with no shrinkage, I thought it was the end of the world. That was way back when I didn’t know better. Stable is almost as good as shrinkage. Hopefully, there will be shrinkage in the future and surgery can take place. Please try not to worry and keep a positive attitude. Hoping and praying for the best.


    in reply to: Been a while… but good news anyway! #69766

    Nice to hear from you, Derin. I am so happy that scans are clear and you are living the good life. Can’t get much better than that!!! Please keep us updated.

    Best wishes,

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