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  • in reply to: This sucks!!! #65604

    Hi Lindsy,

    I am sorry you are having such a rough time. I understand how you hate being the medical person in this whole thing. I remember reading the CT report to my daughter Kristen, who is a physician, when my daughter Lauren was being diagnosed with CC. She had to explain everything to us while dealing with the grief of it all herself. She also has access to Lauren’s scan reports now before we hear them from the oncologist. It is so difficult for her to tell us anything bad. It hasn’t been that long since your MIL was diagnosed. I am sure your family will come around and realize just how sick she is. It is really awful that she can’t eat. Can someone talk to her doctor to see if there is anything that can be done about lack of appetite and her constant pain? I don’t think a doctor can tell if chemo is working or not unless scans are done. In our experience, Lauren has had scans every three months. Don’t ever say you are sorry for venting. That is what we are here for. I hope things turn around and the chemo starts making your MIL feel better. She is lucky to have you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: taking george to hospital #65499

    Dear Lynn,

    Praying for God to give you strength and for George to find comfort.

    in reply to: New Member #65552

    Hi Bruce,

    I can’t answer your question about MDA, but Lisa or Tiffany might be able to help you. I wanted to welcome you to this site and say that I am thrilled your wife was able to have a resection. It’s nice to see that you got 2nd and 3rd opinions to make sure you were doing the right thing. I wish your wife all the best with her recovery and whatever treatment you decide on. Take care.


    in reply to: New Member #65531

    Hi Amy! I would like to welcome you to this site and tell you that your your Dad’s cancer sounds a lot like my daughter Lauren’s. Her large tumor started out 17x13x19cm. It has shrunk to 9.8×9.3cm. after a year of chemo. Some people will say that chemo doesn’t work, but I know it did for my daughter. She started out with five smaller tumors all 2cm. or less on the other side as well. There are only two that show up now, one which appeared after Lauren had a radioembolization procedure in May and it has shrunk since it was first found. Her large tumor is also wrapped around the portal vein. She was diagnosed in August of 2011 and feels better now than she did back then. I just wanted to tell you all of this to give you some hope. We pray one day Lauren will be able to have a resection and I will pray that your Dad will respond well to chemo and maybe someday have a resection as well. You have to pray for miracles and never give up hope. All the best to you, your Dad, and the rest of your family.


    in reply to: taking george to hospital #65478


    I am saying prayers and sending hugs to you and George. I hope the doctors can relieve his pain. God bless you both.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: How to manage getting care at a distant hospital #65402

    Hi bluebird,

    We travel a fair distance. We are in the eastern part of Ohio and travel to University of Michigan Hospital which is 3 1/2 hours away. The great thing about our situation is that my oldest daughter and her husband live about 15 minutes from the hospital. So we stay overnight and go home the next day. My daughter, Lauren is the one with CC. There are many on this site that travel long distances. A lot of them see doctors near them for chemo and travel every 3 months or so to MDA for scans and consults. I don’t think you would have to move there. Maybe just talk to someone at MDA and set up something where you only have to go once in a while for a few days and then have a doctor near home. I know things can be so overwhelming and sometimes you just don’t want to deal. I hope some of the people that travel far distances will offer you advice. Take care and all the best.


    in reply to: Introduction – Tina R. #65223

    Hi Tina,

    I justed wanted to welcome you to this site. I am very sorry you have been diagnosed with CC, but you have found the best place to be. My daughter, Lauren, age 26 has CC. She has been through the Gem/Cis and had 5FU with it. If you have any questions about that chemo, I may be able to help. You say you are inoperable, but that can change. Lauren had very significant shrinkage while on the chemo you are on now. I hope you continue to let us know how you are doing, share your feelings, and ask any questions you may have. We are all here to help. Good luck to you.


    in reply to: 5 Years Cancer Free #65160

    Congratulations on the best news a CC patient could hear!! You give everyone in the fight so much hope. Thank you for lifting our spirits. Now go out and enjoy your life!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Prayers are answered #65296

    You give us all hope, Lisa. I am so happy for you and your family. Can’t wait to see you again soon.

    Love, -Pam


    Congratulations Percy!!!! You are our very own CC Rockstar!!!!!!


    Hi Percy,

    I could have sworn I thanked you for this when you wrote it. I don’t see a comment from me, so I will thank you now. This had to have taken so much time and I am so thankful to have such a wonderful person to answer any question I may have. You are such a rare gem and I am so honored to know you. Thanks again for all you do.


    in reply to: Update on Jeff – Info on Xeloda, possible 2nd opinion #65381

    Hi Bob and Nancy,

    My daughter, Lauren age 26 has CC. She was diagnosed Aug. 2011. She is on a chemo regime right now of Xeloda and an iv infusion of Oxaliplatin. She started out on 3-500mg. tablets in the morning and 4-500 mg. tablets in the evening. She experienced sore, red peeling feet toward the end of each 14 day treatment. Her doctor lowered her dose to 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening and also added iv’s of magnesium and calcium and she has not had the symptoms anymore. She is tired during the 14 days, but doesn’t let it stop her from getting out and doing things. Previously, Lauren was on 5-FU and some other chemos. 5-FU, the equivalent to Xeloda was much easier on Lauren than Xeloda is. The reason she is on Xeloda instead is that her doctor wanted her on a 3 week cycle rather than a 2 week cycle, thinking that might be easier on her. I don’t think it is easier, but it is nice to only have to make the 3 1/2 hour trip every 3 weeks instead of two. She has had tumor shrinkage on this chemo and does not have any more liver pain, so she is pretty happy. I hope Jeff has an easy time with this. I would be happy to answer any other questions you may have. God bless you all and best of luck to you.


    in reply to: About Trevor Bougill #65357

    Lauren and I were friends with him too on Facebook and through e-mail. We were so shocked and saddened when we learned he had passed back in August. I thought his family might post something on here. I didn’t feel it was my place to share the news. May he rest in peace.

    in reply to: New member #65274

    Hi Cristerry,

    Just wanted to welcome you to this site. It has been such a blessing for me to find it and I hope you will feel the same.


    in reply to: We’re Moving #65349

    Hi there,

    If I am not mistaken, I believe our Susie from this site had a resection there and she was also an oncology nurse. I am sure she could recommend a great doctor, answer any questions you might have, and put your mind more at ease. I hope you will be able to talk to her and I wish you and your husband all the best.


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