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  • in reply to: Why is Xeloda kicking Lauren’s butt when 5-FU did not? #63481

    Thanks Lainy, Percy, and Susie. Susie- He did say that is why he switched Lauren to Xeloda. I told him we didn’t mind going to U of M every two weeks, but he thought this was best. Besides, Lauren really hated the pump for 48 hours. Her Hemoglobin was 11.9 and and normal by U of M’s paperwork is 12.0 – 16.0, so almost normal. Her Hematocrit was 36.2 and normal is 36.0-48.0. Both a little on the low side. I, too think she might just be getting worn down from chemo. Plus, she has been very lucky with feeling pretty good after chemo. This is probably the way most people feel after chemo and I know a lot of people feel way worse. My heart goes out to them. Percy stated that what Lauren is feeling are the side effects of Xeloda. She is going to have one more chemo and then a CT scan to see if it is helping. If it is, then it is worth it. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Cancer Treatment Center or University Hospital? #63383

    Dear Notdoneyet,

    I am thrilled for you and your son that you are getting the care you so deserve. We are all just stating our opinions and every opinion counts. My daughter receives her care at University of Michigan Cancer Center. Not the most popular place to go on this website, but she gets excellent care and we love it there. So, to each his own. For every hospital and cancer center, you will get people that love it and hate it. I am happy you found the place where you and your son feel comfortable, and feel he is being helped. That is all we can ask for. Take care.


    in reply to: Devastated Gerry passed away on 24th July #63467

    Dear Phil,

    I am very sorry to hear of Gerry’s passing. I know he fought so hard and so did you. Please take time to get your strength back. I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but I know only time can do that. God bless you and your sons.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: What Would YOU Do? #63303


    I quit my job to be with my daughter through all of this. There are pros and cons to this. I am always there for her if she needs me. She doesn’t need me all that much a lot of the time and I think she finds it annoying that I am always around. The main thing is that I can drive her the 3 1/2 hours to and from her chemo and doctor appointments. We didn’t get to see each other that much before she got cancer because we worked different shifts. It hurts our family financially with me not working, but I want to be there for Lauren and I told her when she was first diagnosed that I would always be there for her. It is up to you and Donny to decide what is best. I am fortunate in that my husband has a good job and we can squeak by financially. It would be nice to have a job that would be flexible with time off, but mine was not and if I had continued to work there I would’ve been fired for taking too many days off, so my mind was kind of made up for me. Take care and I wish you all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: All About Fish #63459

    If it’s that gross, I’m not even gonna look at it!! Haha.

    in reply to: Mom passed last night ;-( #63410

    Dear mmking,

    I am very sorry to here of your Mom’s passing. May she live on in your heart forever.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Cancer Treatment Center or University Hospital? #63380

    Dear srengle,

    For some cancers CTCA might be ok, but I think this cancer is too rare. I know they try to get you with their shiny, pretty facilities and gracious hospitality. We had a friend that went there and raved about the doctors and the facility. She developed a bad infection in her blood and never recovered. She sadly passed away a week and a half ago. I just can’t stop thinking that if she had gone to a major cancer center that had treated her more aggressively and knew what they were doing from experience with CC, she might still be here today. Just my opinion, but I know I would not take my daughter there. I hope you find the right fit for your husband. Let us know what you decide. Take care.


    in reply to: Please advise #63362

    Dear LisaAnn,

    I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry your Dad has been in such a bad way. Nobody should have to suffer in pain. I am glad you took him to the ER and got his pain under control. I really can’t stand when doctors who really have no clue about CC have to add their two cents worth. It seems like there are a lot of them!! I think dark urine is one of the signs they look for in diagnosing CC. I know my oldest daughter had a kidney infection once and her urine was really dark like that. I hope things turn around for your Dad. All the best to you and your family.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Emotions running amuck!! #62612


    You break my heart. I know you are doing everything you can to help your dear husband. Please come here whenever you are scared or frustrated. We will all try and help you. You have all my prayers. Hope you feel better soon.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lost my beautiful mom. #63270

    Dear Mona,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I hope the hurt you feel today is replaced by loving memories as time goes by. Take care and God bless you and your Mom.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: 2 1/2 years and it’s back #63241

    Hi shel,

    I feel like we have a lot in common. My daughter, Lauren has CC. We also travel to U of M for her treatments and doctors. Who are your husband’s doctors? Lauren’s oncologist is Dr. Zalupski. Her surgeon is Dr. Sonnenday. She was diagnosed with CC Aug. 29, 2011. She did go through a liver biopsy and said she will never have another one because it was so painful. She started out on Gem/Cis and also another drug called 5FU. She had a lot of shrinkage at first. Then it slowed down each time. Her doctor eliminated the Cisplatin after a long time because it is really hard on the kidneys. I don’t think any chemo works forever. You just use it until it doesn’t work and try something else. Lauren had radioembolization in May and we had huge hopes. It seems by the scans that it did not work and she has another 4cm. tumor. Lauren and I both think this is not a tumor and just a big dead spot from the procedure. Anyway, she is now on Xeloda and Oxaliplatin. She continues to fight and will never give up. She is only 26 and has a lot of living left to do!! I hope the Gem/Cis combo works for your husband. Lauren has been lucky with all of her chemos. She gets tired for a while, but bounces back fairly quickly. I know a lot of people have a hard time with Cisplatin. It is a tough one to take. Lauren did have to miss a few chemos because Cisplatin makes platelets take a nose dive in some people. But, a weeks rest usually brought them back up. It is hard to miss a chemo though. You worry about tumor growth when you can’t get it. I am sorry you had some probs at U of M. We have had a few minor things with nurses in the main hospital, but have had nothing but the best care in the Cancer Center. We absolutely love Dr. Z and Dr. S and feel they are doing everything possible to help Lauren to the fullest. I wish you nothing but the best and hope to hear from you again. Feel free to ask me anything. I am here to help.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Great day for scans and Dr. Chapman!!! #63246


    You are just the brightest ray of sunshine. The perfect poster girl for Liver Transplantation. Isn’t it the best feeling to meet a fellow member. We are so lucky to have Lisa near us. We have the best time when we have lunch together. Lauren and Lisa can talk about things that no one else would be comfortable talking about. For the time we are together, I think they both feel normal and are truly happy. Congratulations on your great scans. I am so happy for you!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: It’s been a while! #63212


    Thanks for still caring enough to check in on everyone. I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend. But now he and your Dad can have fun in Heaven. I am glad you and your Mom are doing ok. I’m sure you never get over the loss of someone you love, but hopefully time makes it hurt a tiny bit less. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My new road: radiation? #61781


    I will join your cheerleading squad. Go Kris, Go Kris, Go Go Go Kris!!
    YAYYYYYYYYYYY Kris!!!! I am glad everything is going well and hoping for big shrinkage in those lymph nodes!!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62975

    Haha Lainy. How did you know that was my favorite drink!!

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