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  • in reply to: Referred Pain #63924

    Hi Beth,

    Welcome to this site. I am sorry to hear your husband has been diagnosed with CC. My daughter, Lauren is the one with CC. She has different pain all the time. Some days her back hurts really bad, other days it is the front, and sometimes it is both. And then there are days when she has no pain.She used to get shoulder pain sometimes as well. Since starting a new chemo regimen a few months ago, she isn’t having as much pain. Her doctor told her that the pain in the front and back was most likely caused by her liver. The liver has a membrane over it, that when stretched can cause pain. Her doctor said her liver had gotten larger to compensate for the large tumor in it. Her shoulder pain, and a lot of people get this, is caused by a nerve. Lauren takes morphine and hydrocodone for pain. She also has fast acting morphine for breakthrough pain. Some days she needs it and some days she doesn’t. I hope I have eased your fears a little. I know I feel better when I find others that have the same symptoms, but I wish no one had to go through this. Take care and I wish you and your husband all the best.


    in reply to: Holding my breath again! #63894

    That’s ok Kris. I got you covered in the prayer dept. Best of luck on the scans, but I know they will be good.

    in reply to: First Post-Chemo Scan Results #63665

    That is great news, Kristina. Shrinkage is a wonderful thing around here. I am not a doctor, but I am guessing the doctor wants to wait 6 months to get as much out of the chemo as he can so that the tumor is smaller and he can get clean margins so the cancer can’t come back. That was really nice of you to think of everyone with CC while on your pilgrimage. I wish all the best for your Mom. She is my age. My daughter, Lauren, is the one with CC. Take care and God bless.


    in reply to: Gemzar – #63759

    My daughter got fluids and anti-nausea meds before her Gemzar. This would be about an hour. Her Gemzar ran for about 100 minutes. We always have labs and doctor visit before chemo, so it usually ends up being an all day affair. If you just have to go for chemo and she gets right in, it should only take about 3 hours.

    in reply to: My doctor doesn’t think current chemo is working #63692


    I guess your doctor knows best. I am nervous for you too. But I know you had good success with the prior radiation, so I’m sure it will be the same this time. Taking time off will hopefully help you get your strength back. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Chemo #63701

    From our experience with Gemzar, my daughter got it once every two weeks. She never had it by itself though. She had it with Cisplatin and 5FU and then just with 5FU.

    in reply to: What was your treatment? #63695

    Hi Anna,

    This is a great post. I hope a lot of people respond. My daughter, Lauren, is the one with CC. She has had 21 or 22 chemo treatments so far. It’s hard to remember. She was diagnosed around a year ago and started out with Gemzar, Cisplatin, and 5-FU. The 5-FU was in a pump that she wore for 48 hours. She had good tumor shrinkage after the first two scans. The only side effects she had were being tired and achy for a few days and her platelets would drop a lot from the Cisplatin. After about six months, her oncologist dropped the Cisplatin to give her kidneys a rest. She continued with the Gemzar and 5-FU until she had Theraspheres in May. We did not get the good news we had hoped from that procedure. The scan said her tumors on the side she had done had grown and there was a new 5cm. tumor. We find it hard to believe that a 5cm. tumor could just pop up and Lauren and I both wonder if it is a dead spot from the Theraspheres. She was then put on Oxaliplatin and Xeloda. She has had 2 rounds of that and will have one more and a scan to see if it has helped. She has been way more tired on this chemo regimen and sleeps a lot. I hope I have given you the info you wanted and wish you and your Mom all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: I need some guidance #63645

