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  • pamela


    I know Kim also had it, but considering all she is going through I don’t want to bug her. I messaged her the other day to ask her about her newest problem. I just feel so bad for her. She is just so awesome. I really hope she catches a break one of these days. She sure deserves it.



    Thanks Tiff and Erin. I am concerned about the Y90 because Lauren is feeling so good now, but I’m all for it if it gets her closer to surgery. Tiffany- I hope you get to get it too. I know it works for some people and doesn’t for others. I just have to hope it will work for Lauren. Erin- Oh my. Your poor Dad had kidney stones too! That is awful. I’ve had those and they are sooooo painful. I hope that is why he didn’t feel well before and he just sails through this time. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Enlive #59128


    I hope the new drinks help. Why do you think you are weak? Is it from the chemo? Are you not eating very much or not hungry? Sorry to ask so many questions. I’m just concerned because you remind me so much of Lauren. I guess I feel like I have to mother you. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Stepmummy’s surgery today #59092


    That is wonderful news that your Stepmum was able to have surgery and had clean margins!! I am so happy for all of you. I will pray for a speedy recovery.


    in reply to: Husbands cc #59133

    Hi Teresa,

    I just wanted to say welcome to the family. I am sorry that your husband has CC, but glad you found us. I will always be here to listen to you and comment if I have an answer. Take care and know you are among friends.


    in reply to: Lumpectomy was negative #59097

    I’m still doing the Happy Dance for you!!

    Love, -Pam


    Hi Erin,

    Thanks for answering. Do they do the procedure more than once? I was under the impression it was only a one shot deal. Is the procedure painful? As for putting on weight, that is not a problem. Lauren has gained like 40 lbs. since she started chemo. We think it is from the steroids. They cut her steroid in half and she is way better with her mood and appetite. She has always been a bigger girl and would love to lose some weight. She did lose around 40 lbs. before she was diagnosed with CC. Not a great way to lose it though. She is off her Cisplatin and feels so much better. She just gets Gemzar and 5FU. We are so hopeful this procedure will allow her to have a resection. I will pray for your Dad. Thanks again.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58359

    Glad you are on the road to recovery. I cheated and read about it already on your blog. Good luck at your doctor’s appt.


    in reply to: Dad #59074

    Dear Brenda,

    I found your name on your profile. I hope it’s ok to call you by your name. I just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for your loss. It seems like some people get sick and go down hill so fast. I am really sorry this happened to your dear Dad. You did everything you could to make him comfortable by putting him in hospice. God bless you and may your Dad rest in peace.


    in reply to: Update on Ben #53463

    Hi Tom and Ben,

    I remember when your trip was cut short. I think that was when I first found this site. It seems like a lifetime ago! I am glad to hear that Ben is still doing great. I wish you all the best at your MDA visit. Much love to you both.


    in reply to: Phase I Clinical Trial Working for me #58794


    Happy to hear the great news. Keep up the great work.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: when to call? #59006

    Hi Tonya,

    I am sorry your husband is not doing so well. It breaks my heart that he has just had enough. I know he has had more than enough hard times with his colitis and now this. I hope he can be made comfortable and pain free. I will pray for you and your family that peace can be found. To answer your question about having pain, my Lauren has pain in her back a lot. Once in a while she will have pain in the front too. But it is mainly in her back. She takes Morphine and it is tolerable most days. She is very tough and never complains. I would be whining all over the place. God bless you and your family.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Scan #58917

    Thank goodness they approved you for your new treatment. Let’s hope it shrinks all your tumors away!! Good luck, Cindy.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Linda – BEST CAREGIVER – Ready to help you…… #58954

    Dear Roni,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. I know she has been suffering with this disease for a long time and I hope she has finally found peace in heaven. I hope you find peace as well. God bless you both.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: always worring about my chemo #58923


    Belieeeeeeve me when I say, I worry enough for everybody who has CC. So I got you covered. You need to find something better for your time. Seriously though, you could ask your doctor for some good anti-anxiety medicine. I know Ativan is for anti-anxiety. Do you ever take that to calm yourself down or just to help you sleep? I hope you can relax and quit worrying. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

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