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  • in reply to: This Site Saved My Friend’s Life #69327

    What a wonderful post, Jackson. I am so happy for you and your friend. Please keep us posted on your friend’s health. We love, love, love uplifting posts!!!


    in reply to: Fighting girl…new member! #69297

    Hi Laura,

    I wanted to welcome you to this site. I am sorry to hear you have CC, but you are definitely at the right place for support, advice, and friendship. My daughter has CC and has been on all the chemos you have mentioned, gem/cis, just gem, 5FU, and Xeloda as well as oxaliplatin. I think 5FU was the easist for her to tolerate, but is kind of a pain because you have to carry it around with you for 48 hours. Her oncologist switches hers when the chemo starts not being as effective. She has been on gem two different times, so they can go back to one with a different combination. My daughter has been doing this for 18 months and is set to have surgery March 25th. She was told at first she was not resectable, but things change.

    As for diet, Lauren did eat what she wanted and what made her stomach feel good, but gained a bunch of weight plus she was inactive. So now we are eating very healthy, and she feels great. She can still have whatever she wants, but is making smart choices. Since Feb. 11 she has lost 14 pounds. She is also walking every day on the treadmill. She is up to 25 minutes and we are trying gradually to get up to 60 minutes a day.

    There is no excuse for what that nurse said to you. There are always going to be people that don’t think and say the wrong things. I’m sure she meant well, but said it in a dumb way.

    I hope I have covered everything you are concerned about. It is so scary, but as you go on things settle down a little and I hope it does for you. Please keep us posted. All the best.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Newest Member #62309

    Dear Amber,

    I am sorry for the loss of your dear Nana. May she rest in eternal peace. I’m sure she was and still is so proud to have such a wonderful, caring granddaughter. Please tell your Mom that I am sorry as well.


    in reply to: My Lovely Ginger’s Tribute. #69270


    What a beautiful lady Ginger was. The tribute video was very moving. God bless you, Gerardo.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: My brother #69254

    I am really sorry to hear this, Annie. We are trying to get the word out about CC, but it is a slow and difficult process. I had never heard of it before my daughter was diagnosed with it, just like the thousands of other rare cancers out there. I sure wish it were different. I can’t imagine having two family members that have had CC. That is the only thing I can think of that is worse than having one family member with CC. My heart goes out to you and your dear Brother. May he rest comfortably and free of pain.


    in reply to: New Member #69235

    Hi bnanagirl,

    Welcome to this site, but I am so sorry you had to find us. I too feel you are on the right track to seek a 2nd opinion when a doctor says there is no hope and doesn’t even try to help. I agree with Susan that you should seek the largest, most reputable cancer center that is very experienced with cholangiocarcinoma. I think it is up to the oncologist to decide which chemo will work best for each patient. In my daughter’s case, she has always participated in clinical trials when offered to her. If something doesn’t work, then there is something else to try. Make sure to ask for pain meds if needed. The most important thing is to find a doctor you trust to be looking out for your Mom’s best interests, talks and explains everything to you so that you understand, and is compassionate. I was excited when I read you were from Shaker Hts. I would have suggested for you to take your Mom to University of Michigan for treatment. My daughter gets the best care there. But then I see she is in California, so that wouldn’t work. I know Marion will probably be around to direct you to the best cancer center in Cali. I think everyone will feel better once you find a cancer center and oncologist you like. All the best to you and your Mom.


    in reply to: Pain?? #69221

    Haha Lainy! You crack me up. This reminds me of a funny story my husband told me last night. He is a manager for a large car repair facility and had a work order for a person named Kimberly. There was a guy sitting there and my husband said, Well, I guess this must be your wife’s car since I don’t think your name is Kimberly. He was shocked and embarrassed when the guy said, My name is Kimberly. How would you like to have to go through high school with the name Kimberly when you are a boy? I told my husband never assume a name is male or female. Their are guys named Ashley, Lindsay, Shannon, Robin, Chris, Pat, etc. I had a friend in high school that had a brother named Kimberly Gene. Wow! So don’t feel bad, Lainy. Some people use their user name as their name and I really can’t tell if they are male or female. It makes it tough sometimes.

