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  • pamela


    I am so sorry to hear about your Oli. My daughter, Lauren, is only 26 and has CC too. As a Mom, it is so hard to see my child go through this. As a young wife, I am sure it is equally devastating. I am sure Oli has so many hopes and dreams as does Lauren. All I can say is Lauren takes it one day at a time and tries to make the most of it. It sounds like you and Oli do the same. I will pray for a miracle for Oli as I do for Lauren and so many others every night. God bless you both.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60863


    I didn’t really want to call her doctor’s home, but it was Saturday and I figured if I called the hospital, I’d probably get some resident that wouldn’t know what to do and tell me to take her to the ER. So, I just wanted to hear from her onc. to be sure. That car was pretty sweet and she got in and just took off racing down the street. It cracked me up and made me smile to see her enjoying the wind in her face!



    in reply to: next CT scan on Wed. #61131


    I am hoping and praying so much you will be able to have your resection as soon as possible. I also hope the Xeloda has worked. I think you deserve a chocolate martini whenever your heart desires!! Take care my friend.

    Love you,


    in reply to: Hello From Mississippi!!! #60210

    Dear Brenda,

    I am so sorry to hear of Don’s passing. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I hope that time heals your pain and I pray for God to give you strength.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: question about external bag to drain bile #61037

    Prayers to you and your dear husband. I am so sorry.

    in reply to: New To This Site–Lost My Husband, Neil, To CC #61075

    Dear 4neil,

    My heart breaks for you. You must heal yourself first and let your anger go. Your husband would want you to be happy. Many of us or our loved ones have been misdiagnosed at first. My daughter was told by the first doctor she saw that she had a large chest and her pain was from bad posture. He wanted her to do physical therapy. Four months later, she felt worse and in her gut knew she had cancer. It was confirmed almost six months after the first symptoms. I always wonder if things would’ve been different had she been diagnosed earlier. What I learned from that experience is to question everything and I do. I don’t care how much of a pain a doctor thinks I am. The thing that sticks out to me is that pain medicine was withheld from your husband. I don’t think that is right at all. If you feel things were not handled correctly, maybe you should speak to a laywer. Otherwise, accept that you did everything in your power to help him and begin to heal from this horrible ordeal. Nobody should have to go through what you and your husband did.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60860

    Lauren still has the pain in her left chest. It is up higher than her heart and lungs. Maybe it is a nerve or something? Other than that, she is acting perfectly normal. She took a 30 mg. Morphine last night instead of her regular 15 mg. She said she woke up once and felt higher than a kite. So she laid down and went back to sleep. She said she slept awesome. Hopefully, the pain will subside soon. I didn’t see chest pain on the list of side effects, but Lauren says leave it to her to get the weirdest side effect of all. She continues to amaze me at what her body can withstand. Youth is definitely on her side!

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60856

    After I wrote this, it was really bothering that she was having pain in an area that they didn’t really say should have pain. Then I was worried it was a blood clot or something. So I dug Dr. Z’s card out of our huge cancer file and on the back of his card was something that said Residence number. Could it be his home phone? We called it and a lady answered and Lauren asked for Dr. Z. It was his home number!! Lauren told him about our concerns and he said it didn’t sound like anything to worry about. Probably just a pain from the procedure. How awesome was that!!

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60853

    Update on Lauren.

    Lauren is feeling pretty good. She can walk better than she did after the mapping. She got a shower last night and did fine. She didn’t even have to sit on a chair. She had enough energy to stand the whole time. She has no fever, no nausea, no real pain except for a pain right under her breast bone. I think the liver is up that high and it is in the middle of her chest which means that would be the left side of her liver, which is where the Theraspheres were placed. The pain is not very bad because she only tells me it hurts if I ask. I am amazed at just how tough she is. Never, ever complains about anything. She is a true cancer warrior!!

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60852

    I would love to meet you and your Mom sometime. We used to be at U of M on Mondays, but then Dr. Z switched us to Wed. because Lauren had to have bloodwork at a local hospital the day before we went to Michigan to check her platelets to make sure they weren’t too low for chemo. Sunday didn’t work for labs because nobody was at the Cancer Center at U of M then to get the fax about Lauren’s counts. It’s not fun to drive 3 1/2 hours only to be told to go back home for a week. So we are thankful for that, but liked Mondays better. We would come to my daughter Kristen’s house Sunday evening and spend time with them. Tell your Mom thanks for the offer to stay with her, but we have a place. That is just the sweetest thing. She must be so precious. Maybe we could even all go to dinner sometime after Lauren’s chemo. Lauren feels good after chemo now since they eliminated the Cisplatin. We’ll figure something out. Take care. Say hi to your Mom from us.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Worsening #61106

    Dear Jose,

    I don’t know what to say other than I am very sorry for your sister’s suffering.
    I hope she can find peace and relief from her pain. My prayers are with you both.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Goodbye mom #61124

    Dear Jeff,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. I hope you find peace in that she is no longer suffering, but I know it will be so hard not to see her anymore. She will be in your heart forever and that is what’s important. By the way you write about her, I can tell you loved her so much. She was lucky to have such a wonderful son. Take care.


    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60850

    Hi Percy,

    I will keep a diary what happens every day to let others know what happens with Lauren. And yes, we were told about it not being FDA approved, but Lauren’s doctors all thought it would be a good option for her and are very hopeful of a good outcome. She knows to take it easy and I will make sure she does. Thanks for your wisdom.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60847

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for caring about Lauren. We got home today and Lauren spent all day in her bed. She said her liver feels like when you wring out a washcloth only it is her liver being wrung out. She comes up with the craziest ways to explain things!!

    in reply to: My husband has it too #61088

    Hi Dianne,

    I just wanted to welcome you to this site. I am sorry you had to find it. You have a lot of friends here that are ready and able to help you. We are all in this together whether we are caregivers, family members or the person with CC. I hope you find a treatment center you trust and feel comfortable with. All the best to you and Chris.


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