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  • in reply to: CA 19-9 #68719

    First of all, Happy Anniversary!!! I wish you many, many more. It is also great that your numbers are so low. I don’t care if they are definitive or not, a low number is normal and that is what we all want to be!!! All the best to you and your hubby.


    in reply to: Clinical trial specifically for advanced cholangiocarcinoma #68696

    Hi tschildren7,

    My daughter, Lauren just began taking part in a research study at U of M. The name of the study is Tumor Profiling through High-throughput Sequencing: Identification of molecular changes in cancer patients. The study is to offer mutational analysis of tumor samples for patients with cancer in hopes of identifying key genes important to cancer cells that could influence clinical decission making for managing cancer. Basically, this means they are looking for what chemo will work best on an individual’s tumors. They took blood, cheek swab, saliva, and did a liver biopsy. It takes about 4-6 weeks for results. She had it done last week. It is not guaranteed to work, but we feel it will be great if it does. So, hopefully there will be a way to give those tumors a swift kick!!! Just thought you might like to know. All the best to you and your Father.


    in reply to: GI ASCO, 2013, San Francisco, your donations at work #68660

    Hi Marion,

    I know I have told you this before, but you are a rock star!!!! Thank you so much for your tireless dedication. Well, maybe not tireless, because I know you must be exhausted. So, thank you for all you do to help fight this horrible disease. We sure do appreciate it! Love you!!!


    in reply to: Thoughts about Taxotere after xeloda/gemzar has failed? #68655

    Hi Chris,

    I would also like to welcome you to this site and add my 2 cents. First of all, if you have any doubts about your sister’s care, I would seek a 2nd opinion. My daughter is one of the lucky ones that has been pleased with her doctor and her care from the get go. I am not a doctor, so what I am saying is just my opinion and what I have observed with my daughter’s care. I would ask your sister’s doctor about the platin drugs as well. Lauren had good results with Cisplatin and Oxaliplatin. They were both a little rough on her. Cisplatin made her platelets take a nosedive and there were times she could not be treated because they were too low. This is common and happens to many. You cannot be on Cisplatin for a really long period of time because it can cause kidney damage. Oxaliplatin causes neuropathy in hands and feet. You also cannot drink cold liquids or it feels like your throat is closing. Some people have an allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin usually around the 6th or 7th infusion. Lauren was one of them. At her 6th infusion, she turned beet red, her throat and ears began to close and she broke out in hives. Fast action from the nurses and PA got it under control and she can never have that chemo again. They both worked on her, but need to be monitored closely. I hope you discuss other options for your sister. I’m sorry, we don’t have any experience with Taxotere. Please let us know what is going on because we all care. All the best to you and your sister.

    Love and hugs,


    Hi Darla,

    I am so happy for you! I think you are the third person this week that has posted that Dr. Kato is going to help them. I pray for a successful surgery and many happy years ahead. I know that our Kris travels to NYC quite a bit, so maybe she has some pointers for you. I also know our Tiffany uses a flight service to get to MDA. I’m not sure if it is Angel Flight or not. I did pick up a brochure about Angel Flight once when we were visiting U of M. It sounds like a wonderful organization. So, hopefully she can help. I wish you all the best and please keep us updated!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: still so sad #68204

    I am sorry you are hurting so much, Lynn. I am hoping today has been better and every day after that is better than the one before it.


    in reply to: Just received a call from the Surgeon #68581


    You have no idea how much I understand what you are feeling. My sentiments, exactly. Best wishes for you and your Mom.


    in reply to: A warrior has passed on… #68640

    Dear Patti,

    I am so sorry to hear about Bruce’s passing. He truly was a warrior against CC. What a wonderful man he must have been to take the time to raise money for liver cancer research. I am forever grateful for the great work he has done to help others. Bless you all and my prayers are with your family and friends that will miss Bruce so much.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Just received a call from the Surgeon #68578

    Hi Lauren,

    I think it is great Dr. Kato will be able to help your Mom. It is very normal to be scared. Like others have said, he wouldn’t even attempt surgery if he wasn’t confident of being able to help. All the best to both of you. Please keep us up to date.


    in reply to: Update #68504

    Thanks for asking, Lainy. I will post in the member’s cafe section.

    in reply to: Update #68502

    Hi Wilma,

    It is nice to hear from you. It has been quite some time. I am also sorry to hear the news. Have you considered visiting another major cancer center or sending scans to see if someone else can help? It seems as though your husband has had a difficult time of it. As for pain control, my daughter Lauren gets relief from morphine. She takes 15 mg. long acting morphine 2 times a day and 30 mg. fast acting morphine as needed. Some days she need a lot and some days not. She has hydrocodone, but rarely if ever takes it because she feels it is ineffective. Once in awhile a few Tylenol added will help. She always has back pain and they feel it is because the right side of her liver has compensated and grown for the left side and is pushing on her spine. There is no evidence of disease in her spine. I hope and pray for a miracle for your husband. Please come back and visit a little more often.

    Loveand hugs,

    in reply to: I miss you, Mom! #68622

    I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I am sending my heartfelt condolences to you. May your Mom live on in your heart.


    in reply to: Farmer Down, but not OUT!!! #68609

    Hi Tammy,

    I would just like to welcome you to this site. I’m sorry to hear your Dad was diagnosed with this rotten cancer. It is a tough road. My daughter, Lauren is the one with cancer and she is only 26. It seems as you are doing everything right. You feel there might be someone or something better for your Dad. A second opinion is great. We are lucky in that we are very happy with Lauren’s care where she has been from the beginning. If we had not been, we definitely would have looked into somewhere else. It also helps to have a loving family offering support. I hope everything works out with regards to the farm and your Dad’s medical care. I know it is so difficult to deal with things, but try to keep a positive attitude and hope in your heart. All the best.


    in reply to: good news #68594

    I am very happy to hear your wonderful news! I wish everyone could have such a great outcome. We also believe in a positive outlook and have a lot of hope which I think helps immensely. Take care and keep up the great work!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: feel like im going crazy #68019

    I’m glad to hear you are doing better, Lynn. Great to hear from you.


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