    Milena- Beautiful name and I’m glad we got that straightened out! My daughter has not had any biliary stents. I hope she never has to. I know they are very helpful, but also seem to cause people a lot of problems. I think that is mostly with the plastic stents since they seem to clog quickly and need changing. Lauren had a lot of pain after her liver biopsies. She has had two. The pain did go away though. I don’t really know if she is in pain most of the time because she is very stoic and never complains. Try and convince your Mom to take pain meds if she is in pain. They help so much. Lauren is asked about her pain at appointments too and usually says she is at a 0 because she has no pain with her meds. I hope your Mom’s doctor can figure out what is causing the pain. Take care and I am hoping for the best with your Mom’s scans.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Pain?? #69216

    Hi milenzz,

    You must be very young having a Mom that is only 45. Bless you for caring so much for her. My daughter, Lauren has CC. She is only 26. She had liver pain while on chemo. She always said her liver hurt a lot after having chemo. We figured it was the chemo doing it’s thing! Your Mom should have pain meds. Nobody should ever have to suffer with pain. Lauren has morphine, fast acting morphine, and hydrocodone. Some people don’t like to take medications, but they do help. She takes a long acting morphine every 12 hours and fast acting for breakthrough pain. She doesn’t feel the hydrocodone does much for her so she doesn’t take it much. Lauren has a lot of back pain as well and that is mainly why she takes the morphine. I think her liver gets sore when she is sitting up a lot. Her liver is really big. It feels better when she lays down, but how practical is that when you want to be an active member of society! Don’t give up hope because Lauren was unresectable for 17 months, but recently has been put on the schedule for a 2 part resection. Her first surgery is March 26th!! If all goes well, she will have the big kahuna surgery 6weeks later. Please tell your Mom to ask for pain meds. I can’t believe they haven’t been offered to her. Well, take care and I wish your Mom all the best.


    in reply to: My surgery #69210

    Hi Suzy,

    I am happy the surgery went well and you are feeling ok. Please take it easy and I hope your recovery goes smoothly. Take care.


    in reply to: Caregiver’s Bill of Rights #69170

    Hi Cristerry,

    My daughter, Lauren has been on oxaliplatin and 5FU( that is the one you wear at home) at one time or another. Oxaliplatin is the rougher of the two. Lots of neuropathy in hands, feet, and throat. You cannot drink cold drinks with this chemo or it feels like shards of glass or your throat is closing. Wear gloves when handling cold food or frozen food. My daughter had an allergic reaction to oxaliplatin on the 6th treatment of that particular chemo and cannot take it anymore. She turned beet red, thought her throat and ears were closing, and broke out in hives all over. This is not uncommon for this chemo so be aware of the signs generally around the 6th or 7th treatment. 5Fu is relatively easy for Lauren to handle. Wearing the pack is a pain, but the chemo was ok. I also was trained by the nurses to disconnect Lauren myself at home, which was a lot more convenient. She hasn’t had the other two chemos so I can’t comment on those. I am wishing you and your husband all the best.


    in reply to: reading my pet scan help???? #69230

    Hi Darla,
    Remember, I am just a mom taking care of her daughter with cancer, but from what I have read,I believe that physiologic activity means that a certain level of absorbtion of the radioactive sugar is normal for the head, neck, skeleton, and chest. In other words, it means all of those are normal. FDG is the radioactive sugar used in the PET. It is saying there is no metastatic disease in the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis. I think it sounds really good. Please correct me, someone if you think I am wrong. Your surgery is getting close, isn’t it Darla? I am really excited for you. Take care.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: New member #69197

    Hi Susan,

    I would also like to welcome you to this site. I’m sorry to hear about your husband, but you have come to the right place for comfort, information,and friendship. I’m sure it is very hard keeping your husband’s illness a secret, so hopefully it will help you to talk about things here. I hope your husband decides to tell people about his illness because I am sure he would be met with so much support. I think men have a hard time opening up sometimes and some view illness as a sign of weakness and worry that co-workers won’t think they can handle their job. Sadly, some do get really sick and have to leave their jobs. My daughter cannot work anymore and is on disability. That doesn’t mean she is weak. She is so strong, positive, and hopeful. I wish both of you all the best. Please continue to visit us.

    Love and hugs,


    Dear Rebecca,

    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. How thoughtful of you to try and help everyone with CC. Bless you Rebecca, and may your dear Mom rest eternally in peace.


    in reply to: My Dad’s Passing #69176

    Dear Marinmommy,

    I am sorry to hear your Dad has passed. Try not to think about the what-ifs. Focus on the fact that your Dad is no longer suffering and is having a great time in heaven. I’m sure it is more than difficult not to have his physical presence, but he is still with you in spirit. Please take care.

    Love and hugs,


    Dear Rebecca,

    I am so sorry to hear the news about your dear Mom. My prayers are with all of you. May you find some special time to spend with her.

    Hugs and love,

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