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  • in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57366

    Grover,Captain, whatever you would like to be called today,

    It brought tears to my eyes to hear that you can have a resection. What a miracle. I am beyond happy for you and your family. I will be praying for a successful surgery and clean margins!! Bless you. God heard those loud prayer pants! Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: In Hospital pain in Solar Plexus – Action Plan required #57320

    Dear Pru,

    I am sorry for I also do not have any answers for you because my Lauren does not have any of what you say your husband has. Only right side pain, back pain, and a stomach pain after chemo. She used to have pain in her right shoulder also, but doesn’t seem to get that much anymore. It is so hard to see someone you love suffer. I pray for a plan of attack to make your husband feel better. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Good News! #57341

    Awesome news, Cindy. You must be so relieved. I sure am happy for you. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Happy Awareness Month! #57129

    Give that hubby a High 5. Awesome job.

    in reply to: What Chemo should be used for me? #56283

    Good luck Derrin!! Take it easy with the handyman stuff for awhile. You deserve a rest. All the best to you and your family.


    in reply to: No chemo again #57294


    I’m sorry you have to go through one thing after another. Hope your scan is good and a plan is set forth. I agree with Grover. Push to get what you want. Take care and I am praying for good things to come.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Ground Hog #57305

    Thanks for pointing it out to us Darla. Rick is awesome!

    in reply to: Hi #57246

    Hi Lee Ann,

    I just wanted to pop in and say hello and wecome to this site. There are so many wonderful people here and I hope you visit often. You already seem to have gotten a lot of great advice. My daughter has CC and is not able to have surgery at this time. She is on chemo and her tumors are shrinking. It is our dream that one day she might be able to have surgery. It is awesome yours was so successful. Hope to hear from you in the future. Take care.


    in reply to: ? I’ve never seen this asked on this board ??? #57163

    Lauren’s doctor said there was no way of knowing. She only had symtoms for 6 months. Pain, weight loss, feeling full after eating a few bites. Thought it was gall bladder problems. First doctor told her she had bad posture and needed physical therapy!!

    in reply to: Platelets are up, Michigan here we come. #57144

    Hey Betsy. Lauren says Hi right back and told me to tell you she is thinking about you. Can’t wait to see you again. Take care.

    Thanks everyone for the warm wishes. We love each and every one of you!

    in reply to: Bad day #57154

    Everyone has their bad days. Sometimes I think it is twice as hard in the winter months on the dreary, dark days. You have every right to feel bad at times. This cancer really sucks. You can beat yourself up about would’ves and should’ves, but it won’t change anything. So think positive thoughts ( I know, easier said than done sometimes.) Believe it or not, I am one of the world’s biggest pessimists, but since Lauren has gotten sick I have to make myself think positively. I have always wished to be the bright, sunshiny, life is beautiful type of person. But I’m not. I am getting better though. Little things that used to send me over the top don’t really matter anymore. I am going to enjoy having my daughter around me as much as I can. That is what matters to me. I really feel that trying to help others helps me more. Speaking to others in a positive light makes me feel more positive. I hope you get what I’m saying. I feel like I’ve been through a therapy session with myself!! Take care JToro and just know that there are a lot of us that really care about you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Green Tea for cancer? #56487


    So happy to hear the word benign. We don’t hear that enough around here. The thing that makes Lauren feel the best after chemo is chicken fingers. Go figure.

    Grover and Cindy- praying for big time shrinkage for both of you!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: What Chemo should be used for me? #56277


    You put most normal men to shame. I don’t mean you are abnormal. Just that you are a member of the elite CC club. I hope your energy keeps up. Sounds like you are doing great. That’s what we like to hear around here. Take care.


    in reply to: My mother’s updates #57116

    Dear Fatema,

    I would say it is a good thing that they are the same and have not grown. Of course, we would all like to see them shrink. Sending good wishes and prayers to you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: just learning about CC #57062

    Hi Jessica,

    Welcome to our family. I have a daughter named Lauren that is 25 and has CC. It is such a terrible blow to be dealt bad news. Your husband is in shock right now and doesn’t know how to deal with all of this. We know the feeling. Lauren’s doctor told her she would not live more than 5 years. But darn it, we are gonna try everything to prove him wrong. Lauren has one huge tumor that started out the size of a canteloupe. It has shrunk in 3 months to the size of a grapefruit. She has 5 smaller tumors on the other side of her liver and most have shrunk to barely visible. The largest is under 2 cm. Chemo seems to be helping her. You have to keep the faith and never, never give up hope. Your husband is young and strong like Lauren. He needs to give it the good fight. Lauren always says she has too much she still wants to do and can’t die yet. Your husband needs to fight for you and your young children. I’m sure he will come around once a game plan is in order and you find a more positive doctor. I think some of these doctors act that way because they deal with cancer every day and they have to distance themselves and remain cold or they would crumble. It is a shame to the poor patient that wants to hear something positive. I am here for you Jessica. I find this discussion board to be very helpful. I can say what I want and do not feel judged. I think it will help you too. Take care and I will be praying for your family.


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