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  • in reply to: MRI of my dad and no treatment anymore any advise? #69525

    Dear Mark,

    I am sorry that I cannot offer you any advice. I can tell you that I am very sorry to hear about your Dad and I hope he is comfortable and pain-free. Please keep us updated and I hope someone else can offer some good advice.


    in reply to: Poker fundraiser in the works: need info #69483


    You are AWESOME!!!!

    in reply to: Hepatic Arterial Infusion a clinical trial phase 1 #69496

    Hi kathyd,

    I am so glad you found a place that gives you lots of hope. That’s the name of the game. Best wishes for success with your treatment.

    Lainy- Sounds like lots of fun. I wish we lived closer!!


    in reply to: Last Chapter…Update on Dad #69431

    Hi Rena,

    I am so happy you made it to see your dear Dad. I’m sure he is so comforted by you being there. I am sending many hugs, prayers, and warm thoughts to you and your family.


    in reply to: NIH trial – still working! #68895

    Hi SDAS,

    I know everyone is different in their religious beliefs and everyone has that right. When I say God bless I mean it as a caring thought. I sometimes say I will pray for this or that to a person and I do say a prayer for that person because that is what I believe is a kind, caring thing to do. I do not mean it in any way other than to offer comfort and caring. So, if I ever say God bless or I will pray for you, please don’t be offended. I am with Lainy in that I would never discuss politics or religion on the internet. It starts up arguments quicker than the blink of an eye. On a different note, I would like to say that I am very sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend.


    in reply to: Last Chapter…Update on Dad #69427

    Dear Rena,

    I am very sorry to hear about your Dad. I wish him peace and comfort on his final journey. Please be careful trying to get to him.

    Prayers and love,

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53493

    Hi Tom and Ben,

    Wow, another 3 months!! I’m sorry to hear about the lymphoma, but hopefully it will be manageable. How unfair for poor Ben. I always look forward to your posts and hold my breath every time I go to read them. Not the best news this time, but hopefully cureable. My prayers to both of you and please keep us updated.


    in reply to: Update on my dad! #67910

    Hi Nikki,

    That is such great news about your Dad!! When is his surgery date? I am a huge fan of the NY Med show. That is so awesome that you were filmed to be a part of that show!! Please keep us informed as to when it will air. I am hoping and praying your Dad will have a very positive outcome. Way to get the word out about CC!!!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Clinical Trials #69394

    Hi Laura,

    I’ve told you a few things before about my daughter, but I don’t think I am repeating myself. If I am, I apologize. My daughter participated in a trial that sounds similar to what you are talking about. It was at the University of Michigan Cancer Center. My daughter had to give blood, saliva, cheek swab, and have another liver biopsy for this study. We haven’t heard any results yet, probably because she is in the process of having surgery at the end of this month. When she was first diagnosed back in Aug. 2011, she took part in a clinical study where she received Gem/Cis and 5FU all together. It did cause a lot of shrinkage in her tumors. She had to quit the Cisplatin after a long time because her platelets kept going too low and her doctor was afraid that she might develop kidney problems from being on that particular chemo too long. She has done well on all of her chemos and has also had Theraspheres one time. The verdict is still out as to how well that worked. She is still doing very well and like I said is going to have surgery #1 of 2 on March 26th to make sure she has no tumors outside of her liver, remove some small tumors on the left side of her liver, and cut off the blood supply to the right side for a liver resection to be done 6 weeks later. I hope this helps some. Take care.


    in reply to: Worried that surgery won’t happen #69302

    Hi Lauren,

    I’m sorry I don’t know much about fevers other than with chemo, so I’m not much help. I sure hope things get straightened out so that you can post in the good news section about your Mom’s successful surgery! All the best to both of you. Fingers are crossed and prayers are abundant.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: All Done #69381

    Dearest Notdoneyet,

    I am heartbroken to hear about your precious son. Being the Mother of a daughter with CC, I can’t even begin to imagine what you must be feeling. I’m sure you did everything humanly possible to always make him comfortable and feel loved. That was the best thing you could have done, so be proud of that. I pray one day you can carry your son in your heart with happy memories.

    Much love and many hugs,

    in reply to: Daddy #69379

    Dear Adanclaudia,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Father’s passing. He was strong up until the end and I believe he did wait until you were gone before leaving this earth. What a dear, sweet man. I hope you will one day be able to remember him with no pain in your heart.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Time is Precious #69277

    Dear Clare,

    I am very sorry to hear of your sister’s health. What a great idea to sort through old pictures and reminisce about the good old days. My prayers are with both of you and I hope your sister can rest comfortably.


    in reply to: my father #69308

    Hi Mao,

    Welcome to this site, but I am very sorry you had to find us. I think your English is great!! I’m sorry I cannot provide you with any information about fevers and infections. I just wanted to welcome you and hope that your Dad continues to improve.


    in reply to: My word has shattered at my feet #69287

    Oh Kirstie, I am so saddened to hear about your dear Mum. It must be so difficult for you to even begin to come to grips with all of this. My hearfelt sympathies to you and I hope one day your pain will be replaced with happy memories.


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