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  • in reply to: I’m still hurting #68535

    Orly, You sound like me when I feel I am forced into something. I am quite stubborn and dig my heels in. I think you are doing a great job getting a lot off your chest on this site which is good!! I know it sometimes feels like friends seem not to care, but I think they just don’t know how to act. I also can’t stand when people say “If you need anything, just call.” Yeah, like I would ever call someone and ask them to cook us dinner or do anything for us. I could never. I don’t think you are crazy. You have gone through such a traumatic ordeal and are slowly coming around. We are all here cheering you on. Take care, Orly.


    in reply to: Jaundice and Complications #68372

    Best wishes for you and your Mom. I hope she feels better soon.


    in reply to: surgery scheduled – advice? #68560

    Dear Holly,

    I don’t have any advice because my daughter has never been able to have surgery, but I just wanted to say that I am so happy for you!!! It is so wonderful to hear that you may be cured!! I know it will be a long haul, but God bless and all the best to you!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Mother’s passing #68566

    Dear Deane,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Mother’s passing. By your description, she sounded like such a delight to know. Please accept my hearfelt condolences and I know your Mom will live on in spirit in your heart and the hearts of all who loved her.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Gingers CT – Scan Results. #68192

    Dear Gerardo,

    I am so very sorry to hear the latest news and my heart goes out to both of you. I just wanted you to know that my prayers are with you.


    in reply to: Six weeks since I lost my sweet husband #68253

    What a beautiful, heartfelt post, Mary. I am sure you’ve helped others as well as Laurie. It is nice to hear you are doing well. Take care.


    in reply to: I’m still hurting #68529

    All I can say is that I’m sorry you are in such pain. I hope time will heal your broken heart. We are all here for you.


    in reply to: Update on Roberts treatments. #66830

    Hi Nancy,

    My daughter, Lauren had Y-90. What would you like to know?


    in reply to: 5FU vs Xeloda for my mom who’s 70, your insight please… #68508

    Hi Zonia,

    Let me first tell you about Lauren’s experience with 5-FU and Xeloda. 5-FU was very easy for her to tolerate. The bad thing is the 48 hour pump. You can wear it as a fanny pack or over your shoulder. Since we were 3 1/2 hours away from her cancer center, I was trained to disconnect her pump and flush her port. If not, you will have to go to the hospital to be disconnected or have a visiting nurse come to her house. You cannot shower or bathe while on it either. It’s just a nuisance, but was easier on Lauren. Xeloda causes Lauren to be nauseous and get really sore feet that turn red and peel. It goes away fairly quickly when off of it. It makes Lauren very tired too. I asked the doctorwhy we couldn’t have 5-FU instead of Xeloda. He said it was our choice and Lauren could have it if she wanted. I asked him if he could choose which one to use on her, what would it be. He said he felt Xeloda was better for her because you can control it easier and it is in your system working longer. He said he thought it was a better fit for Lauren. So despite the ease of 5-FU on her, we chose Xeloda because he felt it would work better. If you are not sure, ask your Mom’s ONC what he thinks would be better for her. I can’t say for her because everyone is different when it comes to chemo. I hope I have helped a little. Feel free to ask me anything. I wish your Mom all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: In the middle of this nightmare and seeking info……. #68514

    Hi Kathy,

    My daughter, Lauren has been on all the chemos you have mentioned at one time or another. If you have any questions about any of them, I would be happy to help. Different chemos work on different people. Gem/Cis is the one most people seem to get first. Tomorrow is a new day so put a smile on your face and go to chemo with hope in your heart. I know it is very difficult to be positive when things don’t go well. We have been through this with Lauren, but I do believe it helps immensely to never lose hope and have a fighting spirit. I wish you all the best.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Checking in from SCCA #67393

    Dear Bob,

    I am so sorry to hear of your sister’s passing. May your fond memories of her ease your pain. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Going backwards #68404

    Hoping your Mum starts to feel better soon.

    in reply to: MY CT SCAN RESULTS!!!!!! #68450

    You are one bad a** chick, Kris. I think you would be a great poster woman. If anyone can overcome this cancer, it is you!!!! I sure am glad to have you as a friend. God bless and I am always praying for you!!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Radiation the next three days #68459

    God bless you, Lisa!

    in reply to: Some good news yesterday #68387

    Hi Ilias,

    I am so happy to hear the great news!!! Keep it coming!!

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