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  • pamela

    Hi Bruce,
    My daughter, Lauren had an oncology appt. this past Wed. at Uof M. Her doctor is doing a study on tumor analysis. Lauren is participating. She had a blood test, cheek swab, and saliva test on Wed. She will be having a liver biopsy in Jan. All of the results of this information will be studied to determine what type of chemo would be most beneficial. She is going to be off chemo until around the third week of Jan. Her oncologist said they get better tumor samples if chemo is withheld for a bit before the biopsy. We are very hopeful this will help with Lauren’s treatment. Also, since this is a study, there is no cost to us for any of the tests! I would be more than willing to provide any info or answer any questions you may have. The more we find out about CC, the better. Take care.


    in reply to: Wanted to share #67710

    That is a beautiful poem, Lynn. A perfect tribute to George. I hope you are doing well. Please know that my thoughts are with you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Scan results for Lauren #67300

    Thank you, Andie. It is nice to hear from you. Have a Merry Christmas as well!!


    in reply to: Symptoms at the end #67649

    I am very sorry to hear this, Marinmommy. Sending many prayers your way. Hoping your Dad is comfortable.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: new surgeon and local onc not on same page #67691

    Hi LeeAnn,

    I am very sorry about your news. I think you should wait to hear back from Dr. Fung and see what he has to say before deciding who to go with. He may even agree with the oncologist you have now. I know that Lisa sees Dr. Fung and always speaks very highly of him. In the end, it is your decision on who you feel comfortable with and who you trust to help you. I hope the nerve block helps relieve your pain. I am truly sorry for what you are going through and I hope things start looking up and you receive a clear picture on what the right decision is.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Time for a scan #67698

    Dear Linda,

    I know that waiting for results from scans is the absolute worst!! It sounds as though your husband is doing very well, so I hope his scans are great as well. Try and put it out of your mind and enjoy the holidays. I know, easier said than done. Wishing you all the best.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: New member of “The Club #67674

    Hi Mary,

    I would like to welcome you to this site, but I am so very sorry about your diagnosis. I hope your chemo goes smoothly. My daughter has chemo tomorrow as well. We’ve lost count, but this is the 30 something one for her. I hope you come back and update us on your progress. Take care and God bless.


    in reply to: Hello #67343

    Dear Clarem,
    I am really sorry about the surgery. This seems to happen quite frequently with CC. At least you know the doctors tried the surgery, so now you look for other options. I’m sure it was very heartbreaking to hear the news, but chemo makes many with CC feel better. I wish things had turned out differently for your sister. My thoughts are with all of you.
    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Does 5-FU work just as well as Xeloda? #67669

    Thanks, Nancy. 5-FU is so easy for her, but she hated being connected to the pump for 48 hrs. Xeloda makes her feel awful and she said she would rather have the dreaded pump. Every time we ask Dr. Z, he always says he feels Xeloda is a better fit, but if it is the same, what does it matter. I can’t help thinking the Xeloda must work better because you take it every day and the infusion is just 48 hours. We are definitely going to have a serious chat when we see him on Wed. Thanks again for your input, Nancy.


    in reply to: Scan next week…scanxiety #67642

    Ok guys, I want to get in on this.
    Her goes.

    Randi had her scans today.
    For good news we all did pray.

    Everything looks clear
    the doctor said with a cheer.

    And Randi shouted Yay
    all day!!

    Good luck Randi and I wish you all the best.
    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Hello #67340

    Dear Clare,

    That is great news about your sister’s resection, but I’m sure it is also very scary. I am sending positive thoughts to your sister for a wonderful outcome. Please keep us updated and best wishes to all.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: georges journey has ended #67461

    Dear Lynn,

    I am very sorry to hear of George’s passing. It was so evident from your posts that you loved him so much and that he loved you. My heart is so sad for you. Please know that I care and hope you find some peace in the weeks to come. God bless you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53483

    Hi Tom,

    I can’t believe it has been 3 months since you have written. I’m sure Lainy will be after you! Haha. It makes me so mad when insurance companies think they know more about what chemos you can and can’t have than doctors. So frustrating. I am so happy Ben is doing well. That is wonderful news! I always love to hear when people do better than expected and shock the doctors.Way to go, Ben! Best wishes to you both and have a terrific time in Iowa.

    Hugs and Happy Holidays!


    I have never heard of Gefinitib before. Thanks Gavin!

    in reply to: CA 19-9 Numbers Increase #67572

    I’m glad to see you are taking it all in stride after talking to you today, Lisa. You are such a positive, uplifting person. Lauren and I just love spending time with you!!! Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.

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