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  • in reply to: Blood work on Tuesday #67454

    Best wishes and prayers, dear Lisa.

    in reply to: Scan results for Lauren #67298

    Thank you, Gavin, Maria, and Nancy.


    Here are Lauren’s answers.

    1. 0 doesn’t understand clinical manifestations.

    2. 0 doesn’t understand the word aspects.

    3. 0

    4. 0

    5. 5

    6. 3 doesn’t understand clinical manifestations and would like examples.

    7. 3

    8. 5

    9. 3 If it means per person, I understand. Don’t really know what sub-population means.

    Lauren said you need to “dumb it down” a lot. Give more examples and use words that are understood by the general public.


    Ok Percy. Here goes. The first is mine. The second is Lauren’s.

    Understanding The Condition

    1. I give it a 3 because I don’t understand the meaning of clinical manifestation. I think a simpler term should be used.

    2. 5 because you list examples, which helps.

    3. 3 because again, I don’t understand the term clinical manifestation and would need further explanation.

    4. 3 because I think an example like in question 2 would be helpful.

    Assessment Of Treatment Options

    5. 3 because I think it should say “your” disease instead of “the” disease.

    6. 3 because I don’t like nor understand the term clinical manifestation and I’m not sure if you are asking about the patient or in general.

    7. 2 because I don’t understand what therapies you are talking about and what other aspects you mean. Would need examples. Sorry, I don’t understand the question.

    8. 0 because I don’t understand what the question is asking of me.

    9. 0 because I don’t understand the question at all.

    I will go and ask Lauren now. I will put her answers in a separate post.


    Thanks for all you do, Percy. You are the best.

    in reply to: Oxiliplatin #67441

    Hi Lauren,
    Wow, is your Mom one tough cookie for going through eight cycles of that!! My daughter’s oncologist said that most people, if they are going to have a reaction to Oxaliplatin, will have it the 6th or 7th treatment. Lauren had an allergic reaction to it on her 6th time. I think her doctor was going to try for eight treatments, but she didn’t make it to that. I am not sure of the average number. Maybe Percy has the answer to that. I am hoping for great scans for your Mom and maybe the doctor has another chemo in mind. Take care.
    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Checking in from SCCA #67386

    Hi 8800jak,
    I wanted to welcome you to this site. I am sorry to hear about your sister. My daughter, age 26, has CC as well. While I don’t know about the cancer center your sister is being treated at, I do know about our experiences with Gem/Cis. My daughter was on that for her first chemo along with another chemo called 5-FU. She tolerated all the chemos well. Cisplatin was the hardest on her. Platelet levels tend to dip when on it and they need to be 100,000 or more to receive it. She felt pretty crummy the first few days after chemo then came back around. Make sure they give your sister iv nausea meds before chemo. Lauren always gets a drug called Aloxi, but there are others. Also make sure she has nausea meds for home. We have found Compazine to work the best for Lauren, but many people also use Zofran. Zofran gives Lauren bad headaches. Lauren also lost her hair on this chemo combo, but it has since grown back. She has just been put back on Gemzar so she might lose it again, but if that’s the worst of her worries we’ll take it! Lauren had the best results with that chemo combination, but sadly cancer becomes smart and resistant and another chemo must be tried after time. I am hoping everything goes well for your sister. Please keep us updated. All the best to you both.
    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: update on george #67395

    Hi Lynn,

    I’m glad you are feeling better after your bout with the flu. I’m sorry George is having belly pain, but hope he can enjoy a nice dinner. He sounds like such a sweet man. Take care and hope you have a great time.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: New Member #67371

    Hi mtwebster,

    I am very happy you found us, but sorry you had to. This site is so wonderful in providing information and support. My daughter was diagnosed with CC in Aug. 2011. Has your husband been on Gem/Cis this whole time? If not, what else has he been on? I am also concerned about his pain. He needs to consistently take his pain meds to see results. My daughter takes a long acting morphine in the morning and one in the evening. She has fast acting morphine to take for breakthrough pain during the day. She also had shoulder pain, but not anymore. Her doctor said it was from an irritated phrenic nerve. How often does your husband have scans? I do think a 2nd opinion at a cancer center that is very knowledgeable in CC would be a good idea. As for your sadness, I know first hand how that goes. I got so I was crying so much that I went to my family doctor and he prescribed antidepressants. It was too hard for me to deal with on my own. It was trial and error for a bit, but I finally feel better and don’t cry very often. Just letting you know there are options for you as well. Talking to someone about things might help too. It is just so very stressful and with all those boys to take care of too!! Wow! Please come back and ask questions, rant rave, and vent if you like. We are all here to help. I am hoping your husband can find a way to ease his pain and you can feel better as well. Take care and all the best.
    Love and hugs, -Pam

    in reply to: need help for my dad #67113

    Hi lovedad,
    First of all, I don’t like you calling yourself stupid. You have so much on your mind and are so stressed. Please cut yourself some slack. Secondly, it makes me sad that you feel you cannot count on the doctors. That would be a sign for me to find someone else. There are cancer centers that have very caring doctors and nurses. I say this because my daughter has had nothing but the best care with very compassionate doctors and nurses. It really bothers me that you feel they don’t care. Hopefully, Dr. Shriebman will change your thoughts about doctors. I hope everything goes well. My thoughts are with you.
    Love and hugs, -Pam

    in reply to: need help for my dad #67101

    Hang in there, lovedad. We are all here to offer support and hugs. I am sorry this has been so difficult for you and your family. Hopefully, a plan will be under way soon.

    in reply to: Scan results for Lauren #67294

    Thank you everyone. I feel a great deal of relief for Lauren and so does our family. I can’t help but feel bad for all that are fighting and struggling with this cancer that have not received good news. I hope and pray every day that a cure can be found. God bless you all.
    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: drug induced cataracts #64959

    I am praying for a great outcome, Kris!


    What a beautiful tribute to Teddy. I’m sure he misses you as much as you miss him. I hope it is a little easier for you this year. Take care, Lainy. I am sending love and hugs your way!

    in reply to: Bleeding??? Urgent feedback Needed #67355

    I am very sorry to hear all of this, Rena. I cannot add any advice because I have not been through any of this, but I just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of all of you and I do care. Please keep us informed as to what is going on. My prayers are with you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Desperate!!!! #67251

    Hi Annie,

    I am so sorry to hear about your brother’s diagnosis. I know you can be braver than you say you are to help your brother fight this disease. I am sure it is very difficult for you since watching your dear Mom go through this. Just try and stay hopeful and help him any way you can. We are all here for you. Stay strong and keep us posted on how your brother is doing. All the best to both of you.


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