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  • in reply to: NEED SOME HELP #69070

    Hi Diane,

    It hasn’t been that long since your last chemo, so hopefully this is just the effects of chemo. If it continues, I would call your doctor to see if this is normal, mostly for peace of mind. Lauren gets nauseous from time to time and finds that having a little bit of carbs in her stomach helps such as crackers, rice, or potatoes. She also swears that chewing mint gum settles her stomach. I hope this is just a temporary condition and you are back to feeling well soon.


    in reply to: Update on our son, Jeff and questions #69067

    Hi Bob and Nancy,

    It is nice to hear from you again and thanks for the update on Jeff. He sounds so amazing. I am glad he is still doing the things he loves to do. I’m sorry I can’t answer your questions because Lauren has not had either. I hope your 2nd opinion goes well. My prayers are with all of you.


    in reply to: Beat Liver Tumors NYC Fashion Week Video #69050

    I love the video and you!!

    in reply to: We have been chosen again – ASCO sponsored booth 2013 #54586

    This is such exciting news! With all of you representing this foundation, we will be heard and results will happen. Thank you all so much!!!

    in reply to: head spinning from diagnosis #69048

    Hi Helen,

    Welcome to this site, but I am really sorry you had to find us. I know you are in shock at the news about Ron and I can tell you that I know what that feels like. My daughter was diagnosed with CC in Aug. 2011. We thought it was her gall bladder and then a huge tumor was found. It’s like your world is turned totally upside down and the normal you once lived is gone forever. I don’t think anything is normal with this disease. Everyone seems to handle it differently. Some do well for a long time and others pass in a few weeks. I have many a time said the same thing; that I want to wake up from this terrible dream and have the happy, carefree life our family once had. If I may ask, where is Ron being treated? It is important that he is treated at a major cancer center that is well versed in CC. I hope your husband can have chemo and start to feel better. I will keep both of you in my prayers.


    in reply to: My Story #69024

    Hi Daughter,

    I would like to welcome you to this site, but I am sorry your Dad has CC. My daughter, Lauren has CC. She has been on both of the chemos your Dad is on. There are many combinations tried for this cancer. My daughter was never on Gemzar and Oxaliplatin together, but she has been on many others as well. Gemzar is easy for her to handle but usually gives her a low grade fever. Oxaliplatin was pretty rough. She had neuropathy in her hands, feet, and could not drink cold liquids for about a week after treatment. She had an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin on her 6th treatment, which is not uncommon. My daughter has been on many different chemos for 16 months and is now able to have surgery, so please try to stay positive and never lose hope.


    in reply to: Endgame #69033

    Dear Marcos,

    I am sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. You tried so hard to help her and I am sure she was so grateful to have such a wonderful son. May she rest in peace, free from pain and suffering.

    Bless you,

    in reply to: Target Cancer, the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and Research #55491

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful news, Marion!

    in reply to: The Passing of My Wife, Cindy Andrews #69019

    Dear Lanny,

    Cindy was such a dear, sweet lady and will be sadly missed. I hope you keep posting pictures of your precious grandchildren on Facebook. I know they were Cindy’s pride and joy. Cindy always had such wonderful words of encouragement for Lauren and I am forever grateful to have had her as a friend. Take care, Lanny.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: New Member #59030

    Dear Kirstie,

    How unfair that this awful disease took your dear Mum so soon. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope in time that the shock of your Mum’s passing is replaced by wonderful memories of happy times. Bless you, Kirstie.


    in reply to: GINGERS PASSING. #58693

    Dear Gerardo,

    I am so sorry to hear of Ginger’s passing. She is in heaven now, free of pain and suffering. She was very lucky to have such a kind, compassionate, caring husband that loved her so much. My heart goes out to you. Please take care of yourself, Gerardo.


    in reply to: Painful heels #68871

    Hi Linda,

    My daughter, Lauren got really red, sore, peely feet from Xeloda. I found a product online that helped a lot. It is called Lindi Soothing Balm and it made her feet feel so much better. It is kind of pricey, $25.00 for 4 oz., but well worth it. Here is the website and I hope your husband’s cracked heels get better.


    in reply to: Scan Results… #63070

    Hi Helen,

    This is the kind of news we love to hear!!!! I am so happy for you. You are a superstar in my book!! Keep the good scans coming.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: My Dad’s inoperable tumour #60636

    Hi Joel,

    I am not from the UK, but I would still like to welcome you to this site. I am sorry to hear your Dad has CC. I am happy to hear your Dad has gotten better since having the infections, but I am really sorry that he is no longer operable. I’m sure it was so difficult to hear that. I would go with what the doctors say to do as they know best. Make sure they are very knowledgeable of this cancer and ask lots of questions. If you are then not happy with your Dad’s care, seek another opinion if this is allowed. I hope your Dad continues to improve. Please try to keep your spirits high and never give up hope.

    All the best,

    in reply to: Newest Member #62301

    Hi Zanderini,

    I wanted to welcome you and tell you that you are such a special granddaughter. Your Nana knows you love her even when you can’t be there. Don’t beat yourself up about that. Does anyone have a computer or laptop you could Skype with your Nana on? Just a thought. My thoughts are with you.

    Love and hugs,

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