    Dear Lisa,

    I wouldn’t get really upset and worried if I were you. I have found with my daughter, that sometimes measurements of tumors can differ a little between scans, especially CT and MRI. Hers are always different between the two. As long as the radiologist and oncologist feel your husband is stable, I would listen to them. I would question the difference, but don’t work yourself up too much. Maybe someone made a typing error. I know the last time we got Lauren’s report, it said she had pancreatic cancer, which was a mistake. Mistakes happen all the time. I’m sure if they felt the tumor was growing, they would’ve switched chemo. If you aren’t confident with them, then maybe a second opinion is in order. Sometimes, I think doctors think we, as patients and caregivers don’t know anything, but thanks to this website I have learned a lot. I go in with a list of questions and sometimes, by the looks I get by the Dr. and PA, I know they are thinking “How does she know that?” It is such a good feeling to be informed. Bottom line, for your peace of mind, call your husband’s doctor and ask him why there are two different measurements. I’m sure you will feel better. Please try and relax. I have felt the same way on more than one occassion, and I can tell you that worrying yourself sick does not do one bit of good. Deep breaths and relax! Let us know what happens. I really do care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Thank you letter!! #63628


    Wow!! Dr. Chapman sounds like such a gem. You should find a way to post the picture. I would love to see it!

    in reply to: 5 years cancer free!!! #63599

    That is great news. We sure do love to hear hopeful stories. All the best!!

    in reply to: My mom has been newly diagnosed with CC :’ ( #63607

    Hi mommysgirl,

    My daughter has CC. She did not have similar things happen as with your Mom, but she was on Gem/Cis and 5-FU for her first chemo. She handled all of these chemos very well. She was only tired for a few days and had some times where platelets dropped to low. What I have found out is that every chemo reacts differently with every person. Some work for some and some don’t. Some make some sick and some do not. You never know until you try them. I mainly wanted to tell you that I think it is great you are taking such an active role in caring for your Mom. I wish you both all the best and I hope you come back with questions and comments! Take care.


    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62984

    Lainy-I see a lot of similarities between myself and my girls. Most of those similarities are the things I dont like about myself!!

    Lisa-I can’t imagine you ever yelling at your boys. You are always so sweet.

    Betsy-Yes, it is my regular MD. He asked if I wanted to see a therapist and I said I didn’t think I needed one. I know why I am sad. I really don’t think I want to talk to another doctor. My MD listens well and said if this new drug didn’t work, we will try until we find one that works. Sometime later on, if I don’t feel better, I will consider that route.

    Thanks everyone!!

    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62980

    Thanks for your funny posts. You guys are all the best. I laughed at my comment too, Marion. That’ll be the day when I can be even-tempered and lovely acting!! I guess everyone has their moods, some more than others. I am known in my family to be rather “difficult” at times. And, as my daughters have gotten older, they have inherited this trait as well.

    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62976

    OK, so I went back to the doctor today. Remember, I started out on Zoloft, but it kind of gave me more anxiety than I already had. I called in to the office after a week and my doctor had me try Celexa. Well, I have been too afraid to try it. I told him all of this today. I can feel my mood getting back to how it was when I needed help in the first place. He told me to start off with even a quarter of a pill if I wanted to and take it for a week. (Actually, he said I could start off with a sliver. That cracked me up. I just love this doctor.) If no probs, take a half a pill for a week. And gradually build up. He said that he likes to try at least two drugs in the same class to see if one will work. If it doesn’t he can switch to a different class of drugs. He said what I felt is indeed a side effect, but not that common. He said all of these drugs affect people differently and I just need to be patient to find one that works. Lauren went with me because she wanted to see our awesome doctor too. He is the one that finally diagnosed Lauren with something seriously wrong. She asked him about me taking Ativan when I am totally whacko. He saw no problem with that and gave me a prescription. I don’t know if I will ever take it, but I guess it’s nice to know I have something that will calm me down. Hopefully, one day I will be the even-tempered lovely lady I have always wanted to be.

    in reply to: Why is Xeloda kicking Lauren’s butt when 5-FU did not? #63483

    Hi Melissa,

    It was great to see you too!! I am glad you recognized Lauren and came after us. It probably was the Xeloda with your Mom. Although, you never know. Everyone reacts differently. I hope the Nexavar does the trick for your Mom. I hope we run into each other again at U of M. Take care and the best of luck to your Mom!!

    Love, -Pam

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